Monday, December 27, 2021

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Stock Selection List from 24-Dec-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AKG 45.7 19.9 60185 0.28
APOLLO 126.7 5.7 154901 1.96
DAAWAT 79 5.4 2147357 16.96
DLINKINDIA 156.4 7.2 390474 6.11
EVERESTIND 477.3 7.2 83874 4
GUFICBIO 222.2 4.3 390384 8.67
IZMO 84.5 9.2 91981 0.78
MADHUCON 9.2 4.6 108685 0.1
MARALOVER 98.3 9.9 67462 0.66
NAHARCAP 346.3 5.7 18531 0.64
PREMIERPOL 82.7 9.9 16930 0.14
PRESSMN 30.8 4.6 64333 0.2
SHARDACROP 339.5 6.8 158669 5.39
UJAAS 3.9 4.1 2123108 0.83

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AIRAN 24.1 2.8 140897 0.34
BALKRISHNA 28.8 4.9 8384 0.02
CENTURYTEX 913.6 2.7 490017 44.77
DIGISPICE 44.4 5 101809 0.45
ECLERX 2359.1 3 70963 16.74
GDL 293.4 1.6 253019 7.42
GODREJIND 630.1 1.5 257288 16.21
KEYFINSERV 114.7 6.1 36575 0.42
KSCL 531.3 2.4 114821 6.1
LEXUS 16.1 4.9 13440 0.02
LTI 7166.6 1.9 437644 313.64
MIRCELECTR 28.8 4.4 1406350 4.05
PALASHSECU 88.7 6.3 19066 0.17
PRAENG 20.4 5.2 156021 0.32
RAJSREESUG 34.2 4 49600 0.17
RSSOFTWARE 39.9 4.2 253579 1.01
RSYSTEMS 307.6 1.2 240252 7.39
RUCHINFRA 8 4.6 103265 0.08
SAREGAMA 5083.4 3.5 13815 7.02
SPMLINFRA 21.4 4.9 102286 0.22
TEXINFRA 61.2 6.1 66469 0.41
VAKRANGEE 42 12.6 4677522 19.65

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
20MICRONS 55.9 -3.5 207070 1.16
AKZOINDIA 1974.1 -2.3 11867 2.34
AMARAJABAT 611 -1.6 885609 54.11
APCL 298 -1.4 46780 1.39
ARROWGREEN 118.8 -1.9 46111 0.55
ARVINDFASN 272.9 -2.2 246467 6.73
ASTRAMICRO 227.8 -1 912555 20.79
AXISBANK 667.5 -1.7 11918420 795.55
BANKINDIA 51.5 -2.2 8659135 44.59
BASF 2775.5 -1 39279 10.9
BATAINDIA 1825.7 -1.7 526918 96.2
BDL 381.6 -1.2 340473 12.99
BEML 1654.7 -3.2 569842 94.29
BHEL 57.1 -2.9 46149139 263.51
BROOKS 94.3 -5.3 49181 0.46
CNXPSUBANK 2496.6 -1.9 67705 16.9
CONCOR 602.3 -3.2 1446852 87.14
COSMOFILMS 1327.5 -1.3 63001 8.36
DABUR 563.7 -1 1924991 108.51
DNAMEDIA 2.4 -4 133026 0.03
EIHAHOTELS 324.5 -1.8 21374 0.69
EIHOTEL 120.5 -3.5 701251 8.45
GEEKAYWIRE 78.8 -5.1 19618 0.15
GIPCL 78.5 -1.5 332274 2.61
GRASIM 1610.9 -2.9 933852 150.43
GSPL 292.7 -1.5 983296 28.78
HARRMALAYA 147.9 -2.6 51798 0.77
HUDCO 39 -1.8 1874653 7.31
ICICIMCAP 101.5 -1.1 21579 0.22
IIFL 271.4 -4.6 1263231 34.28
INDIANB 137.6 -2.8 5501983 75.71
JINDALPHOT 261.8 -3.8 65005 1.7
JOCIL 185.9 -4.3 17338 0.32
JUBLFOOD 3434.3 -2.8 588949 202.26
KARURVYSYA 45.3 -2.1 5589318 25.32
KAYA 416.8 -3.4 27828 1.16
KIRLOSENG 175.8 -1.5 443996 7.81
KOTAKPSUBK 246.9 -0.9 35147 0.87
KUANTUM 77.8 -4.4 94366 0.73
M&M 812.6 -1.7 4116411 334.5
MAGADSUGAR 237.8 -2.3 17559 0.42
MAHLIFE 226.8 -4.1 145583 3.3
MANALIPETC 106.5 -1.8 380476 4.05
MANGALAM 118.4 -0.8 35969 0.43
MCX 1581.8 -0.8 761767 120.5
MMFL 727.6 -3.1 13499 0.98
MPSLTD 625.9 -2.8 28564 1.79
MUKTAARTS 45.6 -2.4 78892 0.36
MUNJALAU 49.8 -1.7 109802 0.55
NATHBIOGEN 248.7 -1.2 45943 1.14
NCLIND 212.2 -0.7 176680 3.75
NMDC 132.6 -1.7 12052007 159.81
NTPC 121.3 -2.6 13336508 161.77
OCCL 933.4 -0.9 9732 0.91
ONMOBILE 96.3 -3.1 366442 3.53
OPTIEMUS 300.9 -1.4 134616 4.05
PFC 118.1 -2 5330700 62.96
PNB 36.9 -3 75678558 279.25
POLYMED 904.1 -1.9 84286 7.62
PSUBNKBEES 27.3 -1.9 2243828 6.13
PVR 1318.9 -2.9 1118363 147.5
RBLBANK 172.9 -2.8 9946601 171.98
RKEC 61.7 -0.9 32851 0.2
RUPA 400.1 -1.1 199820 7.99
SANGHIIND 55.1 -1.3 623962 3.44
SHREDIGCEM 71.2 -2.5 296235 2.11
SILINV 291.5 -1.6 3254 0.09
SMSLIFE 776.5 -1.3 9130 0.71
SPENCERS 99.1 -3.1 728357 7.22
STARPAPER 124.3 -1.8 44884 0.56
SUNCLAYLTD 3869.1 -1 12624 4.88
SUNDARMHLD 76.8 -0.2 205679 1.58
SUNFLAG 66.8 -2.6 335797 2.24
SUVENPHAR 480.4 -2 233804 11.23
TATAMTRDVR 225.9 -3.2 6594576 148.97
TEJASNET 409.6 -1.6 392614 16.08
THOMASCOOK 60.5 -2.2 572414 3.46
TTKPRESTIG 947.6 -1.6 354457 33.59
UFO 92.8 -2.2 455920 4.23
ULTRACEMCO 7224.8 -1.6 338271 244.39
UNIDT 383.4 -2.9 91653 3.51
UTISXN50 47.6 -1.7 2202 0.01
VBL 839.4 -1.2 452217 37.96
VISAKAIND 579.9 -1.6 23840 1.38
WELENT 91.8 -1.8 191005 1.75
WELINV 268.1 -1.6 5531 0.15
WHEELS 623.6 -3.4 14538 0.91
WIPL 50.1 -1 1893 0.01
WONDERLA 202 -2.3 80357 1.62

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Good stocks from today's list:

Big % potential stocks (but risky): 

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