The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
21STCENMGM 10.4 2 2575
ALICON 377.2 11.2 7532
ARCHIDPLY 35.2 15 117241
ASHIANA 114 10.4 182105
AUROPHARMA 921.3 1.6 3591624
BDL 340.4 3.1 319798
BEL 120 4.9 13423124
BRNL 37.3 11.2 259192
DHANBANK 14.6 10.2 903786
DYNAMATECH 847.5 9.9 19676
DYNPRO 261.6 6.9 101203
GOKULAGRO 19.9 9.6 82445
GPTINFRA 47.2 17.1 137523
GTPL 133.8 7.6 151801
HNGSNGBEES 354.1 4.4 1868
KARMAENG 12.6 1.6 6640
MURUDCERA 22.4 8.5 317637
NECLIFE 23.9 10.6 586349
NETFCONSUM 63.6 0.8 10299
PENIND 22.9 6.5 273809
PODDARMENT 194.7 3.8 8350
PREMIERPOL 44 14.9 60634
RAJESHEXPO 490.6 0.8 138430
RAMANEWS 16.3 6.2 75130
ROHLTD 76.3 6.3 56809
RSSOFTWARE 25.8 9.8 48772
RVNL 24 5 5661347
SMLISUZU 482.6 3.7 62293
SMSLIFE 655.8 7.1 16598
SPARC 193.8 6.7 841970
SRIPIPES 152.8 3.9 201585
SUPERHOUSE 133.6 16.8 74701
SYNGENE 639.6 4.8 657394
TIIL 356.3 4.9 39937
TPLPLASTEH 164.3 4.6 25817
UMANGDAIRY 64.1 19.9 68023
UNIVCABLES 147.8 6.6 35935
VERTOZ 214.3 3.1 127615
WALCHANNAG 71 14.1 285704
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AARTIIND 1234.8 1.3 299732
AGRITECH 39.3 1.3 16184
ANUP 742.4 3.8 21428
BHEL 35.9 1.4 41692131
BOMDYEING 79.5 3.9 2866618
BSE 619.2 1.6 542599
BSELINFRA 1.2 4.3 221140
BURNPUR 2.5 4.3 83629
BUTTERFLY 466.1 0.5 37935
CDSL 533.1 1.6 1237299
CENTURYTEX 410.9 3.8 1264562
CEREBRAINT 33.9 0.3 197793
CHENNPETRO 106.7 0.6 1928635
DIGJAMLTD 4 3.9 40078
DRREDDY 5205.1 0.7 1533922
DSSL 65.7 5 75274
EQ30 419.4 4.3 153
FLEXITUFF 16.7 4.7 15458
GARFIBRES 2268.6 0.8 21190
GNA 272 6.1 49498
GOLDTECH 10.7 2.9 35543
GPIL 474.7 3.5 130013
GULFPETRO 47.6 3.5 100660
HCG 162.8 0.3 131816
HDFCBANK 1436.3 0.3 11294083
HOVS 39.5 4.9 14501
IDEA 10.7 4.4 260598017
INDLMETER 19 4.1 5078
INOXWIND 61.5 5 310772
JUBLFOOD 2791.2 4.1 1087133
KANORICHEM 49.4 2.2 138686
KARDA 123.7 4.4 55625
KARURVYSYA 45.8 0.3 3026156
KOTAKPSUBK 173.7 0.5 30004
LOTUSEYE 33.1 1.5 11990
LUMAXTECH 125.4 3 161526
MAHAPEXLTD 92.9 3.3 5793
MARUTI 7649.6 0.5 1201512
MINDAIND 399.4 0.4 146968
MOTOGENFIN 20.4 3.3 7544
NATIONALUM 43.1 3.7 17516336
NKIND 21.4 4.6 2115
PHILIPCARB 174.1 1.5 1340802
PIONDIST 115.7 1.4 12488
POKARNA 180.2 3 109499
PRAKASH 55 1.9 863375
RAJRAYON 0.3 20 890987
REPRO 408.1 2.1 8807
SANGHVIMOV 108 0.2 38417
SARLAPOLY 24.1 1.5 265871
SETUINFRA 1.1 4.8 153372
SHRIRAMEPC 4.8 3.2 437117
SIMPLEXINF 41.2 5 203502
SKIPPER 62 0.6 114930
SPECIALITY 49 3.8 191180
STARPAPER 114.5 0.7 222525
SURANASOL 8.9 2.3 62330
SUULD 114 10 48143
TATACOMM 1100.7 2.3 116821
TEJASNET 137.2 5 880334
TIRUPATIFL 26.9 4.3 1177
TNPL 122.6 0.9 217680
UNITECH 1.9 2.7 1540290
UTTAMSTL 7.8 4.7 212885
VHL 1444.4 0.9 478
WESTLIFE 456.4 0.9 352028
ZEEL 223.5 2 19769218
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
3MINDIA 20830.5 -0.2 6190
CAREERP 159.6 -0.5 49692
DEVIT 124 -1.1 3360
ESCORTS 1260.4 -0.4 1783718
GRANULES 352.1 -3.1 1349078
IITL 61.5 -2 32428
PIIND 2195.1 -0.7 600504
SANGINITA 28.5 -0.5 129200
TAJGVK 131.7 -0.8 206890
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.
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