Thursday, December 30, 2021

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Stock Selection List from 28-Dec-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ALPHAGEO 389.3 20 46223 1.8
AROGRANITE 83 11.6 167109 1.39
AVADHSUGAR 466.9 12.2 86930 4.06
BASML 81.7 6.5 202654 1.66
BGRENERGY 69.3 13.1 298774 2.07
BHAGYAPROP 36.9 5.7 76661 0.28
CEATLTD 1214.2 11.7 100000 12.14
DPWIRES 227.4 10 14318 0.33
DSSL 166.1 11.5 44971 0.75
ELECTHERM 141.9 20 35895 0.51
GALLANTT 76.7 10.3 58387 0.45
INDORAMA 57.3 6.9 106657 0.61
INVENTURE 3 20 6960517 2.09
JAGSNPHARM 181.8 12.5 179599 3.27
JHS 24.9 9 122006 0.3
JINDWORLD 219.9 6.2 496387 10.92
JUBLINDS 643.3 20 55505 3.57
KCPSUGIND 25.6 8.7 454615 1.16
KMSUGAR 27.9 11.6 365762 1.02
KOTARISUG 34 8.8 204619 0.7
KOTHARIPRO 99.6 10 7124 0.07
MOLDTECH 86.3 8.3 52947 0.46
NAHARPOLY 291.1 16 67372 1.96
NIITLTD 481.1 14 1375073 66.15
NIPPOBATRY 504.6 3 27404 1.38
ORIENTABRA 29.6 5.9 169162 0.5
ORIENTALTL 10.9 3.8 164518 0.18
PDMJEPAPER 38.1 10.3 181602 0.69
PENIND 34.5 8.5 755580 2.61
PILITA 8.9 19.5 1007229 0.9
RAMCOSYS 483 6 174689 8.44
REPL 217.2 4.3 44280 0.96
SANGAMIND 305 5.8 130117 3.97
SHIVAMILLS 131.6 20 38206 0.5
SKMEGGPROD 76.3 11.4 137430 1.05
SWELECTES 261.7 11.3 27168 0.71
TALBROAUTO 404.6 5.1 136946 5.54
TIMKEN 2046.2 5.5 69872 14.3
TRIL 34.8 15.2 421280 1.47
UNIENTER 142.8 20 14281 0.2
UTTAMSUGAR 186.3 8.9 41477 0.77
WANBURY 87 4.8 23471 0.2
WELSPUNIND 148.9 4.8 1905339 28.37

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AGROPHOS 26.6 4.9 198022 0.53
AJANTPHARM 2264.7 4 77003 17.44
ALLSEC 576.8 5.3 58517 3.38
ALOKINDS 26.2 3.4 12619303 33.06
ALPA 67 2.8 181494 1.22
ASIANPAINT 3368.2 2.9 1351104 455.08
AURIONPRO 274.3 5 91025 2.5
BAJAJHIND 15 4.9 4407706 6.61
BRNL 30.4 3.4 55829 0.17
CCHHL 9.4 3.9 157099 0.15
CEBBCO 44.4 4.6 254144 1.13
CENTENKA 437.3 4 53978 2.36
CREATIVE 424.6 2.1 37652 1.6
DAAWAT 77.7 1.2 2072126 16.1
DEEPAKNTR 2442.3 4 1096588 267.82
EBBETF0430 1195.8 0.2 13403 1.6
FCL 138.2 3.8 895099 12.37
FLEXITUFF 23.3 5 58317 0.14
GANGAFORGE 21.6 3.9 1123469 2.43
GOENKA 1.6 3.1 376462 0.06
GOLDTECH 97.7 5 147148 1.44
GREENLAM 1749.3 1.7 40073 7.01
GREENPANEL 427.9 1.3 410221 17.55
GRINDWELL 1852.8 3.6 124856 23.13
GRPLTD 1052.1 3.8 1586 0.17
GTLINFRA 1.9 2.7 36160633 6.87
GUJRAFFIA 39.1 4.8 4295 0.02
HAVISHA 2.2 4.8 114622 0.03
HCL-INSYS 19.6 4.8 1613424 3.16
HDIL 5.5 4.7 361567 0.2
HGS 3286.3 1.1 19327 6.35
ICICIALPLV 177.4 1.1 33824 0.6
ICICINV20 97 0.9 31310 0.3
IFCI 17.4 9.4 12716157 22.13
ITI 122.8 4.2 463932 5.7
KITEX 192.9 1 508701 9.81
KOTAKNV20 98.6 0.7 27271 0.27
KRIDHANINF 6.7 4.7 230165 0.15
MANAKSIA 67.2 3.2 59472 0.4
MANINFRA 98.8 2.1 1590535 15.71
METROPOLIS 3445.3 3.3 344607 118.73
MIRCELECTR 29.1 2.5 1401978 4.08
NAGREEKEXP 38.1 5 15307 0.06
NDL 114.4 1.6 425370 4.87
NETFNV20 100 1.1 10982 0.11
NILAINFRA 6.8 4.7 252518 0.17
PALREDTEC 226.3 4 86583 1.96
PENINLAND 16.4 4.8 291362 0.48
PIDILITIND 2472.8 3.1 567710 140.38
PRAKASHSTL 5.9 4.4 1908313 1.13
RADICO 1186.1 2.7 433593 51.43
RHFL 4.7 4.4 1524400 0.72
SHRENIK 2.6 18.2 9285571 2.41
SHRIRAMEPC 8.7 9.4 1851447 1.61
SHYAMCENT 15.8 9.8 306266 0.48
SUNPHARMA 815.1 2.6 3772082 307.46
SURYALAXMI 72.5 6.5 24771 0.18
TVTODAY 429.8 1.5 437016 18.78
UTTAMSTL 5.3 4.9 1009772 0.54
VIKASECO 2.6 4 7001597 1.82
VIKASPROP 2.1 5 3662253 0.77
WABCOINDIA 8392 2.5 10106 8.48
ZENSARTECH 498.7 6.1 1826099 91.07

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADVENZYMES 323.6 -0.9 139814 4.52
APOLLOPIPE 536 -0.7 114156 6.12
MASKINVEST 34.3 -5 354 0
MODIRUBBER 75.3 -1.2 2616 0.02
PVR 1285.2 -3.7 1160901 149.2
ROML 73.2 -0.9 7620 0.06
SMSLIFE 772.3 -1.7 8661 0.67
STERTOOLS 174.9 -0.4 29675 0.52
SUNCLAYLTD 3837.7 -2.2 12566 4.82
TASTYBITE 12828.2 -0.9 2828 3.63

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Good stocks from today's list:

Big % potential stocks (but risky): 

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