Friday, August 16, 2024

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Stock Selection List from 14-Aug-24

The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here. 

This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
BCLIND 63.3 4.2 2822535 17.87
DCMFINSERV 6.5 9.9 44893 0.03
EPL 243.8 12 2603227 63.47
KITEX 286.2 19.8 607313 17.38
KRITINUT 142.8 15.6 182643 2.61
MARKSANS 214.3 14 2530360 54.23
POKARNA 921.3 19.8 259175 23.88
POLICYBZR 1574.1 6.2 1508802 237.5
PPL 549.3 12.4 210705 11.57
SHK 215.1 17 490433 10.55
SINTERCOM 135.5 6.5 32179 0.44
TIIL 3602.5 10.5 56743 20.44
TIMETECHNO 382.4 10.3 2132277 81.54

Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
BCLIND 63.3 4.2 2822535 17.87
EPL 243.8 12 2603227 63.47
KITEX 286.2 19.8 607313 17.38
KRITINUT 142.8 15.6 182643 2.61
MARKSANS 214.3 14 2530360 54.23
POKARNA 921.3 19.8 259175 23.88
POLICYBZR 1574.1 6.2 1508802 237.5
PPL 549.3 12.4 210705 11.57
SHK 215.1 17 490433 10.55
TIIL 3602.5 10.5 56743 20.44
TIMETECHNO 382.4 10.3 2132277 81.54

Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABMINTLLTD 67.6 5 2924 0.02
ABSLAMC 709.1 2.1 529696 37.56
ADVENZYMES 427.1 2.5 392878 16.78
ASAHISONG 539.5 7.9 93574 5.05
BARBEQUE 579.8 2.4 116348 6.75
BCLIND 63.3 4.2 2822535 17.87
BOROLTD 400.2 3.4 430552 17.23
CHOLAHLDNG 1569.5 4.3 481153 75.52
CMNL 75.7 5.4 48240 0.37
DCM 109.2 4.1 224074 2.45
DCMFINSERV 6.5 9.9 44893 0.03
DELHIVERY 414.9 1.7 3049362 126.52
DHANUKA 1820.6 1.1 88506 16.11
FINOPB 349.9 2.8 656031 22.95
FSL 290.4 4.8 6736861 195.64
GANECOS 1603.1 1.3 65264 10.46
HCLTECH 1626.2 2.1 3510499 570.88
HSCL 465.3 2.5 1537956 71.56
ICICIGI 1978 1.6 993143 196.44
INFY 1823.3 1.4 8477822 1545.76
ITDCEM 555 3.8 2168086 120.33
KDDL 3513.7 1.3 26507 9.31
KINGFA 2905.2 2.3 33367 9.69
NOIDATOLL 13.4 4.9 256030 0.34
ORTEL 1.7 0.6 34197 0.01
PAYTM 538.8 6.5 5785040 311.7
PGEL 436.1 0.7 1788145 77.98
POLYPLEX 1184.5 4.3 342912 40.62
RANEHOLDIN 1735.6 0.7 54698 9.49
RKFORGE 934.4 0.9 1294789 120.99
ROSSARI 909.4 3 271033 24.65
RTNINDIA 83.6 3.9 9143864 76.44
SBGLP 128.3 7.9 560578 7.19
SERVOTECH 127.1 0.4 2143842 27.25
SGIL 379.3 4.7 54070 2.05
SINTERCOM 135.5 6.5 32179 0.44
SUMICHEM 536.4 1.9 936006 50.21
SUPRAJIT 539.1 3.2 415436 22.4
SURYAROSNI 657.5 3.1 415126 27.29
TCPLPACK 2989.4 1.4 21430 6.41
TIMETECHNO 382.4 10.3 2132277 81.54
TVVISION 8.9 1.9 17078 0.02
UNOMINDA 1107 5.6 1364227 151.02

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