Thursday, December 31, 2020

Stock Selection List from 31-Dec-20

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
21STCENMGM 10.4 2 2575
ALICON 377.2 11.2 7532
ARCHIDPLY 35.2 15 117241
ASHIANA 114 10.4 182105
AUROPHARMA 921.3 1.6 3591624
BDL 340.4 3.1 319798
BEL 120 4.9 13423124
BRNL 37.3 11.2 259192
DHANBANK 14.6 10.2 903786
DYNAMATECH 847.5 9.9 19676
DYNPRO 261.6 6.9 101203
GOKULAGRO 19.9 9.6 82445
GPTINFRA 47.2 17.1 137523
GTPL 133.8 7.6 151801
HNGSNGBEES 354.1 4.4 1868
KARMAENG 12.6 1.6 6640
MURUDCERA 22.4 8.5 317637
NECLIFE 23.9 10.6 586349
NETFCONSUM 63.6 0.8 10299
PENIND 22.9 6.5 273809
PODDARMENT 194.7 3.8 8350
PREMIERPOL 44 14.9 60634
RAJESHEXPO 490.6 0.8 138430
RAMANEWS 16.3 6.2 75130
ROHLTD 76.3 6.3 56809
RSSOFTWARE 25.8 9.8 48772
RVNL 24 5 5661347
SMLISUZU 482.6 3.7 62293
SMSLIFE 655.8 7.1 16598
SPARC 193.8 6.7 841970
SRIPIPES 152.8 3.9 201585
SUPERHOUSE 133.6 16.8 74701
SYNGENE 639.6 4.8 657394
TIIL 356.3 4.9 39937
TPLPLASTEH 164.3 4.6 25817
UMANGDAIRY 64.1 19.9 68023
UNIVCABLES 147.8 6.6 35935
VERTOZ 214.3 3.1 127615
WALCHANNAG 71 14.1 285704

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AARTIIND 1234.8 1.3 299732
AGRITECH 39.3 1.3 16184
ANUP 742.4 3.8 21428
BHEL 35.9 1.4 41692131
BOMDYEING 79.5 3.9 2866618
BSE 619.2 1.6 542599
BSELINFRA 1.2 4.3 221140
BURNPUR 2.5 4.3 83629
BUTTERFLY 466.1 0.5 37935
CDSL 533.1 1.6 1237299
CENTURYTEX 410.9 3.8 1264562
CEREBRAINT 33.9 0.3 197793
CHENNPETRO 106.7 0.6 1928635
DIGJAMLTD 4 3.9 40078
DRREDDY 5205.1 0.7 1533922
DSSL 65.7 5 75274
EQ30 419.4 4.3 153
FLEXITUFF 16.7 4.7 15458
GARFIBRES 2268.6 0.8 21190
GNA 272 6.1 49498
GOLDTECH 10.7 2.9 35543
GPIL 474.7 3.5 130013
GULFPETRO 47.6 3.5 100660
HCG 162.8 0.3 131816
HDFCBANK 1436.3 0.3 11294083
HOVS 39.5 4.9 14501
IDEA 10.7 4.4 260598017
INDLMETER 19 4.1 5078
INOXWIND 61.5 5 310772
JUBLFOOD 2791.2 4.1 1087133
KANORICHEM 49.4 2.2 138686
KARDA 123.7 4.4 55625
KARURVYSYA 45.8 0.3 3026156
KOTAKPSUBK 173.7 0.5 30004
LOTUSEYE 33.1 1.5 11990
LUMAXTECH 125.4 3 161526
MAHAPEXLTD 92.9 3.3 5793
MARUTI 7649.6 0.5 1201512
MINDAIND 399.4 0.4 146968
MOTOGENFIN 20.4 3.3 7544
NATIONALUM 43.1 3.7 17516336
NKIND 21.4 4.6 2115
PHILIPCARB 174.1 1.5 1340802
PIONDIST 115.7 1.4 12488
POKARNA 180.2 3 109499
PRAKASH 55 1.9 863375
RAJRAYON 0.3 20 890987
REPRO 408.1 2.1 8807
SANGHVIMOV 108 0.2 38417
SARLAPOLY 24.1 1.5 265871
SETUINFRA 1.1 4.8 153372
SHRIRAMEPC 4.8 3.2 437117
SIMPLEXINF 41.2 5 203502
SKIPPER 62 0.6 114930
SPECIALITY 49 3.8 191180
STARPAPER 114.5 0.7 222525
SURANASOL 8.9 2.3 62330
SUULD 114 10 48143
TATACOMM 1100.7 2.3 116821
TEJASNET 137.2 5 880334
TIRUPATIFL 26.9 4.3 1177
TNPL 122.6 0.9 217680
UNITECH 1.9 2.7 1540290
UTTAMSTL 7.8 4.7 212885
VHL 1444.4 0.9 478
WESTLIFE 456.4 0.9 352028
ZEEL 223.5 2 19769218

