Friday, January 14, 2022

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Stock Selection List from 14-Jan-22

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AHLEAST 196.8 5.5 12826 0.25
ATULAUTO 207.7 7.2 137326 2.85
AUTOIND 66.4 3.8 53455 0.35
AVTNPL 87 7.4 134571 1.17
BDL 437.8 6.3 218293 9.56
BRFL 8.4 5 288098 0.24
BRIGHT 8.7 1.2 483000 0.42
BRNL 32.2 1.9 86843 0.28
CLEDUCATE 121.5 2.7 41657 0.51
EBBETF0425 1077 0.2 10040 1.08
GET&D 139.4 6.7 159472 2.22
GIPCL 91.5 7.6 245245 2.24
HFCL 91.8 7.6 18389290 168.81
IRCTC 902.7 4 6785276 612.51
JTEKTINDIA 97.5 4.7 219437 2.14
LINCOLN 375.8 4.1 100619 3.78
MURUDCERA 29.9 3.1 155642 0.47
NECCLTD 22.6 15.1 377700 0.85
ORIENTLTD 86.6 19.9 10809 0.09
ORISSAMINE 2871.7 6.6 17818 5.12
PREMEXPLN 247.1 3.7 20430 0.5
RAMKY 232.5 9.1 276694 6.43
SHRADHA 64.6 20 11219 0.07
SIGIND 49.1 10 46905 0.23
SIRCA 576.8 12.8 130707 7.54
SOBHA 913.7 3.2 578489 52.86
STEL 172.4 9.3 45964 0.79
TAJGVK 142.9 5.1 137730 1.97
TRITURBINE 202 13 779219 15.74
UTISXN50 51.6 2.9 2302 0.01
VINYLINDIA 270.4 8.6 67857 1.83
WELENT 101.9 5.3 231384 2.36

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ACC 2358.1 1.9 336031 79.24
AMBUJACEM 402.7 1.6 2316181 93.27
ANANTRAJ 81.7 4.9 656227 5.36
APARINDS 796.7 2.3 129904 10.35
APCL 336.4 1.4 50644 1.7
APOLLO 164.4 4.9 523099 8.6
ARCHIES 20 2.8 97232 0.19
ARIHANT 43.1 2 20576 0.09
ARVINDFASN 314.8 5.5 202685 6.38
AXISCADES 112.3 5 198740 2.23
BAYERCROP 5082.3 1.2 21521 10.94
BEL 220.1 5 5661850 124.62
BEML 1900.5 2.4 601289 114.27
BIL 330.6 3.1 83330 2.75
BSL 121.5 1.7 36701 0.45
CMICABLES 50.1 3 182848 0.92
DCBBANK 87 1 1410735 12.27
DLF 417.4 1.6 5519658 230.39
EIHOTEL 134.7 0.4 549117 7.4
EXCELINDUS 952.2 2 9082 0.86
EXIDEIND 173.9 1.1 2196696 38.2
GALLISPAT 53.3 0.4 30409 0.16
GRANULES 357.6 4.4 2105998 75.31
GTLINFRA 2.2 4.8 68729708 15.12
GULFPETRO 52.8 0.8 133884 0.71
HEIDELBERG 237.5 0.9 113929 2.71
HLVLTD 11.1 1.8 199594 0.22
INDIANHUME 211.8 3.2 76204 1.61
INDSWFTLAB 80.1 4.6 200669 1.61
IRCON 47 1.1 1741849 8.19
JAYBARMARU 195.8 2.9 66190 1.3
JINDALPHOT 319.5 5 66896 2.14
JISLJALEQS 49 9.1 3174720 15.56
JKIL 174.3 1.6 170248 2.97
JPOLYINVST 343.6 5 25768 0.89
KEERTI 20.5 2 31594 0.06
KESORAMIND 65.8 2.3 460968 3.03
KINGFA 1475.2 5.3 21092 3.11
KIRLOSBROS 384.3 2.7 24027 0.92
KIRLOSENG 194.5 1.4 448982 8.73
KRBL 262.9 1.5 519558 13.66
KREBSBIO 199.9 5.2 72804 1.46
KRIDHANINF 7.8 4.7 302494 0.24
KSCL 552.6 2.1 125326 6.93
LINDEINDIA 2586.8 1.3 98043 25.36
MAANALU 126 1.8 21896 0.28
MAHABANK 20.9 3 3928381 8.21
MHRIL 206.7 2.3 375439 7.76
MOKSH 44.5 2.1 956283 4.26
MONTECARLO 667.6 1.4 197817 13.21
NAVINFLUOR 4199.7 0.9 192012 80.64
NEWGEN 637.1 1.6 144991 9.24
NUCLEUS 580.9 2.7 89484 5.2
OCCL 998.9 0.9 7536 0.75
OMKARCHEM 40.1 1.5 152592 0.61
PITTIENG 265.6 5 228724 6.07
PNCINFRA 303.6 0.6 354608 10.77
PPAP 240.6 3.2 18337 0.44
PREMIERPOL 94.3 3.7 30839 0.29
PRIMESECU 118.8 4.6 48670 0.58
PRINCEPIPE 731.9 4.5 410655 30.06
RADIOCITY 25.4 2.4 397824 1.01
RAJTV 47.5 4.5 26647 0.13
RAYMOND 680.3 5.7 1196923 81.43
ROLTA 8 4.6 486806 0.39
ROML 81.7 1.9 8624 0.07
RPOWER 14.9 4.9 14678496 21.87
RSWM 515.9 3.2 149612 7.72
RVNL 36.4 2 4580384 16.67
SALONA 264.1 1.8 23706 0.63
SASTASUNDR 533 0.9 116335 6.2
SATIA 95.3 0.8 142167 1.35
SHAKTIPUMP 678 3.3 81768 5.54
SHREDIGCEM 81 2.9 305787 2.48
SHREYAS 267.6 1.7 115692 3.1
SKIPPER 79.7 4 189707 1.51
SONAMCLOCK 73 0.5 10620 0.08
SPIC 57.3 6.1 767855 4.4
STARPAPER 135.3 1.3 47002 0.64
SUMEETINDS 10.8 4.9 559451 0.6
SUMICHEM 398.4 2 348766 13.89
SUNDARMFIN 2447.3 1.2 31696 7.76
SWSOLAR 409.6 4.5 803518 32.91
TIIL 900.5 6.9 14677 1.32
TV18BRDCST 48.2 1.8 11270008 54.32
UFLEX 538.3 0.3 174643 9.4
VBL 928.6 2.6 373224 34.66
VMART 3941.3 1.8 22352 8.81
WALCHANNAG 57.3 5.6 784997 4.5
WENDT 5410.5 3.9 1404 0.76
WINDMACHIN 43.5 10 315462 1.37
ZEELEARN 17.4 3 5763311 10.03

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
BPL 64.4 -4.1 167902 1.08
CADILAHC 442.1 -1.2 2182910 96.51
HIKAL 492.6 -1.9 260612 12.84
IGL 461.4 -0.5 2025752 93.47
MON100 114.2 -1.8 809955 9.25
MOTHERSUMI 185.6 -21 8825975 163.81
OPTIEMUS 299.9 -1 119298 3.58
PFOCUS 65.3 -2.5 69514 0.45
PREMIER 9.1 -4.7 123136 0.11
WESTLIFE 529 -1.5 84525 4.47

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Good stocks from today's list:

Big % potential stocks (but risky): 

Good for medium term:

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