The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here.
This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
APEX 235.1 8.5 136330 3.21
ATULAUTO 595.6 13 252153 15.02
AVANTIFEED 558.2 4.8 532365 29.72
CHOLAHLDNG 1143.1 6.2 140999 16.12
GENUSPAPER 21.7 7.7 1085020 2.35
INDIAMART 2861.1 8.2 235257 67.31
INTLCONV 95.2 6.3 423333 4.03
KSOLVES 1207.9 5.4 24564 2.97
NIDAN 33.1 13.1 36520 0.12
PEARLPOLY 44.6 19.9 300566 1.34
PTL 44.9 3.9 160251 0.72
REPL 211.1 14.7 45194 0.95
RUCHIRA 134.1 6.1 95552 1.28
SAH 104.6 9.5 148931 1.56
TNPL 290.3 5.6 164203 4.77
TVSELECT 360.9 19.4 186116 6.72
WELCORP 605.2 7.2 668002 40.43
Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
APEX 235.1 8.5 136330 3.21
ATULAUTO 595.6 13 252153 15.02
AVANTIFEED 558.2 4.8 532365 29.72
CHOLAHLDNG 1143.1 6.2 140999 16.12
GENUSPAPER 21.7 7.7 1085020 2.35
INDIAMART 2861.1 8.2 235257 67.31
INTLCONV 95.2 6.3 423333 4.03
KSOLVES 1207.9 5.4 24564 2.97
TNPL 290.3 5.6 164203 4.77
TVSELECT 360.9 19.4 186116 6.72
WELCORP 605.2 7.2 668002 40.43
Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
21STCENMGM 51.6 2 8877 0.05
AARTIIND 742.8 0.1 1278428 94.96
ABB 6682.5 2.2 591064 394.98
ADVANIHOTR 85.6 2.5 404619 3.46
AKZOINDIA 2522.8 3 14746 3.72
ARVIND 326.4 3.6 614349 20.05
ASIANENE 301.6 5 46405 1.4
ASIANPAINT 2975.4 3.5 1229562 365.84
AUBANK 645.3 1.8 3837345 247.62
AUTOAXLES 1959.5 3.5 21629 4.24
AVANTIFEED 558.2 4.8 532365 29.72
AXISCADES 661.8 4.2 82667 5.47
AXISNIFTY 244.1 0.5 22887 0.56
BALKRISHNA 28.6 4.9 15620 0.04
BANARISUG 2696.3 1.7 1920 0.52
BFUTILITIE 891.4 3.4 689501 61.46
BOSCHLTD 30670.5 4.5 41802 128.21
BPCL 634.6 4.5 8752736 555.45
CAMPUS 250.8 1.4 1848816 46.37
CHOLAHLDNG 1143.1 6.2 140999 16.12
CYBERMEDIA 27.3 5 28485 0.08
DABUR 525.3 3.5 2140604 112.45
DGCONTENT 23.6 4.9 37883 0.09
DHRUV 113.7 1 91615 1.04
DOLLEX 44 3 44400 0.2
EMIL 214.3 2 376489 8.07
GANESHHOUC 844.3 5 88409 7.46
GILLETTE 6771.6 1.6 19432 13.16
GILT5YBEES 55.4 0.2 369332 2.05
GIPCL 191.6 1.3 449754 8.62
GREAVESCOT 145.3 2.7 1646398 23.92
HDFCQUAL 52.8 0.5 6729 0.04
HFCL 103.6 3.1 25660274 265.84
HGS 891 1.9 36184 3.22
HINDPETRO 533.5 7.7 8115906 432.98
IDBI 91.1 0.8 10818678 98.56
IFCI 50 10 14410918 72.05
INDIANB 549.9 0.3 2126556 116.94
IRB 69.7 2.5 21219524 147.9
ITC 439 0.8 18589949 816.1
JBMA 1959.8 2.9 239595 46.96
JSL 734.2 3.9 1661480 121.99
KABRAEXTRU 390.4 5.5 114345 4.46
KANSAINER 286.1 2.3 326756 9.35
KBCGLOBAL 2.1 5 9070669 1.9
KPITTECH 1512.2 1.2 1128242 170.61
KSB 4613.8 2.3 67428 31.11
KSOLVES 1207.9 5.4 24564 2.97
MALLCOM 1061.4 2.5 7983 0.85
MIDHANI 442.8 0.9 1358911 60.17
MOLOWVOL 35.6 0.3 73659 0.26
MOM50 231.8 0.7 3943 0.09
NELCAST 158.2 5.4 142464 2.25
NEXTMEDIA 7.8 9.9 36676 0.03
NIFTYBEES 250.8 0.3 3332263 83.57
NPBET 249.3 0.3 1760 0.04
OBEROIRLTY 1529.3 3.1 684659 104.7
PFS 44.8 4.3 1012914 4.54
PLASTIBLEN 278.4 2.3 27746 0.77
PODDARHOUS 107 0.4 3195 0.03
POLICYBZR 1292.1 2.2 2009620 259.66
RAILTEL 406.2 1.7 5808439 235.94
RBLBANK 267.1 2.6 8852932 236.46
RPSGVENT 735.7 2 70138 5.16
SANOFI 8677.8 4.2 19491 16.91
SBIETFPB 247.1 0.5 34993 0.86
SHAHALLOYS 68.3 2 16566 0.11
SHREYANIND 250.6 0.3 34299 0.86
SIGIND 78 3.5 67049 0.52
SILVERTUC 739.6 7.5 35374 2.62
SJVN 137.2 2 32163773 441.29
SRF 2669.1 1.8 482368 128.75
STARPAPER 248.8 1.6 28637 0.71
SUNDRMBRAK 742.7 1.6 2980 0.22
SUNDRMFAST 1133.5 1.5 158454 17.96
SUPREMEENG 1.1 5 524911 0.06
SUPRIYA 418.6 5.5 419029 17.54
SYMPHONY 973.5 0.7 175208 17.06
TATAMOTORS 1027.8 2 10847788 1114.94
TATASTEEL 167.3 1.4 58380906 976.71
UJJIVANSFB 55.3 3 9793676 54.16
VINNY 4.6 4.5 517850 0.24
VIPIND 552.6 0.6 1204387 66.55
ZENSARTECH 626.6 2.2 1360459 85.25
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