Friday, May 17, 2024

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Stock Selection List from 16-May-24

The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here. 

This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
BFUTILITIE 916.6 7.6 495809 45.45
CENTURYPLY 671 0.9 269571 18.09
FDC 472.8 3.9 129969 6.14
GANECOS 1104.8 2.8 56176 6.21
NCC 273.6 8.8 7504648 205.33
PARTYCRUS 130.3 3 18980 0.25
ROTO 455.4 8.7 173569 7.9
SANSERA 1059.1 3.2 106153 11.24
SBIETFQLTY 204 1.6 10416 0.21
SHREEPUSHK 196 13.8 71478 1.4
SOMANYCERA 719.8 15.9 70701 5.09
TEXRAIL 189.1 6.1 2130449 40.29
WELENT 392.8 6.6 359350 14.12
WINDMACHIN 92.8 9.2 289832 2.69

Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
BFUTILITIE 916.6 7.6 495809 45.45
CENTURYPLY 671 0.9 269571 18.09
FDC 472.8 3.9 129969 6.14
GANECOS 1104.8 2.8 56176 6.21
NCC 273.6 8.8 7504648 205.33
ROTO 455.4 8.7 173569 7.9
SANSERA 1059.1 3.2 106153 11.24
SOMANYCERA 719.8 15.9 70701 5.09
TEXRAIL 189.1 6.1 2130449 40.29
WELENT 392.8 6.6 359350 14.12
WINDMACHIN 92.8 9.2 289832 2.69

Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADROITINFO 20.9 2.7 89857 0.19
APLAPOLLO 1630.1 3.2 603991 98.46
ASHIANA 375.9 1.8 303762 11.42
ASTRAZEN 5651.9 2.9 19476 11.01
ATULAUTO 572.5 2.1 280218 16.04
AUTOAXLES 1984 1.1 21322 4.23
AXISBANK 1139.3 1 10631548 1211.25
BEDMUTHA 216.9 5 13472 0.29
BEL 237.9 2.2 30793847 732.59
BHARTIARTL 1345.1 2.7 6908531 929.27
BIKAJI 545.8 5.2 241349 13.17
BRIGADE 1102 1.9 470523 51.85
BRITANNIA 5137.8 1.5 386051 198.35
BSLGOLDETF 65.6 1 80173 0.53
CLEAN 1350.3 1.7 111280 15.03
CNXMIDCAP 51153.3 0.9 102888 526.31
CNXREALTY 980.8 1.6 102888 10.09
CORALFINAC 45.9 2.2 24276 0.11
COUNCODOS 6.6 4.8 250338 0.17
CPSEETF 87.7 0.3 4138919 36.3
DIVOPPBEES 75.5 0.6 52355 0.4
DYNAMATECH 8558.4 3.5 20298 17.37
EBBETF0430 1360.9 0.3 14211 1.93
EIDPARRY 631.3 1.7 282450 17.83
ELDEHSG 1096.2 4 11269 1.24
ELECON 1144.6 4.3 355557 40.7
EMMBI 108.8 4.5 59047 0.64
EMUDHRA 793.7 5.3 653726 51.89
FEDERALBNK 164.1 0.8 15386550 252.49
GANDHITUBE 853.3 3.7 13412 1.14
GANECOS 1104.8 2.8 56176 6.21
GENUSPOWER 311.9 5 719208 22.43
GRSE 990.9 1.2 1328314 131.62
GTL 11.6 5 315575 0.37
HDFCMID150 19.1 0.8 300282 0.57
HDFCNIF100 23.9 1.9 41414 0.1
HDFCQUAL 53.6 1 8704 0.05
HINDWAREAP 387.6 4.7 180851 7.01
IMPEXFERRO 3.8 4.1 31036 0.01
ITDCEM 393.5 4 687843 27.07
KAVVERITEL 17.9 5 49678 0.09
MANAKSTEEL 63.2 5 46901 0.3
MAZDOCK 2439.8 2 1657934 404.5
METROPOLIS 1867.9 1 339065 63.33
MINDTECK 328 5.1 370166 12.14
MOM100 54.5 0.7 347977 1.9
MON100 150.3 1.4 469095 7.05
MONQ50 62.8 0.8 26717 0.17
NAVA 531.5 1.6 325184 17.28
NESCO 884 1.2 66401 5.87
PARTYCRUS 130.3 3 18980 0.25
PFC 454.8 4.2 16665901 757.97
PODDARMENT 362.2 1.3 14332 0.52
POLICYBZR 1338.3 5.2 1842489 246.58
PRAKASHSTL 8.8 4.8 430215 0.38
RUSTOMJEE 713 4.1 74540 5.31
SBIETFCON 106.9 0.9 7614 0.08
SCHNEIDER 835.5 2.7 171562 14.33
SCI 233.5 4 2685318 62.7
SETF10GILT 229.5 0.3 15005 0.34
SHRADHA 81.7 1.1 131711 1.08
SOLEX 1193 5 22764 2.72
SUBROS 624.1 2.7 146592 9.15
SUNTV 670 1.4 744771 49.9
SURANAT&P 16.4 0.6 69122 0.11
TIMETECHNO 286.9 2.4 1815701 52.09
VENUSPIPES 2140.5 2 124682 26.69
VIVIDHA 1.1 4.5 611910 0.07
VMART 2230.2 3.9 28942 6.45
WHIRLPOOL 1510.3 2.2 170860 25.8
ZENSARTECH 640.1 2.8 1455762 93.18

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