The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADANIPOWER 108.7 8.5 4626456 50.29
AUTOIND 64 10 38497 0.25
CHEMFAB 188.1 20 18907 0.36
DBCORP 97.5 4.6 137947 1.34
GABRIEL 149.8 7.2 392097 5.87
GTPL 290.6 8.2 87280 2.54
GUJAPOLLO 230.1 5.6 6353 0.15
ICEMAKE 79.8 11.9 36114 0.29
ICICIM150 119.4 0.5 39635 0.47
INDOTECH 232.9 4.7 27367 0.64
INDTERRAIN 71 12 907538 6.44
INTELLECT 755.4 6.1 388940 29.38
JAGRAN 66.2 6.6 175338 1.16
JAYBARMARU 192.7 4.6 65697 1.27
KEC 483.1 4.7 306115 14.79
KNRCON 315.6 7.7 446878 14.1
LGBBROSLTD 655 4.8 318795 20.88
ORIENTABRA 32.3 7.8 206210 0.67
PDSMFL 1759.7 9.3 10637 1.87
PENIND 37.1 7.4 987085 3.66
PRECAM 168.2 13.5 677470 11.4
PRIVISCL 2090.7 10.1 36923 7.72
RADIOCITY 24.9 2.9 333497 0.83
RAMKY 215.3 6.2 236310 5.09
RIIL 956.1 11.3 1085203 103.76
SILINV 319.3 1.3 2769 0.09
SINTERCOM 95.3 7.5 27308 0.26
SIYSIL 460.8 2.7 120583 5.56
SJVN 31.8 5.3 3021749 9.61
TERASOFT 58.5 10 46001 0.27
UMANGDAIRY 76.8 5.8 29252 0.22
VASCONEQ 33 20 933926 3.08
VISHAL 111.1 19 90769 1.01
WATERBASE 107.1 3.1 84940 0.91
WEIZMANIND 62.6 9.7 16460 0.1
WHEELS 742.9 13.1 18880 1.4
XCHANGING 115.5 8.9 482029 5.57
ZODIACLOTH 115.7 2 49983 0.58
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AARVEEDEN 29.2 1.7 31155 0.09
ABB 2280.9 2.4 253650 57.86
ACC 2320.2 1.6 349934 81.19
ADANIGREEN 1438.9 1.1 1065713 153.35
ADORWELD 733.9 2.6 20910 1.53
AHLUCONT 422.4 0.6 51082 2.16
AJMERA 325.9 10 29544 0.96
AMBER 3499.8 2.1 63499 22.22
ANDHRACEMT 18.3 4.9 737865 1.35
APCOTEXIND 387.2 1.1 92769 3.59
AUROPHARMA 737.3 3.8 2243462 165.41
AVANTIFEED 570.9 1.1 163731 9.35
BAJAJ-AUTO 3435.1 1.3 406527 139.65
BANG 41 2.6 40139 0.16
BANKBARODA 92.2 5.2 34400263 317.17
BAYERCROP 5040.4 2.2 25131 12.67
BEPL 177.2 1.7 438727 7.77
BETA 655 5.6 5736 0.38
BODALCHEM 120.1 1.8 457227 5.49
CAMLINFINE 152 5.6 540687 8.22
CANBK 219.7 3.5 13485691 296.28
CARBORUNIV 1000.1 1.2 304953 30.5
CCL 434.1 2.1 341664 14.83
CEBBCO 44.5 4.2 264746 1.18
CENTURYPLY 644.9 3.6 323533 20.86
CHEMCON 388.6 1.5 173446 6.74
CNXMIDCAP 31371.7 0.8 59824 187.68
CNXPSUBANK 2759.8 3.2 59824 16.51
COALINDIA 160.7 2.4 12118058 194.74
DALBHARAT 1994.1 3.2 252795 50.41
DALMIASUG 425.8 0.8 124670 5.31
DEN 44.1 2.1 1949371 8.6
DLINKINDIA 171.7 1.2 803306 13.79
DNAMEDIA 2.9 3.6 106009 0.03
EMKAY 113 1.6 75970 0.86
FCONSUMER 8 1.9 9614941 7.69
FLFL 56.7 2 418487 2.37
GAEL 174.4 3.1 217599 3.79
GANDHITUBE 407.1 5.1 4267 0.17
GMDCLTD 80.8 8 800854 6.47
GMRINFRA 48.5 5.8 27590557 133.81
GOKUL 42.1 0.6 688868 2.9
GREENPLY 221.8 4.1 548441 12.16
HDFCSENETF 645.6 0.7 8563 0.55
HEROMOTOCO 2578.1 3.2 530112 136.67
HMVL 76.8 3.4 74739 0.57
HUDCO 41.7 1.2 1487625 6.2
IFCI 17.1 4.6 13973495 23.89
IFGLEXPOR 319 2.1 41811 1.33
IIFLWAM 1537.3 1.1 159484 24.52
INDIANHUME 207.8 2.3 70618 1.47
INFRABEES 532.5 1 2596 0.14
INGERRAND 1256.6 1 41370 5.2
IRCON 46.9 1.3 1764961 8.28
IVP 130.7 3.2 17400 0.23
JAIBALAJI 61.2 3 124394 0.76
JAMNAAUTO 110 1.1 1489286 16.38
JAYNECOIND 27.7 2.6 161940 0.45
JAYSREETEA 105.7 1.2 61310 0.65
