Friday, January 14, 2022

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Stock Selection List from 13-Jan-22

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AAKASH 268.6 5.7 109007 2.93
ACCURACY 218.2 2.6 64418 1.41
ANUP 1203.1 15 27037 3.25
BSE 2006.6 3.1 1587827 318.61
CDSL 1608.6 4.6 965415 155.3
CONSOFINVT 165.5 4.8 13012 0.22
DAMODARIND 62.6 7.1 51556 0.32
DBCORP 97.7 1.3 142529 1.39
DLINKINDIA 182.2 6.4 836879 15.25
FDC 314.1 5 207459 6.52
FIEMIND 1267.9 7.5 65976 8.37
GOCLCORP 337.4 7.3 42015 1.42
HERITGFOOD 439.9 9.7 138872 6.11
HONDAPOWER 1376.3 2.8 7290 1
ISEC 800 1.1 303537 24.28
JSL 206.2 7.4 1454157 29.98
KARURVYSYA 50.2 4.6 4579244 22.99
NESCO 609.3 5.4 44980 2.74
PIONDIST 191 4.7 21102 0.4
PODDARHOUS 221.4 10 6883 0.15
POLYCAB 2685.2 8.2 365876 98.25
PRICOLLTD 129 7.7 1304594 16.83
SANDESH 812.6 7.1 2330 0.19
SHREEPUSHK 253.1 12.9 79279 2.01
SUMMITSEC 692.7 2.3 4669 0.32
SUNFLAG 75.6 5.6 217878 1.65
SUPERHOUSE 218.8 20 52684 1.15
UGARSUGAR 34 6.8 392511 1.33
ZODIACLOTH 117.1 2.1 55987 0.66

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AARON 133.8 3.4 13545 0.18
ADANIPORTS 772.2 1.1 4465464 344.82
AISL 55.6 5 5976 0.03
ALLSEC 644.6 1.2 55946 3.61
APOLLOPIPE 592.1 2.4 82315 4.87
ARSHIYA 38 1.3 225002 0.86
ASHAPURMIN 109 3.7 161118 1.76
BAJAJHIND 16.6 4.7 7351892 12.2
BALPHARMA 121.7 4.4 135588 1.65
BEPL 178.2 0.8 449272 8.01
BIRLACORPN 1524.1 1.4 114198 17.4
BRITANNIA 3749.1 1.3 285678 107.1
CAMS 2925.2 2.7 272588 79.74
CARBORUNIV 997 0.8 318701 31.77
CAREERP 140.4 1.5 44617 0.63
CNXMETAL 5882.8 3.5 59639 35.08
COALINDIA 164.8 3.4 11949773 196.93
COROMANDEL 788.3 1.8 400317 31.56
COSMOFILMS 1568.7 3.8 47805 7.5
CUB 149.7 2.8 1967483 29.45
DCW 47.2 2.7 466403 2.2
EIDPARRY 488.9 0.3 337434 16.5
ELECON 206.3 4.6 956448 19.73
ELECTCAST 37.3 3.9 574314 2.14
ELECTHERM 140.1 0.4 49718 0.7
EMKAY 116.3 5.1 70730 0.82
ESABINDIA 3387.3 2.1 16083 5.45
GANGESSECU 92 0.9 4353 0.04
GEOJITFSL 82.5 4.3 242590 2
HAL 1319.8 0.5 633584 83.62
HATHWAY 23.6 5.3 4861454 11.47
HEG 1901.5 0.9 283299 53.87
ICEMAKE 78.3 6.4 49157 0.38
IDBI 52.4 4 12358992 64.76
IGARASHI 530.8 0.9 83769 4.45
IIFLSEC 96.2 1.5 340766 3.28
INDIGO 2144.9 2.7 1029256 220.77
INNOVATIVE 9.4 3.3 53820 0.05
IOC 121.2 1.7 9757471 118.26
JAYNECOIND 27.9 3.7 144078 0.4
JINDALSTEL 413.2 5.8 6006821 248.2
JISLDVREQS 27 2.1 31607 0.09
KCPSUGIND 29.8 3.8 1130495 3.37
KIRLOSIND 1550.2 2.9 4389 0.68
KOTARISUG 37.5 2.6 351072 1.32
KSL 345.2 2.6 35456 1.22
LIBERTSHOE 165.3 3.1 200128 3.31
LYKALABS 231.8 4.5 686024 15.9
MACPOWER 229.9 20 10289 0.24
MCDOWELL-N 942.4 3 1603227 151.09
MINDACORP 191.9 0.8 1441057 27.65
MIRCELECTR 31.1 4.9 1436631 4.47
MODIRUBBER 81.8 2 4441 0.04
MSPL 15.1 4.2 2830982 4.27
MSTCLTD 377.9 4 499220 18.87
MUNJALAU 55.1 0.8 129581 0.71
NIPPOBATRY 522 1.4 28721 1.5
NMDC 146.1 3.4 9351685 136.63
PFC 127.3 1.2 3476299 44.25
PFS 21.5 3.9 1218987 2.62
PNB 40.2 0.5 44803735 180.11
POWERINDIA 2643.2 3.2 46984 12.42
PRESSMN 34 2.9 75920 0.26
PRESTIGE 491.4 4.3 1032153 50.72
RECLTD 140.1 0.6 7163716 100.36
RKFORGE 996 1.5 101425 10.1
SAKHTISUG 17.9 4.7 284766 0.51
SARDAEN 853.5 5.7 60443 5.16
SDBL 46.5 2.2 229681 1.07
SHREERAMA 19.6 4.8 309033 0.61
SHUBHLAXMI 17.3 4.8 4480 0.01
SIMBHALS 23.3 4 93582 0.22
SMARTLINK 198.5 4.3 152611 3.03
SPECIALITY 99.5 1.1 145416 1.45
SREEL 185.3 1.9 11536 0.21
SYNGENE 633.4 1.1 677143 42.89
TANLA 1967.6 5 416086 81.87
TATAINVEST 1469.7 1.4 31038 4.56
TATASTEEL 1221.2 6.4 7285612 889.72
TCI 836.9 4.4 220858 18.48
THOMASCOTT 49.5 1.5 12917 0.06
TIMKEN 2082.4 1 65687 13.68
TNPETRO 113.3 0.8 465055 5.27
TORNTPOWER 578.4 1 926140 53.57
TREEHOUSE 11.8 4.9 46223 0.05
UJJIVAN 146 3.6 904035 13.2
UJJIVANSFB 20.4 0.2 3006938 6.13
USHAMART 96.5 1 822483 7.94
UTINEXT50 45.2 0.5 28246 0.13
WABAG 335.6 1.1 344384 11.56
WELCORP 188.3 1.9 3977413 74.89

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
21STCENMGM 46.9 -2 33349 0.16
BAJAJCON 193 -0.3 762842 14.72
CSBBANK 239.9 -5.3 198943 4.77
EIFFL 130.2 -1.5 2532 0.03
GFLLIMITED 71 -1.5 75684 0.54
GOLDTECH 79.9 -5 161114 1.29
HAVELLS 1326.9 -2.1 1039451 137.92
MARICO 500.8 -0.7 1248872 62.54
MUKTAARTS 44.8 -4.9 58091 0.26
PIIND 2832.3 -1.4 312159 88.41
SCHAND 105.9 -1.2 69751 0.74
SPTL 11.1 -4.7 8075308 8.96
TEMBO 264.4 -4.8 15617 0.41
WIPRO 649.8 -6 7397347 480.68
ZOTA 374.8 -1.7 64198 2.41

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Good stocks from today's list:

Big % potential stocks (but risky): 

Good for medium term:

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