Wednesday, December 13, 2023

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Stock Selection List from 13-Dec-23

The daily list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
BEPL 103.2 9.3 1094151 11.29
BHAGERIA 176.9 6.2 72382 1.28
BIOFILCHEM 54.2 5.4 57806 0.31
CHEMBOND 566.3 14.6 79574 4.51
CTE 85.3 18.6 216863 1.85
DEVIT 147.5 12.1 46233 0.68
DHANI 42.8 4.4 1079752 4.62
EVEREADY 363.6 5.3 142049 5.16
GALLANTT 110.8 13.9 270826 3
HPL 220.9 10 261208 5.77
ICEMAKE 657.8 10.6 68281 4.49
ICICIPHARM 104.6 1.4 34253 0.36
KITEX 230.6 10.1 234123 5.4
LOYALTEX 751.6 15.7 1346 0.1
LYPSAGEMS 6.3 9.6 45245 0.03
NAZARA 855.6 6.2 301123 25.76
PARAS 726.6 3.6 231481 16.82
PCJEWELLER 34.1 12.5 4407549 15.03
PRECAM 267.9 5 134533 3.6
TANLA 1090.9 17.9 889465 97.03
TFCILTD 131.9 18.7 1424918 18.79
VAKRANGEE 19.8 4.5 21488349 42.55
VIJIFIN 1.9 8.6 200993 0.04
VIPIND 653.1 6.4 678616 44.32
ZUARIIND 193.1 20 137036 2.65

Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
BEPL 103.2 9.3 1094151 11.29
CHEMBOND 566.3 14.6 79574 4.51
DHANI 42.8 4.4 1079752 4.62
EVEREADY 363.6 5.3 142049 5.16
GALLANTT 110.8 13.9 270826 3
HPL 220.9 10 261208 5.77
ICEMAKE 657.8 10.6 68281 4.49
KITEX 230.6 10.1 234123 5.4
NAZARA 855.6 6.2 301123 25.76
PARAS 726.6 3.6 231481 16.82
PCJEWELLER 34.1 12.5 4407549 15.03
PRECAM 267.9 5 134533 3.6
TANLA 1090.9 17.9 889465 97.03
TFCILTD 131.9 18.7 1424918 18.79
VAKRANGEE 19.8 4.5 21488349 42.55
VIPIND 653.1 6.4 678616 44.32
ZUARIIND 193.1 20 137036 2.65

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