JKIL 172.3 4.7 191527 3.3
KOTAKBANK 1948 2.3 2876088 560.26
KOTAKPSUBK 268.8 3.1 24580 0.66
LICNETFN50 190.9 0.8 1752 0.03
LICNETFSEN 644.6 1.1 18053 1.16
LT 1953.1 2.5 2424719 473.57
MADHAV 59.3 3.3 18468 0.11
MAHABANK 20.6 1.5 3924724 8.08
MANALIPETC 119.5 5 398703 4.76
MANUGRAPH 19.9 4.7 34337 0.07
MARINE 41 5 2042207 8.37
MAWANASUG 86.2 1 81483 0.7
MPSLTD 723.2 6.3 20755 1.5
MUKANDLTD 138.7 4.7 49161 0.68
MURUDCERA 29.6 2.4 146392 0.43
NBVENTURES 118.1 1 255662 3.02
NECCLTD 21.1 6.3 325798 0.69
NETFNIF100 188.2 1.3 7104 0.13
NIBL 26.1 5 28010 0.07
NILKAMAL 2486.4 1 6986 1.74
NUCLEUS 566.9 1 89123 5.05
OBEROIRLTY 940.6 3.3 1305394 122.79
OMAXAUTO 51.4 2.2 35765 0.18
ONWARDTEC 308 5 59428 1.83
PALREDTEC 235.8 1.3 76448 1.8
PHILIPCARB 245.1 3.5 1245939 30.54
PLASTIBLEN 242.3 2.5 14025 0.34
PNB 40.4 3.7 47531172 192.03
PODDARHOUS 206.9 8.6 6361 0.13
POLYCAB 2521.7 1.8 340163 85.78
PRSMJOHNSN 135.8 1.4 363077 4.93
PSB 17 2.4 507979 0.86
PSUBNKBEES 30 2.5 2077793 6.23
PUNJLLOYD 3.9 2.7 560629 0.22
RAMANEWS 22.1 6 198826 0.44
RAMCOCEM 1046.8 1.8 302958 31.71
RAYMOND 650 1.6 1255837 81.63
RCF 79.2 2.3 1931753 15.3
RECLTD 140.1 2.7 7348216 102.95
RICOAUTO 46.6 3.7 436692 2.03
RPOWER 14.9 4.9 14951862 22.28
RSYSTEMS 332 4.5 256882 8.53
RUCHIRA 84.8 2.2 41224 0.35
SANGINITA 28.9 3.6 36511 0.11
SAREGAMA 5292.3 2.7 13947 7.38
SBIETFIT 391.1 0.1 5567 0.22
SBIN 503.6 2.5 19173404 965.57
SCHNEIDER 118.2 7 611266 7.23
SESHAPAPER 163.7 1.6 55954 0.92
SHANTIGEAR 158.8 1.9 66170 1.05
SHREEPUSHK 230.9 2.9 65478 1.51
SICAL 15.9 5 278595 0.44
SOTL 1239.1 4.1 20142 2.5
SOUTHWEST 156.7 5 20747 0.33
STCINDIA 109.8 1.5 100620 1.1
SUMICHEM 394.4 2.9 351177 13.85
SUNDARMHLD 82.8 1.5 175755 1.46
TATACOMM 1485.7 1.5 588797 87.48
TATAINVEST 1464.2 3.7 33878 4.96
TATAMETALI 918.7 5.2 86692 7.96
TATAMOTORS 503.7 2.7 25410497 1279.93
TCIDEVELOP 353.1 3.3 575 0.02
TECHNOE 257.3 4.5 119049 3.06
TGBHOTELS 9.8 4.8 35526 0.03
THEJO 1238.8 8.6 3384 0.42
TIRUMALCHM 257.2 4.8 666542 17.14
TMRVL 17.3 5.2 126826 0.22
TREJHARA 94.2 5.4 266641 2.51
TVSELECT 195.1 3.9 97702 1.91
UTINIFTETF 1889.6 1.1 6678 1.26
UTISENSETF 630.8 0.4 2356 0.15
VETO 121 6.2 120837 1.46
VINYLINDIA 254.4 5.3 62185 1.58
VISHNU 920.3 4.9 10042 0.92
WALCHANNAG 56.1 5.7 741061 4.16
WIPL 54.8 3.4 2120 0.01
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABBOTINDIA 18314 -0.3 11434 20.94
AKZOINDIA 1985.2 -0.7 10914 2.17
EBBETF0431 1067.3 -0.1 14820 1.58
GNA 664.5 -11.7 63691 4.23
GOLDSHARE 41 -0.4 109308 0.45
KOTAKGOLD 41.5 -0.2 1034839 4.29
MAHESHWARI 86.8 -6.3 44895 0.39
MON100 115.1 -1.4 702875 8.09
NESCO 571.2 -0.2 41900 2.39
NETFLTGILT 22.5 -0.7 52304 0.12
PHOENIXLTD 948.5 -0.6 296193 28.09
REPRO 523.7 -0.3 14378 0.75
SBICARD 904.5 -2.4 1899573 171.82
STLTECH 273.7 -0.6 690999 18.91
TCNSBRANDS 758.4 -0.8 87030 6.6
TOUCHWOOD 111 -2 11767 0.13
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Good stocks from today's list:
Big % potential stocks (but risky):
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