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
3MINDIA 20830.5 -0.2 6190
CAREERP 159.6 -0.5 49692
DEVIT 124 -1.1 3360
ESCORTS 1260.4 -0.4 1783718
GRANULES 352.1 -3.1 1349078
IITL 61.5 -2 32428
PIIND 2195.1 -0.7 600504
SANGINITA 28.5 -0.5 129200
TAJGVK 131.7 -0.8 206890

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Stock Selection List from 30-Dec-20

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AGARIND 105.7 5.1 20983
ASAHIINDIA 278.6 3.1 151693
ASTRAZEN 4642.3 2.3 75778
BHARATRAS 9929.6 4 4721
CONTROLPR 253.9 8.9 21746
DOLAT 56.4 5.4 136572
DREDGECORP 331.6 9.8 220157
EIDPARRY 352.3 5.5 435988
FIEMIND 559.8 5 37619
GATI 97.8 8.7 1406735
INDIACEM 174.1 20 2412432
INDIAGLYCO 314.4 8.4 151636
ITDCEM 66.4 14.2 959103
JOCIL 181.8 5.4 12518
KAKATCEM 195.6 5.8 36265
MANGLMCEM 237.8 7 78334
MAYURUNIQ 311.8 7 128915
MOIL 145.1 2.8 482725
MRPL 35.3 2.9 2626704
NDGL 700.1 7.3 366
ORBTEXP 72.3 7 37718
ORTINLABSS 28.1 9.5 59245
PANACEABIO 244.9 6.5 314256
PREMEXPLN 166.4 7.5 27657
SEPOWER 3.1 3.3 74521
SHREEPUSHK 130 7.9 133091
SPENCERS 87 5.8 670639
STARCEMENT 101.8 12.2 544700
TWL 53.7 2.8 516484
VENUSREM 147.1 7.4 48347

