Sunday, February 6, 2022

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Stock Selection List from 03-Feb-22

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AMBER 3888.1 8.9 85446 33.22
AMBIKCO 2301.9 10.7 24069 5.54
ASAHIINDIA 596.5 5.8 360070 21.48
BANARBEADS 100.8 10.6 107004 1.08
BHAGYANGR 54.8 13.5 67322 0.37
BSHSL 336.4 10 2155 0.07
CUPID 232.3 8 39345 0.91
DHUNINV 761.2 9.3 7070 0.54
DWARKESH 98.7 4.9 3891227 38.41
GENUSPAPER 14.9 10 512873 0.76
GULFPETRO 57.8 19.8 188627 1.09
HERCULES 165.2 7.7 86001 1.42
HEROMOTOCO 2781.5 2.9 564641 157.05
HMVL 79.6 6.3 119431 0.95
HTMEDIA 34.5 10.6 1237523 4.27
MMP 179.4 8 52908 0.95
NSIL 1885.2 13.6 1410 0.27
RUBYMILLS 373.1 3.3 62794 2.34
SAKSOFT 1078.8 9.8 59389 6.41
SHANTIGEAR 170.2 4.5 99514 1.69
SORILINFRA 108.4 5.3 78542 0.85
SPAL 502.9 4.9 99361 5
TRIVENI 280.6 7 1259210 35.33
ZUARI 131.7 10 102517 1.35

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADORWELD 750 3.8 16751 1.26
ADVENZYMES 348.4 3.7 144760 5.04
AKASH 192.5 4 35130 0.68
AKSHOPTFBR 14.6 4.7 1381311 2.02
ALBERTDAVD 685.8 2.4 29294 2.01
ALPHAGEO 418 3.4 48565 2.03
ARCHIDPLY 56.3 4.5 81971 0.46
AVTNPL 85.8 2.1 144956 1.24
BAFNAPH 147.3 0.6 6977 0.1
BALRAMCHIN 445.3 7.2 2891501 128.76
BSE 2191.9 5.5 1627573 356.75
BURNPUR 6.6 4.8 164254 0.11
CHENNPETRO 113.4 0.2 500930 5.68
CHOLAHLDNG 694.5 0.3 112648 7.82
COROMANDEL 820.5 3.3 402509 33.03
DCMSHRIRAM 1114.2 1.7 106854 11.91
DTIL 312.5 0.8 25394 0.79
EDUCOMP 6.8 4.6 152496 0.1
EIHAHOTELS 379.6 1.5 25084 0.95
GAEL 203.4 2.8 670514 13.64
GAIL 147.4 1.2 9642287 142.13
GANGAFORGE 22.1 6.3 1058666 2.34
GUJALKALI 741.2 2.7 352625 26.14
HILTON 29.4 5 48612 0.14
HMT 30.9 4.7 7565 0.02
HPL 79.7 3.5 355740 2.84
HUBTOWN 68.4 5 280099 1.92
INDNIPPON 547.7 2.7 79165 4.34
INDSWFTLAB 83.4 2.3 197911 1.65
JKIL 178.9 2.8 131807 2.36
KIRLOSBROS 381.9 1.2 24915 0.95
KOKUYOCMLN 67.5 3.8 155465 1.05
KUANTUM 90 3.5 84411 0.76
LAMBODHARA 118.7 4.9 71523 0.85
LAURUSLABS 532.8 1.4 2796975 149.02
LOKESHMACH 84.1 9.6 273960 2.3
MRPL 47.7 2.8 1643942 7.84
ORICONENT 43.4 9.9 713832 3.1
RATNAMANI 1991.1 0.8 20650 4.11
SALONA 323 1.8 41040 1.33
SALSTEEL 14.5 4.7 494896 0.72
SANGAMIND 390 3.1 142181 5.55
SELAN 165.3 7.5 110345 1.82
SJVN 31.4 1.6 3364590 10.56
SPLIL 64.7 2.7 202608 1.31
SURYALAXMI 89.8 5 54822 0.49
TEXINFRA 70.8 4.8 184136 1.3
TIMESGTY 55.7 2.8 17506 0.1
VBL 945.7 0.5 356116 33.68
VINDHYATEL 1277 2.4 28907 3.69
VISASTEEL 18.8 2.7 68861 0.13
VRLLOG 499.3 3.8 189924 9.48
WATERBASE 108.8 4.8 109278 1.19
WIPL 63.9 4.7 1967 0.01
WORTH 115.9 0.2 60189 0.7

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AAKASH 31.1 -89 158438 0.49
APTECHT 366.6 -1.2 285949 10.48
ATFL 929.8 -0.8 10748 1
BAJAJCON 179.8 -4.1 740596 13.32
CADILAHC 407.7 -1.6 2498742 101.87
CERA 4496.4 -2.9 12203 5.49
CESC 84.4 -0.8 2827169 23.86
DBCORP 88.4 -0.5 223343 1.97
DMART 4140 -2.3 512799 212.3
DRREDDY 4374.6 -0.9 416994 182.42
EDELWEISS 68.5 -0.4 1088708 7.46
ENDURANCE 1594.3 -2.2 67640 10.78
FLFL 49.9 -4.5 477525 2.38
FSC 66.5 -3.9 108370 0.72
GET&D 119.5 -2.2 155442 1.86
GILLETTE 5150.3 -2.7 5171 2.66
GMBREW 690.2 -1.9 102461 7.07
GODREJPROP 1667.8 -6.4 1317364 219.71
HIKAL 415.3 -2.3 437822 18.18
HITECH 547.9 -1.4 36784 2.02
ICICIPRULI 544.2 -1.7 1153759 62.79
ICIL 235.6 -2.8 461692 10.88
IEX 235.6 -1.7 16315947 384.4
INDOCO 391.8 -1.5 143822 5.63
IRISDOREME 190.3 -1.7 4121 0.08
JCHAC 1858.1 -1.8 10057 1.87
JKLAKSHMI 558.5 -2 204651 11.43
KICL 1787.6 -0.7 875 0.16
KSB 1189.3 -1.7 21800 2.59
LASA 64.1 -3.3 468111 3
LPDC 9.9 -3.4 154347 0.15
LTI 6198.3 -3.1 370291 229.52
MAXVIL 116.3 -2.5 209501 2.44
MCX 1467.2 -4.8 584517 85.76
MFSL 907 -2 527829 47.87
MINDTREE 3913.1 -3.8 974162 381.2
MRF 70987.1 -0.7 8837 62.73
MUTHOOTFIN 1422.2 -3.2 640574 91.1
PKTEA 272.3 -3.1 476 0.01
PNBHOUSING 440.1 -1.3 408934 18
RADICO 1049.6 -2.4 467976 49.12
RAMCOSYS 401.3 -3.8 169856 6.82
ROML 71.5 -2.3 9158 0.07
SAREGAMA 4576.1 -4.7 13293 6.08
SETF10GILT 200.1 -1.4 168 0
SPICEJET 60.9 -0.2 4764912 29.02
TATACOMM 1303.5 -0.7 889394 115.93
TRF 126 -3 13159 0.17
TTKPRESTIG 934 -0.8 167196 15.62
VGUARD 215 -1.1 373324 8.03
WELSPUNIND 137.8 -3.6 1869976 25.77
ZEEL 287.5 -1.7 17727972 509.68

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Good stocks from today's list:

Big % potential stocks (but risky): 

Good for medium term:

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