Wednesday, February 21, 2024

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Stock Selection List from 21-Feb-24

The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here. 

This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABB 4984.7 10.2 308972 154.01
AKSHARCHEM 298.6 11.9 41413 1.24
AYMSYNTEX 90.5 7.7 131009 1.19
BHAGERIA 182.6 6.7 109943 2.01
DSSL 846.6 16.6 54896 4.65
GAEL 403.5 4.5 884266 35.68
GICRE 425.2 4.3 4137084 175.91
HARSHA 420.4 4.7 106966 4.5
HMVL 115.5 6.4 402775 4.65
PANSARI 106.7 10 11509 0.12
RAYMOND 1873.7 5.8 286121 53.61
RGL 133.7 16.9 418465 5.59
UNITEDTEA 366.8 5.6 8246 0.3

Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABB 4984.7 10.2 308972 154.01
BHAGERIA 182.6 6.7 109943 2.01
DSSL 846.6 16.6 54896 4.65
GAEL 403.5 4.5 884266 35.68
GICRE 425.2 4.3 4137084 175.91
HARSHA 420.4 4.7 106966 4.5
HMVL 115.5 6.4 402775 4.65
RAYMOND 1873.7 5.8 286121 53.61
RGL 133.7 16.9 418465 5.59

Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADVENZYMES 405.9 1.1 419736 17.04
ANTGRAPHIC 1.6 3.1 1048231 0.17
AYMSYNTEX 90.5 7.7 131009 1.19
BHANDARI 10.8 4.9 1481237 1.6
BOROLTD 387.6 0.9 296377 11.49
CAMS 2989.6 4.5 311809 93.22
CARYSIL 1040.4 4.9 157783 16.42
ESTER 102.7 3 325640 3.34
GAEL 403.5 4.5 884266 35.68
GODREJCP 1236.1 0.7 1540786 190.46
HAVELLS 1414.8 1.4 805658 113.98
HDFCGROWTH 113.3 0.6 3245 0.04
JALAN 6.3 9.6 33240 0.02
JFLLIFE 47.2 2.7 30920 0.15
MAWANASUG 104.6 0.6 221328 2.32
MEDICO 87.5 1 515154 4.51
NILASPACES 5.3 1.9 957316 0.51
ORIENTBELL 384.1 1.4 33784 1.3
PATINTLOG 26 4.8 1358932 3.53
PRECOT 351.1 3.2 23557 0.83
ROLLT 1.6 3.1 289415 0.05
RPPL 265.4 3.9 113463 3.01
SAMBHAAV 5.3 4.9 294169 0.16
SETF10GILT 226.7 0.5 11603 0.26
SHAREINDIA 1994.1 3.8 148860 29.68
SPECIALITY 249.8 0.9 251747 6.29
SURYODAY 182.7 3.5 910233 16.63
TATACONSUM 1160.8 0.6 1735752 201.49
TATASTEEL 143.9 2 40278177 579.6
TIRUMALCHM 245.1 1.4 847428 20.77
VINNY 4.3 4.9 469897 0.2
WALCHANNAG 221.6 4.8 268082 5.94
WELINV 771.3 3.2 785 0.06
WEWIN 81.5 10 22086 0.18

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