Saturday, May 4, 2024

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Stock Selection List from 03-May-24

The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here. 

This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
APLLTD 1024.3 3 139484 14.29
ATUL 6142.1 2.4 70456 43.27
AVTNPL 99 11.1 613125 6.07
BIRLACORPN 1559.9 4.5 132932 20.74
BLUEDART 6821.5 9.3 36330 24.78
COALINDIA 474.6 4.6 11621401 551.55
DAMODARIND 54.3 1.3 42553 0.23
DUGLOBAL 77.2 4.4 66050 0.51
EMKAYTOOLS 747 11.5 1746 0.13
GOLDTECH 153.4 5.2 34443 0.53
INNOVANA 667.2 20 6508 0.43
IVC 11.2 9.3 363177 0.41
KOTYARK 1244.2 13.2 26400 3.28
LOVABLE 132.3 5.5 49320 0.65
ORIENTHOT 150 10.7 745120 11.18
PENINLAND 58.6 20 1034823 6.06
RANEENGINE 386.7 5 8687 0.34
RTNPOWER 9.5 3.8 15632480 14.85
RUSHIL 330.4 7.5 130012 4.3
TAJGVK 406.6 8.3 437728 17.8
TFL 13.9 19.9 361819 0.5

Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
APLLTD 1024.3 3 139484 14.29
ATUL 6142.1 2.4 70456 43.27
AVTNPL 99 11.1 613125 6.07
BIRLACORPN 1559.9 4.5 132932 20.74
BLUEDART 6821.5 9.3 36330 24.78
COALINDIA 474.6 4.6 11621401 551.55
KOTYARK 1244.2 13.2 26400 3.28
ORIENTHOT 150 10.7 745120 11.18
PENINLAND 58.6 20 1034823 6.06
RTNPOWER 9.5 3.8 15632480 14.85
RUSHIL 330.4 7.5 130012 4.3
TAJGVK 406.6 8.3 437728 17.8

Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADL 93 1.8 7964 0.07
AJOONI 6.5 2.4 556075 0.36
ATUL 6142.1 2.4 70456 43.27
CARERATING 1211.6 3.8 62231 7.54
CARTRADE 750 3.8 226453 16.98
CENTUM 2069.7 5.5 43808 9.07
COALINDIA 474.6 4.6 11621401 551.55
CORDSCABLE 188.8 5 36074 0.68
DCMSHRIRAM 966.4 0.2 62895 6.08
DRREDDY 6349.6 1 349917 222.18
DUGLOBAL 77.2 4.4 66050 0.51
E2E 1127.3 5 16282 1.84
EBBETF0431 1213.3 0.2 8754 1.06
FIVESTAR 774.7 4.9 652918 50.58
FORTIS 451.9 2.6 1351637 61.08
GODREJCP 1251.2 1.5 905117 113.25
GOLDTECH 153.4 5.2 34443 0.53
ICIL 398.7 5.8 929648 37.07
INDIAVIX 14.6 8.7 103258 0.15
INDOSTAR 256.2 4.4 197476 5.06
IVC 11.2 9.3 363177 0.41
JAYAGROGN 248.1 1.4 38962 0.97
JFLLIFE 46.9 3.9 15360 0.07
LGBBROSLTD 1332.6 2.4 34157 4.55
LUPIN 1654.8 0.4 1019241 168.66
MCDOWELL-N 1208.3 1.1 875806 105.82
NATCOPHARM 1034.1 2.3 790061 81.7
NAVA 519.6 2.1 333098 17.31
PAR 274.9 3.9 102289 2.81
RADICO 1775.7 0.7 200754 35.65
RTNPOWER 9.5 3.8 15632480 14.85
SAGARDEEP 28.1 1.3 19867 0.06
SGIL 380.6 2.4 22635 0.86
SUMICHEM 403.1 0.4 350699 14.14
SUMIT 72.7 2.6 52004 0.38
SWELECTES 1370.3 5 104527 14.32
UNOMINDA 735.1 0.5 542725 39.9

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