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
3PLAND 10.9 3.8 5778
AAVAS 1688.1 0.4 93332
AGROPHOS 17 4.9 88466
ALEMBICLTD 107.5 2.1 654663
ALKEM 2928.4 0.1 110584
ATUL 6480.2 1.4 28112
AUTOLITIND 24.9 2.7 17055
BAJAJHLDNG 3105 1.3 101784
BLUESTARCO 801.5 1.2 122646
CARERATING 530.6 1.7 461281
CGPOWER 45.7 1.4 7361987
CNXAUTO 9164.8 1.3 62699
COCHINSHIP 382.1 4.1 432234
CTE 44.2 4.5 20893
CUBEXTUB 18.1 2 19515
DFMFOODS 425.3 5.4 66352
DGCONTENT 14.3 10 38403
ENERGYDEV 9.8 4.8 59841
GANDHITUBE 248.7 1.2 8821
GET&D 118.6 2.2 162184
GLAXO 1601.5 0.9 53132
GOKUL 17.8 6 43104
GOODLUCK 55 1.3 148305
GRASIM 934.4 2.7 2174961
GREAVESCOT 86.4 0.4 1733086
GTLINFRA 0.8 7.1 19802066
GUJALKALI 358.5 1.2 157133
IEX 222.9 2.5 815294
IIFLSEC 47.5 2.9 730527
INDOCO 297.9 2.1 229992
INDOWIND 4.2 5 117974
INGERRAND 654.8 1 48467
JINDALPHOT 26 4 19443
JKIL 134 1.7 146575
KALYANIFRG 160 4.5 1001
KECL 15.1 4.9 108865
KIRLOSIND 799 1.1 4767
KRIDHANINF 4 3.9 113097
LFIC 70 1.4 939
LICNETFN50 140.5 1.5 1338
LINCOLN 245.1 4.9 105131
MAHSCOOTER 3847.7 1.9 9628
MAITHANALL 584 2.1 45732
MANGCHEFER 43.4 1 1028016
MHRIL 208.6 1 175284
MOLDTECH 53.8 1.9 66220
MONTECARLO 252.4 1.5 82292
MORARJEE 13.9 4.5 20598
NACLIND 44.8 4.8 125901
NAHARPOLY 96.8 0.7 129308
NATCOPHARM 968.5 1.1 352174
NEXTMEDIA 6.3 5 5949
NITCO 25.6 2.4 96107
ORIENTREF 250.2 5.4 141207
PPL 97.1 4.6 129075
PRABHAT 73 3.2 118487
PRSMJOHNSN 90.3 3.4 484199
REMSONSIND 100.1 0.3 2575
RICOAUTO 36.5 0.4 779915
RPPINFRA 57 4.6 90257
SARDAEN 334.1 4.8 102667
SOFTTECH 89.8 4.8 14016
SRF 5516.9 0.6 244866
STCINDIA 83.4 3.9 82512
SUNFLAG 60.9 1.9 698357
SURANAT&P 4.8 1 129523
TCIEXP 925 1.1 23243
VENKEYS 1738.3 2.6 151031
VINYLINDIA 126 1.7 285586
VOLTAMP 1255.6 1.5 17164
WELCORP 135.2 3.4 1635860
ZODJRDMKJ 29.6 2.6 3119

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
DCAL 137 -1.9 492726
JIYAECO 6.8 -0.7 127731
MTEDUCARE 9.1 -10.8 179213
SANWARIA 1.3 -3.7 817578

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Stock Selection List from 29-Dec-20

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AHLUCONT 262.4 4.1 25710
ALANKIT 18.1 7.7 172806
ALLSEC 294.6 11.7 15206
ASHIANA 104.7 1.6 148892
CEBBCO 20.1 11.1 104608
DHARSUGAR 5.8 2.6 21844
DICIND 405.8 4.7 6139
DONEAR 35.3 8.1 153263
DVL 70.5 8.7 10372
ELECON 42.6 11.9 448050
FACT 64.3 18.3 601903
HIRECT 153.5 5.1 35865
IGL 511.1 4.3 3480076
KANORICHEM 51.8 19.9 119613
KIRLOSENG 128.4 5.8 229268
KOTHARIPRO 75 10.4 11575
KTKBANK 59.3 7.7 3065830
LGBBROSLTD 290.8 2.3 94424
LPDC 1.8 2.9 12760
MADRASFERT 21.3 6.8 219820
MATRIMONY 922.6 13.6 44851
MMTC 25.8 11 3048726
NFL 38.8 4.3 958695
QUICKHEAL 176.4 9.6 394092
RAMCOIND 224.2 0.7 82024
RML 265 4.8 32361
SDBL 33.3 9 232004
SOUTHWEST 41.9 4.4 44846
TECHNOFAB 10.5 2.9 6179
TIMKEN 1236.6 4.2 55947
UNIONBANK 31.9 4.6 6904190
UTISXN50 373.4 1.4 197
VARDHACRLC 37 13.3 75141
VINATIORGA 1219 6.2 106664
ZUARI 105.5 11.2 100602

