The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AXISBANK 752.2 6.8 10897089 819.68
OMAXE 93.1 14 318797 2.97
SALONA 327 20 36664 1.2
STEELXIND 220.8 4.8 1088169 24.03
TRITURBINE 214.3 14.4 886781 19
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
APARINDS 822.8 3.8 133350 10.97
ASAHIINDIA 581.6 5.1 363597 21.15
AUTOIND 73.7 4.5 79033 0.58
BANKBARODA 98.5 6.4 30264623 298.11
BAYERCROP 5182.4 3.1 22365 11.59
BBL 2037.2 2.9 35235 7.18
BHARATWIRE 75.1 3.2 62487 0.47
CENTENKA 545.2 4.4 110996 6.05
CPSEETF 32 1.8 1539177 4.93
DEVIT 106 1.9 21630 0.23
FCL 162.8 10.1 1370782 22.32
GAEL 189.3 5 376485 7.13
GMDCLTD 100.7 4.8 3018932 30.4
GOLDSHARE 42 0.2 119338 0.5
GREENPANEL 480.4 6.1 374546 17.99
HAL 1421.3 4.4 640037 90.97
HSCL 56.8 2.4 7505384 42.63
INFOBEAN 550.6 13.7 30626 1.69
JMA 84.4 9.3 91122 0.77
JSLHISAR 392.6 4.1 316118 12.41
KOTHARIPET 103.7 10 610696 6.33
MACPOWER 242.1 6.2 28803 0.7
MARUTI 8602.6 6.8 775373 667.02
MMTC 49.5 4.3 4240832 20.99
NH 650.1 3.3 391794 25.47
OIL 224.8 3.5 1383575 31.1
ONWARDTEC 343.4 1.1 77977 2.68
ORIENTBELL 387.9 6.6 28820 1.12
PPL 164.6 4.9 118230 1.95
PRAJIND 414.1 4.8 911794 37.76
PVR 1568.6 3.2 1491255 233.92
RUBYMILLS 377.2 8 59583 2.25
SBIN 514.6 4.1 16550391 851.68
SHIVAMILLS 174 3.1 84265 1.47
SHRADHA 68 7.6 44161 0.3
SOLARINDS 2480.3 7.1 85093 21.11
SPARC 320.9 4.7 991335 31.81
SPLIL 64.4 3.3 194943 1.26
SRPL 49.5 2.2 20308 0.1
SURANAT&P 15.2 4.8 402703 0.61
SWANENERGY 171.1 1.2 420966 7.2
THEJO 1300 0.8 4047 0.53
TIMETECHNO 87.5 5.7 1916830 16.77
TVSELECT 206.8 2.2 141252 2.92
WIPL 60 1.7 2119 0.01
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ALKEM 3454 -1.3 131446 45.4
AMBER 3139.4 -2.7 65234 20.48
APLAPOLLO 861.9 -8.2 563321 48.55
ARENTERP 46 -5 17791 0.08
CENTURYTEX 856.4 -2.7 596027 51.04
DALBHARAT 1834.8 -1.8 254447 46.69
DBSTOCKBRO 28.3 -4.9 9976 0.03
DEEPAKNTR 2216 -6.2 774447 171.62
DHANUKA 716.2 -1.1 85457 6.12
EASTSILK 8.3 -4.6 162341 0.13
EBBETF0430 1186.8 -0.1 10721 1.27
ENDURANCE 1631.7 -3 79499 12.97
ESSARSHPNG 9.8 -2.5 1023334 1
GTL 17.6 -3 2101557 3.7
HEIDELBERG 220.8 -0.9 108820 2.4
ICICINXT50 42 -1.7 324591 1.36
ICICIPRULI 556.3 -2.1 1150290 63.99
IGPL 651.5 -6.3 67484 4.4
IITL 73.3 -4.2 3267 0.02
JKLAKSHMI 567.4 -4.3 194125 11.01
LAOPALA 376.4 -2.5 653858 24.61
METALFORGE 6.5 -4.4 35803 0.02
MINDAIND 1023.6 -4.5 624427 63.92
MOKSH 31.5 -16.9 1360539 4.29
NCC 69.3 -1.2 3858128 26.74
NOIDATOLL 7.8 -3.1 298834 0.23
PGHH 14847 -2.9 16467 24.45
PUNJLLOYD 3.1 -4.6 594968 0.18
RELAXO 1269.1 -1.8 147240 18.69
RELIANCE 2373.3 -0.2 6692915 1588.43
SADBHIN 13.9 -1.8 608390 0.85
SEPOWER 36.4 -5 60627 0.22
SESHAPAPER 152.3 -1.2 66866 1.02
SEYAIND 54.1 -4.2 42729 0.23
SHEMAROO 116.2 -3.8 36281 0.42
SILLYMONKS 21.6 -3.3 9764 0.02
TCNSBRANDS 722.3 -4.4 99406 7.18
TEMBO 261.7 -3.9 20826 0.55
TRF 128.9 -2.3 13618 0.18
TTML 173.9 -5 5378896 93.54
UTINEXT50 42.9 -2.1 30177 0.13
WHIRLPOOL 1780.3 -1 312854 55.7
WILLAMAGOR 23.6 -2.9 38101 0.09
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Good stocks from today's list:
Big % potential stocks (but risky):
Good for medium term:
Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.
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