Friday, July 21, 2023

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Stock Selection List from 21-Jul-23

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ATUL 7014.1 6.6 57642 40.43
AUTOIND 83.4 16.2 160019 1.33
BANARBEADS 86.7 2.9 12574 0.11
CAPTRUST 90.5 20 28409 0.26
COUNCODOS 4.3 7.4 80100 0.03
DCM 71.5 3.5 35082 0.25
DHANI 35.1 5.6 2945661 10.34
GANESHBE 162.3 5.1 165325 2.68
GICRE 194.2 3.7 927825 18.02
INDIAMART 3151 8.6 256704 80.89
INDOBORAX 136.3 8.8 102637 1.4
IRFC 35 5.1 32764219 114.67
JAICORPLTD 182.1 4.5 1840814 33.52
JOCIL 203.8 7.1 11666 0.24
MANORG 451.1 6.2 8011 0.36
MUKTAARTS 52.6 6.5 14058 0.07
OAL 375.4 15.8 25927 0.97
PEARLPOLY 23.7 12.6 46066 0.11
PILANIINVS 2006.7 5.1 2847 0.57
PONNIERODE 413.4 6.1 75213 3.11
STYLAMIND 1653.2 8.7 62080 10.26
TRIVENI 304.1 6.7 611788 18.6
VINDHYATEL 2123.2 7.8 28955 6.15

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