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AARON 53 2.9 16859
AARTIIND 1227.5 1.3 300221
AHLEAST 167.1 2 3831
AMDIND 19.9 1.5 46642
ANANTRAJ 27.5 4 698093
ARSHIYA 17.6 4.8 34720
ARVINDFASN 157.6 2.1 462905
ASIANHOTNR 74.3 1.5 16769
AXISBANK 630.2 2 23927487
BALAJITELE 71.4 8.2 258006
BALKRISHNA 19.6 4.8 15642
BANDHANBNK 413.2 1.7 10427124
CHEMFAB 143.3 1.7 9482
CMMIPL 3 3.5 11280
CNXPSUBANK 1765.3 0.9 62644
COUNCODOS 3.5 4.5 56534
DIVISLAB 3784.2 0.5 1385263
DUCON 6.5 4.9 83305
ENGINERSIN 78.3 0.4 2675486
EQ30 414.1 0.5 159
EXIDEIND 191.3 2.7 4182405
FINPIPE 645.6 0.4 114063
GENESYS 58.6 4.9 18924
GOKEX 91 3 411574
GOKULAGRO 18.8 4.7 77868
GOLDSHARE 4578.9 1.4 1483
GPPL 99.2 6.6 698906
IFCI 9.4 2.2 6587022
INDUSINDBK 912.9 5.3 18907988
INFOBEAN 145.7 5 24985
JAYNECOIND 5.3 5 86039
JHS 24.6 4.9 95180
JPINFRATEC 2 2.5 2236736
KERNEX 26.4 5 12080
KOPRAN 143.7 5 595653
KOTAKPSUBK 175.1 1.9 29786
LIBAS 33 1.9 62463
MEGASOFT 9.4 2.2 37418
MEGH 85.2 4.5 1138192
METKORE 0.7 7.7 35826
MHHL 20.5 3.5 10560
NDTV 40.1 2 43582
NETFLTGILT 22.4 0.1 41191
NETFNIF100 145 0.7 1130
NILASPACES 1.6 3.2 500090
NIPPOBATRY 712 11 5258
NSIL 904.6 1.3 1686
OBEROIRLTY 547 1.8 703123
OFSS 3212.4 1 59449
ORTEL 1.1 4.5 39112
PHOENIXLTD 756.3 2.5 315512
PSUBNKBEES 19.4 1.1 403552
RCF 55 3.1 1927415
SHRIRAMEPC 4.8 5.5 426438
SHYAMCENT 6.2 3.3 71769
SKMEGGPROD 58.1 3.7 92480
SNOWMAN 66.2 13 4658954
SOLARINDS 1090.1 0.9 50233
SUPREMEINF 11.9 3.9 4837
SUULD 104.7 1 49755
TEXINFRA 42.8 1.1 153528
TIL 172.9 3.5 11472
TIMETECHNO 48.5 2.3 690668
TMRVL 11.9 3.9 64801
ULTRACEMCO 5146.8 0.1 811805
VASWANI 5.8 1.7 11167
VIJIFIN 0.8 7.1 224615
VISHNU 199.3 10 9001
ZOTA 156.9 7.1 21055
ZYDUSWELL 1981.8 2.8 42405

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ALOKINDS 21.3 -1.6 11661377
BIOFILCHEM 193.1 -5 88906

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Monday, December 28, 2020

Stock Selection List from 28-Dec-20

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ALEMBICLTD 106.3 6.7 624858
BALMLAWRIE 134.1 15.4 588884
BANARBEADS 59.5 8 27984
BANCOINDIA 145.7 7.7 316981
CEREBRAINT 35.5 9.6 187574
COROMANDEL 849.8 5.9 446453
DHANUKA 815 10.6 74060
EMKAY 76.8 10.5 31304
FCL 55.1 13.9 792121
GATI 90.8 5.2 1270551
GLAXO 1619 5.6 53913
GPTINFRA 44.2 19.9 88481
HUDCO 40.9 5.3 1927481
IBMFNIFTY 138.4 3.3 901
IFGLEXPOR 243.6 20 13995
INDIANHUME 197.1 7.1 73857
JINDALSAW 78.1 6.6 1196615
MAANALU 94.6 13.2 33157
MANINFRA 34.8 6.7 888010
MEP 19.1 15.4 367047
MUKANDLTD 64.7 8.4 75460
NBVENTURES 59.6 8.9 1069798
NILAINFRA 5.9 9.3 615417
NILKAMAL 1545.7 8.5 16136
NPBET 164 1.6 718
ORIENTREF 243.6 7.2 129270
PEARLPOLY 20 3.9 11260
PLASTIBLEN 265.6 6.8 36808
PTL 44.8 3.7 72138
RUPA 251.3 4.8 95455
SAREGAMA 807.3 9 47654
SASKEN 811.7 11.7 44828
SIRCA 263.9 6.7 27401
SPLIL 34 7.1 39014
STEL 69.2 11.4 22521
TBZ 55.9 18.3 717730
XELPMOC 304.3 10 57778

