The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
20MICRONS 74.5 20 403721 3.01
AGARIND 444 12.2 84793 3.76
AJANTPHARM 2280.3 2.3 81114 18.5
ALANKIT 18.4 18.4 1331032 2.45
ARCHIES 19.1 3.5 72937 0.14
ASAHIINDIA 532 9.6 466892 24.84
ASHAPURMIN 108.7 12.1 144679 1.57
AYMSYNTEX 123.2 20 58666 0.72
BIOFILCHEM 74.2 20 41676 0.31
BIRLATYRE 25.9 3.8 387704 1
DIAMONDYD 850.2 1.4 49634 4.22
DOLLAR 495.8 16.6 111255 5.52
GRSE 261.8 13.4 658853 17.25
GSCLCEMENT 48.8 10.5 135098 0.66
HEIDELBERG 236.8 4.8 104624 2.48
HITECH 621.3 11.2 37383 2.32
IFBAGRO 701.9 7.5 16938 1.19
JAYAGROGN 225 4.8 37461 0.84
KRIDHANINF 7.5 1.4 274351 0.21
NEWGEN 611.1 2.2 112931 6.9
NIPPOBATRY 521.8 6.2 28319 1.48
OIL 214.1 8.2 1287336 27.56
ORIENTCEM 170.9 4 569564 9.73
PILANIINVS 1970.8 5.3 18790 3.7
RALLIS 275.1 1.5 240818 6.62
RAMCOIND 271.4 2.9 79194 2.15
REDINGTON 163.3 11.9 4857951 79.33
RUPA 466.1 7.8 242647 11.31
SAGCEM 278.5 4.9 94703 2.64
SALZERELEC 236.4 15.9 219357 5.19
SATIA 99 8.6 125401 1.24
SELAN 150.4 7.9 57128 0.86
SHREDIGCEM 80.2 4.4 283242 2.27
STARCEMENT 102.2 6.9 163770 1.67
SUMIT 13.3 9.9 42655 0.06
SUPERHOUSE 193.3 11.8 34267 0.66
TATASTLLP 855.9 13.2 64153 5.49
THEINVEST 110.2 5.7 18458 0.2
WELINV 332.8 20 3742 0.12
ZENTEC 228.7 5 556811 12.73
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AARTIIND 1031 3.7 736916 75.98
ABAN 53.1 2.4 87977 0.47
ALKALI 94.8 2 47295 0.45
AMBIKCO 2068.6 1.7 26509 5.48
AMBUJACEM 397.3 2.6 2618539 104.03
ARVSMART 233.9 5 51532 1.21
ASTEC 1518.1 4.3 33244 5.05
ATUL 9305 1.6 37154 34.57
AUSOMENT 77.3 6.3 10788 0.08
AVTNPL 81.7 2.1 123590 1.01
AXISCADES 108.4 5 197094 2.14
BASML 83.3 2.1 268291 2.23
BERGEPAINT 790.8 1.3 750351 59.34
BLS 208.2 5 104566 2.18
BOMDYEING 112.2 3.4 5184336 58.17
BORORENEW 668.3 2.3 755349 50.48
BSL 118.5 3.2 34887 0.41
CENTURYTEX 947 3.9 492522 46.64
CNX100 18054 0.4 60161 108.61
CNX500 15348.5 0.4 60161 92.34
CNXMNC 19473.8 0.4 60161 117.16
CNXPSE 4016.3 0.9 60161 24.16
CORALFINAC 43.3 8.1 50209 0.22
COSMOFILMS 1512.8 3.1 50725 7.67
DATAMATICS 319.9 2.5 190721 6.1
DECCANCE 626 1.6 31133 1.95
DGCONTENT 19.7 4.8 100755 0.2
ELGIRUBCO 40.5 2.4 70610 0.29
EXCELINDUS 947.5 4.1 8799 0.83
FEDERALBNK 91.3 1.4 15081073 137.69
GAIL 139.6 0.5 10521687 146.88
GATI 191.2 1.7 1627717 31.12
GEOJITFSL 78.5 1.9 224099 1.76
GILLANDERS 63.4 1.2 9336 0.06
GIPCL 84.3 0.5 190468 1.61
GODREJIND 642.4 2.3 300944 19.33
GRASIM 1797.7 4.5 986455 177.34
GREENPANEL 441.8 2.7 401515 17.74
GSPL 314.6 3.9 922915 29.03
