Wednesday, February 14, 2024

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Stock Selection List from 13-Feb-24

The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here. 

This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AUTOIND 159.8 15.8 495587 7.92
BOROLTD 386.4 12.1 238850 9.23
CTE 90 20 200243 1.8
LUMAXTECH 416.6 7.1 192266 8.01
MRO-TEK 87.5 20 131588 1.15
REDINGTON 199.1 9 2389470 47.57
TIMETECHNO 199.1 14.6 2163259 43.07
TOUCHWOOD 171.2 10 3080 0.05

Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AUTOIND 159.8 15.8 495587 7.92
BOROLTD 386.4 12.1 238850 9.23
LUMAXTECH 416.6 7.1 192266 8.01
REDINGTON 199.1 9 2389470 47.57
TIMETECHNO 199.1 14.6 2163259 43.07

Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABSLNN50ET 58.8 1.8 11214 0.07
ADVENZYMES 414.6 7.8 545865 22.63
AISL 82.8 3.6 6672 0.06
ALKEM 5293.4 2.8 272793 144.4
ATALREAL 16.4 9 1135075 1.86
BAYERCROP 6024.1 1.1 24287 14.63
BSOFT 843.1 2.3 2323955 195.93
DCMSRIND 209.3 10 451215 9.44
DIVOPPBEES 72.8 0.8 47004 0.34
DLF 829.4 2.7 5130347 425.51
DODLA 1008.1 4.2 151427 15.27
DSPNEWETF 280.6 0.7 14065 0.39
DYNAMATECH 6838.3 4.5 27708 18.95
EKC 161.2 2.5 1399388 22.56
GANESHHOUC 704.3 10 314334 22.14
GEECEE 291.6 3.3 60921 1.78
GMRINFRA 89.8 5 59289484 532.42
HDFCVALUE 124.3 0.3 5033 0.06
HPL 321.9 9.8 709849 22.85
KAYNES 2905.4 1.4 164640 47.83
KIMS 2184.1 2.6 111436 24.34
KOTAKNV20 138 0.7 23735 0.33
LICHSGFIN 631 1.7 2735430 172.61
MAANALU 160.8 4.3 166684 2.68
MOMOMENTUM 59.3 0.7 51126 0.3
NCC 218.3 2.6 7445643 162.54
PRIVISCL 1250.8 1.1 33246 4.16
RAINBOW 1275.8 1.7 161131 20.56
SANDESH 1332.5 2.9 8568 1.14
SANOFI 8958.3 2.9 15168 13.59
SETF10GILT 225.4 0 11374 0.26
SIEMENS 4313.2 2.2 338737 146.1
SIMPLEXINF 89.3 3.7 170236 1.52
SPLPETRO 625.6 4.2 107745 6.74
SUPRIYA 342.8 3.7 648120 22.22
UCOBANK 56.6 2.7 41218011 233.29
UNICHEMLAB 519.3 3 89124 4.63
UNIINFO 40.2 9.2 51117 0.21
UTISXN50 72.6 0.9 4486 0.03
VERTOZ 760.9 3.4 407067 30.97
VOLTAS 1100.2 2.3 2100141 231.06
ZEELEARN 7.7 4.8 1032344 0.79

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