Wednesday, May 19, 2021

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Stock Selection List from 19-May-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (200%), Prajind (100%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ADFFOODS 994.3 6.3 37022
ALEMBICLTD 130.3 7.4 1799156
ALKALI 59 4.2 53133
BINDALAGRO 19.9 13.4 192940
BLS 102.7 6.5 225353
CENTRALBK 18.6 4.2 11480779
CENTUM 428.1 8.7 7317
CORALFINAC 28.9 10.3 53835
FORCEMOT 1259.8 4.7 29952
GODREJIND 561.4 4.8 518075
HGS 1732.8 4.2 87883
HITECHGEAR 197.3 7.2 13943
HNDFDS 2201.6 3 12512
IOB 17.1 5.5 15703757
KITEX 106.2 4.3 126818
MALUPAPER 28.5 5.6 33925
MANGTIMBER 11.6 5 8484
MAZDA 490.8 6.1 7879
MINDTECK 55.8 8.2 22306
MUTHOOTCAP 391.3 4.5 29081
NELCO 217.4 6.7 111143
NIACL 165.1 8 1308502
NRBBEARING 113.8 2.3 306268
OMAXAUTO 46.9 9.7 76778
PRECAM 54.7 19.3 297187
RELAXO 1012 10.3 239903
RKDL 9.9 8.8 37708
RPPINFRA 69 11.3 118934
RSYSTEMS 140.3 7.4 79931
RUPA 315.3 1.8 112493
SHALPAINTS 101.5 9.7 196726
SHANTIGEAR 149.8 5.2 68284
SUBCAPCITY 18.7 3.9 303
SUMIT 12.8 19.7 84097
TEXMOPIPES 36.3 19.2 299345
VIPIND 358.7 5.6 413615
ZENITHEXPO 80.5 20 2452

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ACE 157.2 2.5 395359
ALICON 529.6 2.2 21998
AMBUJACEM 317.6 0.6 6823511
AMJLAND 25.9 3.6 16515
APARINDS 524 1.4 98919
APOLLO 108 1.7 239175
ARIHANT 19.9 2.6 6066
ASIANTILES 173.3 2.5 573371
ASPINWALL 192.2 1.2 6062
AUROPHARMA 1017.1 1.3 2552907
AUSOMENT 68.9 5 34360
BOSCHLTD 14780.5 2.3 34355
BYKE 20.9 1.2 101312
CAPACITE 202.2 3.8 106738
CIGNITITEC 410.8 4.1 97264
DCBBANK 101.7 2.7 2060346
DIVISLAB 4039.7 0.4 730386
DLINKINDIA 108.6 1.7 224390
DRREDDY 5237.8 0.4 1238184
EASUNREYRL 2.5 4.2 9816
EDUCOMP 3 1.7 50010
FINPIPE 154.8 2 897557
FLEXITUFF 27 3.3 11104
GOACARBON 337.8 3.8 63881
GOLDENTOBC 46.7 1.4 11149
GTPL 142.8 3.8 135383
HAVISHA 0.8 6.3 59712
ICICIGI 1505 1.2 534266
INDIANB 127.1 2.7 3241083
INOXLEISUR 293.7 0.3 505911
JAMNAAUTO 72.2 4.6 1225466
JBFIND 19.2 4.9 362288
JKLAKSHMI 444.7 4.2 384641
JKTYRE 123.8 0.9 1320010
JSL 94.4 1.7 2441137
JUBLFOOD 3014.6 1.7 567760
KENNAMET 1193.8 5.8 17554
KERNEX 49.4 5 41878
LAOPALA 231.8 3.7 127036
LASA 77.7 3.1 260260
LPDC 2.1 2.4 16361
MAGMA 137.4 2.7 2273553
MAHINDCIE 181.7 0.4 308622
MANGCHEFER 92.3 3.7 933477
MANINFRA 41.8 2.8 1287140
MASFIN 877.1 2.4 26288
MAXVIL 64.3 4 272829
MIRZAINT 51 5.2 328459
NBIFIN 2004.7 1 816
NESTLEIND 17449.3 1.6 93931
NITCO 21.7 3.1 56964
OBEROIRLTY 586.9 7.2 400556
ORICONENT 24.1 5 68071
PNBHOUSING 394.6 1.6 243965
PONNIERODE 197.9 1.5 29154
PSUBNKBEES 24.6 0.2 935412
REVATHI 578 0.5 4070
RITES 248.8 0.2 315749
SANDHAR 214.6 2.6 64978
SCAPDVR 2.4 4.4 50466
SHREEPUSHK 173.3 1.2 151910
SHRENIK 2.2 4.8 3053868
SOTL 1102.2 6.1 27277
SPECIALITY 43.8 2.6 114495
SPLIL 40.8 3.2 52833
SREEL 146.3 0.3 25992
SSWL 776.4 3.5 60102
STEL 83 1.3 13284
SUNTV 532.7 1.8 2764533
SUPERHOUSE 127.6 1.3 21092
SUPPETRO 696.5 4.2 212732
SURYAROSNI 454.4 5.1 288613
TECHNOE 317.9 1.2 138297
TFL 2.9 3.6 2530
THOMASCOOK 52.6 5 756983
TREJHARA 39.3 8.1 57101
VIVIDHA 0.8 6.7 668719
WELENT 111.8 0.4 549995
ZODIACLOTH 98.5 2 81426

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AFFLE 5128.9 -1.3 73455
ANIKINDS 12.5 -2.3 99584
KAPSTON 87.3 -2.8 846
NAUKRI 4399.7 -1.1 657992

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

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