The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ALKYLAMINE 3547.7 6.6 55122 19.56
ALPA 79.4 19.9 217062 1.72
ARSSINFRA 33.4 7.2 87113 0.29
AVANTIFEED 564.8 2.4 160132 9.04
BAFNAPH 152.6 10 6683 0.1
CORDSCABLE 60.5 6.8 59934 0.36
DBREALTY 46.6 5 1010182 4.71
DEEPENR 44.7 7.5 31291 0.14
DHANUKA 834.4 15.1 72858 6.08
FLUOROCHEM 2414.9 5.5 163952 39.59
IDFC 63 13.1 12381516 78
IFGLEXPOR 315.1 6.6 41041 1.29
IITL 81.2 5 2480 0.02
INDOTECH 230.1 5.3 25975 0.6
ISFT 221.1 3.5 121998 2.7
JBMA 1124.8 6 253235 28.48
NETFNV20 100.9 1.1 9037 0.09
ORICONENT 39.9 4.9 510868 2.04
REFEX 141.6 13.1 129303 1.83
RPPINFRA 65.8 17.5 187078 1.23
RUPA 441.9 5.3 226797 10.02
SANGHVIMOV 236.1 8.4 163884 3.87
SETCO 18.4 4.8 162840 0.3
SIL 15.5 1.3 22354 0.03
SPLIL 47.4 5.9 62104 0.29
SWELECTES 288.9 14.8 30208 0.87
TATACOMM 1464.5 4.8 490329 71.81
TEXRAIL 33.3 8.8 988423 3.29
TTL 92.3 11.7 68773 0.63
VIVIMEDLAB 21.7 6.1 556887 1.21
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
20MICRONS 63.5 1.8 301888 1.92
ABCAPITAL 123.9 2.4 4654001 57.66
ALLCARGO 390 2.6 1001184 39.05
APARINDS 779.9 2.3 129783 10.12
AUROPHARMA 734.4 1.5 2277522 167.26
BAJAJHIND 15.2 3.4 3882187 5.9
BAJAJHLDNG 5432.1 5.3 56282 30.57
BALKRISIND 2323.4 2.7 317607 73.79
BALPHARMA 105.8 3.6 59212 0.63
BASF 3031.1 1.8 38841 11.77
CARBORUNIV 981.6 4.5 289028 28.37
CEATLTD 1215.3 1.2 105817 12.86
DCW 44.3 1.6 415470 1.84
DEEPAKNTR 2490.2 2 967027 240.81
DONEAR 65.3 5 90369 0.59
DPWIRES 234.9 3.7 18953 0.45
EIFFL 146.7 4.3 1860 0.03
FELDVR 13.8 3.8 90601 0.13
FORTIS 297.3 2 2735215 81.32
GENUSPAPER 11.7 2.6 265206 0.31
GUJRAFFIA 39 0.9 4207 0.02
HINDNATGLS 33.9 1.7 57012 0.19
HONAUT 42170.9 2.7 4218 17.79
IDEA 15.4 9.6 379237492 584.03
IMPAL 811.9 2.3 2476 0.2
INDIAGLYCO 908.6 0.7 151651 13.78
INDOCO 454.3 2.2 182160 8.28
JPPOWER 6.2 4.2 83327253 51.66
JSLHISAR 349.1 1.8 341043 11.91
KCP 138.8 6.1 192507 2.67
KITEX 195 3.2 541017 10.55
KNRCON 299.9 1.6 400322 12.01
LTTS 5598.9 0.5 294509 164.89
LUPIN 950.8 1.4 1413610 134.41
MANUGRAPH 19.3 4.9 32693 0.06
MEP 21.1 5 221437 0.47
MURUDCERA 29.4 4.4 131940 0.39
NAGAFERT 12.1 3 972274 1.18
NESTLEIND 19705.7 1.5 49052 96.66
ORIENTABRA 30.1 5.3 174651 0.53
PIDILITIND 2462.8 1.2 564032 138.91
POKARNA 707.6 1.2 81037 5.73
PRIMESECU 112.6 4.9 52923 0.6
RALLIS 274 1.2 271538 7.44
ROLLT 4 3.9 1245011 0.5
SAKAR 162.7 6.1 41317 0.67
SEYAIND 62 4.9 39272 0.24
SHALPAINTS 115.8 6.2 262283 3.04
SKIPPER 78.8 3.6 188471 1.49
SPAL 432.8 4.1 102724 4.45
SPARC 286.9 2.7 543750 15.6
TANLA 1883.3 2.1 452269 85.18
THANGAMAYL 1375.6 2.4 23147 3.18
TI 93.3 4.9 548675 5.12
TITAN 2522.4 3.5 1345238 339.32
UNIDT 461.2 7.1 60484 2.79
VASCONEQ 28.3 8.2 723541 2.05
VINDHYATEL 1123.8 3 11093 1.25
ZEELEARN 15.4 4.4 2211851 3.41
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
CENTRUM 32.1 -0.3 584730 1.88
CRISIL 2884.4 -1 79221 22.85
KICL 1797.7 -1.1 788 0.14
MARSHALL 37.6 -4.3 109052 0.41
NEULANDLAB 1545.1 -1.4 30947 4.78
OMKARCHEM 31.6 -5 93822 0.3
PRINCEPIPE 700.1 -0.3 392445 27.48
REPRO 526.1 -1.3 15028 0.79
SILINV 291.9 -0.5 2725 0.08
SURYAROSNI 583.5 -1.7 139417 8.13
WHEELS 620.3 -0.8 13935 0.86
WIPL 50 -1 1973 0.01
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Good stocks from today's list:
Big % potential stocks (but risky):
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