The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here.
This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
CINEVISTA 19.5 10 36516 0.07
FINPIPE 313.4 5.3 902144 28.27
JAIPURKURT 44.6 8.9 59082 0.26
KEC 900.8 3.8 1220559 109.95
MAWANASUG 125.6 5.2 470420 5.91
NRL 101.3 15.4 306161 3.1
PLASTIBLEN 322.1 1.8 66453 2.14
SHAILY 1024.1 6.7 150524 15.42
TV18BRDCST 51.6 7.7 14867236 76.71
VIPIND 478.4 3.5 532894 25.49
VISHWARAJ 18.2 10 1646155 3
WHIRLPOOL 2194.8 5.8 296350 65.04
Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
FINPIPE 313.4 5.3 902144 28.27
KEC 900.8 3.8 1220559 109.95
MAWANASUG 125.6 5.2 470420 5.91
NRL 101.3 15.4 306161 3.1
PLASTIBLEN 322.1 1.8 66453 2.14
SHAILY 1024.1 6.7 150524 15.42
TV18BRDCST 51.6 7.7 14867236 76.71
VIPIND 478.4 3.5 532894 25.49
VISHWARAJ 18.2 10 1646155 3
WHIRLPOOL 2194.8 5.8 296350 65.04
Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
APLAPOLLO 1503.3 1.9 597228 89.78
APOLLOHOSP 6857.2 1.2 390690 267.9
AUTOIND 150.8 2.6 635835 9.59
AXISBPSETF 12 0.2 542211 0.65
BAJFINANCE 7063.6 2.4 998267 705.14
BIKAJI 833.7 0.3 616242 51.38
BPCL 356.4 2.4 15374622 547.95
BSOFT 679 2.7 4508063 306.1
CHEMFAB 913.8 1.4 30696 2.81
CNXFMCG 63162.9 0.7 133679 844.36
DALBHARAT 1845.7 1.2 566027 104.47
GAEL 142.7 0.3 1517685 21.66
HINDUNILVR 2785.3 0.8 1953322 544.06
INFRABEES 970.2 0.4 32763 3.18
ITC 505.1 1.6 15711579 793.59
IVP 207.3 2.1 32653 0.68
JOCIL 222.6 0.6 36339 0.81
LICNETFSEN 909 0.5 243 0.02
LICNFNHGP 281.8 0.6 1728 0.05
LIX15 6923.4 1 133679 92.55
MAANALU 136.1 0.4 164584 2.24
MAITHANALL 1149.5 0.6 65015 7.47
MANGLMCEM 1026.7 4.1 162166 16.65
NINSYS 511.4 1.7 7332 0.37
PARASPETRO 4 1.8 173650 0.07
PAYTM 554.5 3.1 6337220 351.4
PFC 554.5 2.8 13394594 742.73
RECLTD 626.3 1.2 13347478 835.95
RITEZONE 45.4 2 7488 0.03
RKFORGE 964.5 1.6 1276270 123.1
SHAILY 1024.1 6.7 150524 15.42
SHANTI 16.5 3.9 12941 0.02
TATAMTRDVR 768.6 2.9 3370165 259.03
VIPIND 478.4 3.5 532894 25.49
VSTTILLERS 4214.8 3.7 12604 5.31
WELENT 584.5 0.6 425517 24.87
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