HDFCBANK 1550.6 0.7 5687996 881.98
HDFCNIFETF 190.5 0.2 100810 1.92
HILTON 23.5 4.9 39830 0.09
HINDUNILVR 2416.2 1 1433755 346.42
HSCL 47.1 1 3627343 17.08
ICICILOVOL 142.7 0.7 187593 2.68
IDFC 61 0.5 12741650 77.72
IDFNIFTYET 187.3 0.5 680 0.01
INTENTECH 87.5 0.7 164315 1.44
IPCALAB 2199.8 2.3 654019 143.87
ISFT 226.8 4.5 125024 2.84
JASH 482.9 3.9 12251 0.59
JINDALSTEL 406.6 0.9 5990060 243.56
JMCPROJECT 101.5 1.3 218768 2.22
JYOTISTRUC 19.4 4.9 109711 0.21
KESORAMIND 66 2.9 449641 2.97
KIRLOSBROS 372.6 3.9 25193 0.94
KOTAKNV20 100.4 0.5 28026 0.28
LINDEINDIA 2596.4 1.7 99726 25.89
MAHEPC 126.7 2.9 39050 0.49
MANGLMCEM 405.3 4.5 51997 2.11
NACLIND 92.3 0.4 317890 2.93
NATIONALUM 110.7 5.5 27330105 302.54
NAVKARCORP 43.9 0.5 538843 2.37
NESTLEIND 19902.8 1.3 45810 91.17
NETFCONSUM 77.8 0.8 17940 0.14
NETFDIVOPP 46.1 0.7 6406 0.03
NETFMID150 119.2 0.4 313320 3.73
NIFTY 17812.7 0.4 60161 107.16
NIITLTD 470.4 0.6 1561710 73.46
NITCO 33.3 1.7 315234 1.05
NOCIL 255.2 2.8 853267 21.78
NOIDATOLL 8.9 4.7 248417 0.22
NPBET 193.9 0.6 2507 0.05
NSIL 1631.7 2.8 628 0.1
ONMOBILE 113.8 2.9 477696 5.44
PTL 34.1 4.9 388404 1.32
RKFORGE 994.9 2.2 94638 9.42
RUBYMILLS 276.7 0.5 10353 0.29
SAFARI 935.3 3.4 26755 2.5
SBILIFE 1217.4 1 1280733 155.92
SHALPAINTS 114.6 0.5 270547 3.1
SHARIABEES 462.2 0.9 790 0.04
SHIVATEX 244.2 3.3 18168 0.44
SMSPHARMA 137.3 2.9 102231 1.4
SPAL 444.1 2.9 116317 5.17
SUBROS 390.9 2.7 62710 2.45
SUPERSPIN 13.7 9.6 219338 0.3
SUPPETRO 746 2.7 67966 5.07
SYNGENE 631.5 0.8 688224 43.46
TARMAT 75.3 0.6 94905 0.71
TCI 795.1 4.5 232166 18.46
TEXMOPIPES 75.8 5 400930 3.04
TIMKEN 2077.9 1.1 64486 13.4
TINPLATE 294.6 2.5 308593 9.09
TORNTPOWER 574.8 1.1 1093017 62.83
TOTAL 89.3 3.9 153398 1.37
TRENT 1085.2 0.4 801778 87.01
UJJIVAN 143 1.6 1244157 17.79
VAKRANGEE 42.8 2.4 6035561 25.83
VOLTAS 1270.9 1.7 731769 93
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
APLAPOLLO 926.8 -1.8 702798 65.14
ASIANTILES 128 -6.9 425857 5.45
AXISGOLD 41.1 -0.3 489425 2.01
BAJAJCON 193.3 -0.4 786154 15.2
CINEVISTA 16.4 -4.9 78300 0.13
CONFIPET 73 -0.7 947827 6.92
HERITGFOOD 401.4 -1.7 143214 5.75
HGS 2856.7 -20 43171 12.33
MAHINDCIE 224.8 -1.5 291257 6.55
PNBHOUSING 476.8 -1.5 306864 14.63
SUNCLAYLTD 3780.3 -1.1 11778 4.45
TPLPLASTEH 157.8 -1.7 41429 0.65
ZYDUSWELL 1844.7 -1.3 21905 4.04
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Good stocks from today's list:
Big % potential stocks (but risky):
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