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
20MICRONS 40 5.8 183692
AARVEEDEN 18.9 6.2 40976
ADANIPOWER 50.3 4.9 14376210
AEGISCHEM 256 4.1 293598
AGARIND 103 3.2 19818
AIAENG 2060.9 3.2 51267
AIRAN 17.9 2.6 136486
AJANTPHARM 1689.1 1 152285
AKSHARCHEM 245.8 4 27681
AKZOINDIA 2327.3 4.2 13293
AMBER 2410.9 2.9 264967
AMBIKCO 856.8 6.5 24141
APLAPOLLO 808.8 6.3 361210
ARMANFIN 741.1 2.1 14103
ARVSMART 114.3 4.1 418665
ASHIMASYN 12.8 4.9 154816
AXISCADES 58.5 4.7 110722
BAJAJCON 219.5 3.1 636943
BANKBARODA 62.4 2.5 44386982
BANKBEES 310.1 1.6 1076233
BATAINDIA 1609.7 2.7 804936
BCP 7.1 3.6 315806
BHARATWIRE 33.4 7.1 22768
BINDALAGRO 16.6 5.1 75526
BLUEDART 4068.4 3.6 41028
BSLNIFTY 151.9 2.1 2633
CANBK 125.3 3.7 20680386
CENTUM 383.9 2.3 19223
CENTURYTEX 407.1 3.7 1202755
CGPOWER 45.3 5 7137727
CHENNPETRO 107.5 2.9 1907435
CMICABLES 42 4.2 60489
CONSOFINVT 42.8 2 5669
CPSEETF 20.5 1.1 5089952
CTE 43.5 4.9 21391
CUBEXTUB 17.9 4.4 19399
DABUR 525 2 4105940
DCBBANK 119.1 3 2417746
DREDGECORP 303.8 4.1 176360
EDUCOMP 3.6 4.3 41269
EKC 52.1 4.9 278689
EVEREADY 197.3 6.1 771197
FEDERALBNK 67.4 3.4 41474208
FORTIS 155.7 1 2447821
GALAXYSURF 2009.5 3.4 43932
GALLANTT 38.9 5.7 34746
GAYAHWS 0.7 8.3 719702
GICHSGFIN 120.8 3.5 853073
GODREJCP 727.3 0.9 1585422
HAVISHA 0.8 6.7 55574
HDFCLIFE 678.7 3.3 4984324
HILTON 11.9 4.9 17233
HINDNATGLS 36.2 3.7 45464
HUBTOWN 14.4 4.7 73162
ICICIBANK 520.1 1.3 30773554
ICICIBANKN 305.9 1.6 44259
ICICIBANKP 168.2 1.9 54757
ICRA 2965.7 6.1 4175
INEOSSTYRO 791.4 2.6 43471
INFRABEES 380.2 1.3 1070
JASH 225.3 2.6 19388
JPASSOCIAT 6.5 4.9 13414153
JSWSTEEL 386.6 5.6 7741525
JUBLINDS 241.2 2.2 78878
KANSAINER 571.8 1.9 244977
KICL 1407.9 1.4 1883
KIRLOSIND 799 0.8 4717
KPITTECH 130.2 9.2 914723
LALPATHLAB 2297.9 1.1 171562
LAOPALA 242.4 6.6 153144
LICHSGFIN 367 1.3 7219382
LICNETFN50 140.7 2.7 1305
LICNFNHGP 140.7 3.2 681
LUXIND 1666.5 4.2 54441
MAHSCOOTER 3848.6 3.1 9464
MANALIPETC 36.8 4 951942
MINDACORP 92.5 4.6 1123050
MOHOTAIND 10.3 19.9 64867
MOTHERSUMI 160.7 4.3 15042296
NETFCONSUM 63.3 0.9 6915
NETFDIVOPP 34.9 3.1 3013
NUCLEUS 629.8 5 79368
OAL 567.4 3.8 59645
OIL 111.2 2.1 1417117
ONMOBILE 58.9 5 440439
PALASHSECU 43.5 2.7 5463
PALREDTEC 39.5 3.7 9171
PENIND 22.4 6.9 255838
PENINLAND 6.5 2.4 258764
PNC 20.4 20 26965
POKARNA 174.6 2.7 109696
PRABHAT 71 2 118247
PRAXIS 40.9 3.5 23263
PRESSMN 25.4 5.2 112326
QUESS 497.1 6.5 190497
RANEENGINE 269.6 2.2 17744
RAYMOND 343.1 0.3 1143472
RECLTD 135.5 1.2 8072976
RELINFRA 27.9 4.1 3819532
REPRO 401.4 6.7 8310
RKFORGE 487.9 4.1 49329
RSSOFTWARE 23.9 1.7 42270
RUCHIRA 64.7 2 91990
SAKHTISUG 10.6 5.5 108949
SANGHVIMOV 108.3 3 38120
SANOFI 8261.7 1.3 24779
SECURCRED 19 5 2844
SICAGEN 15.9 2.3 22212
SKIL 2.9 3.6 505924
SOMICONVEY 27.4 6.4 14315
SRF 5505.4 0.4 252892
SRIPIPES 147.7 3 184317
SUMEETINDS 2.7 3.8 90686
SUNDRMBRAK 315.8 2.1 9047
SYNCOM 2.3 4.7 56058
TAKE 50.4 4.2 1893151
TATAMOTORS 186.3 5.9 60245502
TATAMTRDVR 77.2 6 6715814
TATASTLLP 552.3 5.6 163583
TEXRAIL 31.6 3.4 1073128
TIJARIA 7.9 3.3 32503
TRIDENT 9.7 3.2 14918388
TVTODAY 228.7 3.4 87952
UBL 1163.8 3.3 738169
VASCONEQ 14.9 1 409541
VETO 81.4 2.3 141966
VHL 1448.6 2 437
VICEROY 3.1 5 39138
VOLTAMP 1243.1 3.1 16949
VRLLOG 204.9 3.2 324762
WANBURY 40.4 0.9 17936
WILLAMAGOR 21.3 2.7 11783
WORTH 52.7 12 25647
ZUARIGLOB 64.2 2.6 131597

