Tuesday, March 5, 2024

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Stock Selection List from 04-Mar-24

The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here. 

This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ARIES 315.1 10 361494 11.39
ASPINWALL 297.8 17.3 41985 1.25
BBTCL 294.8 9.8 19761 0.58
DCMNVL 217.6 19.9 75542 1.64
GANGESSECU 150.9 18.4 25182 0.38
GULFPETRO 84.8 24 559583 4.75
JSWHL 6814.8 5.3 16439 11.2
KALYANIFRG 468.5 8 3336 0.16
KNAGRI 148.1 5.7 37024 0.55
MURUDCERA 59 11.3 70333 0.41
NSIL 3781.1 10.4 8014 3.03
ONELIFECAP 19.8 4.5 44261 0.09
PREMEXPLN 1647.4 6.1 64458 10.62
SILINV 547 21.3 9965 0.55
SMSPHARMA 165.7 12.5 691448 11.46
SOLARINDS 7288.4 6 97881 71.34
TDPOWERSYS 329 12.2 597241 19.65
TTKHLTCARE 1583.1 6.1 22127 3.5
UNIINFO 51 6.5 150822 0.77
WEALTH 569.5 21.4 5169 0.29

Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ARIES 315.1 10 361494 11.39
GULFPETRO 84.8 24 559583 4.75
JSWHL 6814.8 5.3 16439 11.2
NSIL 3781.1 10.4 8014 3.03
PREMEXPLN 1647.4 6.1 64458 10.62
SMSPHARMA 165.7 12.5 691448 11.46
SOLARINDS 7288.4 6 97881 71.34
TDPOWERSYS 329 12.2 597241 19.65
TTKHLTCARE 1583.1 6.1 22127 3.5

Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABCAPITAL 190.9 2.1 6663292 127.2
ALLCARGO 87.8 2.9 5703943 50.08
ALPSINDUS 2.4 9.3 100806 0.02
ASAHISONG 336.5 2 31090 1.05
AUROPHARMA 1090.9 6.3 2898345 316.18
AVROIND 151.1 5.1 107654 1.63
AXISBNKETF 480.8 0.4 7530 0.36
AXISGOLD 54 1.3 111303 0.6
BANKBEES 483.3 0.4 951793 46
BANKNIFTY 47456.1 0.4 110347 523.66
BSLGOLDETF 56.8 1.8 58242 0.33
CEATLTD 2893.7 1.8 249342 72.15
CNXPHARMA 18960.2 0.7 110347 209.22
DEEPINDS 263.3 5.6 201462 5.3
DIVOPPBEES 74.7 0.8 48641 0.36
DPABHUSHAN 791.4 2.8 20379 1.61
ETHOSLTD 2789.9 8.3 75962 21.19
GAEL 404.6 1.1 821027 33.22
GODREJPROP 2492.1 2.6 787123 196.16
GOLDBEES 53.9 1.9 4107857 22.14
GOLDSHARE 54.1 2 89548 0.48
GUJRAFFIA 52 9.1 9798 0.05
HDFCAMC 3856.5 1.9 510696 196.95
HDFCLIFE 610.3 3.4 4344026 265.12
HDFCMOMENT 31.2 2.5 130599 0.41
HINDCOPPER 284 4.4 14141506 401.62
IDFNIFTYET 241.3 0.9 628 0.02
ISEC 834.7 0.7 515552 43.03
JSWENERGY 516.9 2.6 4024206 208.01
KALYANIFRG 468.5 8 3336 0.16
KAUSHALYA 781.5 4.9 89145 6.97
KAYNES 3104.3 5.4 163775 50.84
KHAITANLTD 81.4 2.9 63021 0.51
KIRLOSBROS 998.2 6.3 63298 6.32
KOTAKBKETF 483.9 0.5 270974 13.11
KOTAKGOLD 54 1.8 406621 2.2
LAURUSLABS 417.6 1.9 2186065 91.29
LEMERITE 60.2 3.7 61504 0.37
LEMONTREE 143.3 1.5 7442124 106.65
MASPTOP50 38.5 1.1 187711 0.72
MEDICO 89.1 1.5 649413 5.79
MFSL 1000.6 3.3 1081678 108.23
MGL 1541.7 2.9 506871 78.14
MINDACORP 428.6 1 645786 27.68
MOVALUE 95.2 2 121966 1.16
NATCOPHARM 994.8 1.2 1012750 100.75
NATIONALUM 166.8 3.7 38196146 637.11
NETF 237.7 0.7 6220 0.15
NILAINFRA 14 9.8 2637576 3.69
NSIL 3781.1 10.4 8014 3.03
ONGC 279.2 3.2 23071276 644.15
PATINTLOG 26.9 7.2 1200001 3.23
PEL 966.9 3.3 1240842 119.98
PKTEA 391.2 9.6 1079 0.04
PNB 126.1 1 74263525 936.46
QGOLDHALF 53.5 1.8 40288 0.22
RALLIS 262.1 3.6 938073 24.59
RAMCOSYS 331 3.7 165463 5.48
SAIL 141.7 6.5 49540298 701.99
SETFGOLD 55.4 1.7 877528 4.86
SETFNIFBK 479.3 0.5 151601 7.27
SHRADHA 71.3 5.2 31948 0.23
SOMICONVEY 107.6 4 10394 0.11
STARTECK 343.9 10.2 8100 0.28
TATAPOWER 391.8 3.8 16807700 658.53
UNIINFO 51 6.5 150822 0.77

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