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
POLYPLEX 714.9 -2.2 115132
RAMASTEEL 44 -2.9 7033
SHRENIK 4.5 -7.2 1252531
VIKASECO 4.2 -4.5 2205296

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Stock Selection List from 24-Dec-20

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ARROWGREEN 57.8 5.8 7664
ASAHIINDIA 272.8 8.9 126075
ASPINWALL 163.1 20 3141
BHANDARI 1.6 14.3 217615
BIRLAMONEY 45.3 8.1 297204
CAMLINFINE 125 5.9 593232
CERA 3439.2 5.5 12962
CESCVENT 288.8 8.1 73233
DFMFOODS 404.1 5.6 61853
GROBTEA 652.4 10 664
INDOTECH 121.1 10.6 30861
JCHAC 2530.3 12.2 18457
JITFINFRA 10.1 4.7 7248
LYKALABS 23.3 9.9 45996
MAHLOG 411.8 1.7 69527
MIDHANI 205.9 4.4 457436
NIACL 132.3 4.6 587247
RAJRAYON 0.3 20 853171
SPIC 23.8 6.7 455446
SWELECTES 169.5 5 13889
UGARSUGAR 17.6 6.4 362308
VAISHALI 40.5 20 30923
WATERBASE 131.7 6.7 576676
WHEELS 498.6 7.1 16995

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ADFFOODS 574 2.1 121410
AKSHOPTFBR 7.8 6.8 311281
ALLSEC 269.6 3.3 11359
AROGRANITE 43.5 3.7 96482
AUROPHARMA 909 2.2 3461164
BAJAJ-AUTO 3374.8 2 906795
BANKNIFTY 30402.2 1.7 62740
BAYERCROP 5493.1 3.2 31280
BEARDSELL 10.8 3.8 23606
BHARTIARTL 517.3 2 18804844
BILENERGY 0.9 5.9 280562
BODALCHEM 78.2 1.4 736373
BUTTERFLY 467.8 2.4 40016
CAPTRUST 100.2 10 16475
CCHHL 5.6 4.7 86792
DELTACORP 160.4 2.9 3372273
EMAMILTD 428.3 1.9 673915
ENDURANCE 1240.6 4.9 149123
FMNL 19.6 2.6 69340
FSL 91.9 15.2 3157127
GAIL 120.2 1.6 22564399
GDL 115.2 0.3 139719
GHCL 199.6 2.5 360701
GOODLUCK 54.2 1 145179
HEIDELBERG 214.8 1.7 417415
IBREALEST 72.5 1.8 5444719
ICICIB22 31.3 0.9 754187
ICICIGI 1484.1 1.8 710536
ICICIPRULI 496.1 2.4 2179500
INDIANB 86.4 1.2 3594223
INDOCO 294.6 3.3 226918
ITC 208.6 0.4 29839202
JINDALPHOT 25.4 2 18753
JINDWORLD 56.3 6.2 190851
JMA 32.8 1.2 27895
JPOLYINVST 18.3 4.9 2698
JYOTHYLAB 148.3 2.2 570760
KAMDHENU 103 0.8 72082
KDDL 209.8 3.2 4985
KIOCL 144.3 0.7 125742
KOTAKBKETF 306.9 2 166888
KREBSBIO 114.8 4.8 20615
KSK 0.6 9.1 811620
L&TFH 90.4 1 18084020
LIBAS 32.8 2.7 58777
LIX15 3293.7 1.6 62740
LUPIN 976.2 1.3 3606541
MANAKSIA 55.5 3.2 170799
MARINE 219.4 6.3 71418
MCX 1731.7 3.5 272247
NEOGEN 748.1 3.5 44508
NETFMID150 78 0.7 118197
NHPC 23.1 2.2 6190263
NITCO 25.4 5 94212
OFSS 3220 2.4 71057
PDSMFL 420 2.4 13419
PUNJABCHEM 749.9 0.7 9566
REFEX 105.8 3.7 440256
RELCAPITAL 12.5 4.6 2609740
RUSHIL 143.4 1.6 118096
SANDESH 602.6 1.3 2417
SBILIFE 873.9 2.2 1659511
SBIN 266.9 1.5 58138381
SETFNIFBK 302.9 1.7 158683
SHAKTIPUMP 287.9 0.9 83571
SHALBY 113.7 8.7 634129
SHREERAMA 9 5.3 58496
SINTERCOM 81 3.1 4914
SINTEX 4 3.9 2245365
SKFINDIA 1674.8 1.3 28432
SOBHA 338.8 3.2 483092
SPECIALITY 49 7.9 179053
STAR 853.3 7.7 821767
STEELXIND 39.4 4.9 114666
SUBROS 328.4 2.3 119460
TDPOWERSYS 133.4 4.1 121726
THERMAX 924.1 2.7 68672
TREJHARA 41.5 4.9 36421
TTKHLTCARE 578 2.7 5687
TTKPRESTIG 5990.1 4.7 6846
TTL 46.9 2.1 22589
UFO 86.8 3.1 287650
UNIENTER 67.5 1.8 16673
UTINEXT50 331.4 0.4 1388
VAIBHAVGBL 2198.7 3.3 22897
VASWANI 5.8 4.5 11392
VBL 917.9 1.4 392477
VIPCLOTHNG 12.6 3.3 92798
XCHANGING 87.6 2.2 266704
ZYDUSWELL 1947.6 2.2 41867

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ALOKINDS 21.4 -0.5 12019250
ASIANTILES 279.9 -0.9 183471
CIGNITITEC 396 -1.3 48149
ICICILIQ 999.8 0 18235
INNOVANA 72.9 -3 6900
MAZDA 514.6 -3.4 8924
NBIFIN 1631.2 -1.2 435
PNB 31.4 -1.1 63121301
SAGARDEEP 36.9 -1.9 20868
TIRUPATIFL 24.9 -1.4 1093

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

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