The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here.
This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ATGL 1039.3 8.8 1874654 194.83
AUBANK 653.1 2.3 4183116 273.2
AWL 355.8 3.3 1748641 62.22
BHARATRAS 10703.7 16.3 3498 3.74
BIKAJI 593.9 9.3 342682 20.35
INDUSTOWER 348.1 1.3 18706962 651.19
JKIL 755.8 13.9 359254 27.15
JSL 793.5 12.1 2551261 202.44
MPSLTD 1740.7 4.8 15157 2.64
NDTV 247.9 7.8 425601 10.55
NHPC 107.3 6.1 92444896 991.93
SUNDRMFAST 1191.3 3 192622 22.95
TIIL 2468.9 7.5 27458 6.78
TORNTPOWER 1501.8 4.3 1878027 282.04
UNIONBANK 160.2 4.9 17470854 279.88
Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
Same as above list.
Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADANIENT 3411.3 6.8 1814812 619.09
ADANIPORTS 1437.4 3.9 4218227 606.33
ARVIND 377.4 4.4 627272 23.67
AWL 355.8 3.3 1748641 62.22
BANKBEES 502.5 0.7 803911 40.4
CAMS 3480.1 0.5 356354 124.01
CMSINFO 442.5 4.5 1121163 49.61
CNXREALTY 1019.4 2.3 106976 10.91
COALINDIA 491.2 1.9 11990916 588.99
CPSEETF 91.7 1.3 4265937 39.12
FORTIS 475.1 3.9 1185971 56.35
GANECOS 1157.7 2 74756 8.65
GODFRYPHLP 3882.1 0.9 137141 53.24
GPIL 967.1 6.3 518563 50.15
HDFCBANK 1531.6 1.1 18176266 2783.88
HDFCNEXT50 68.2 0.3 69514 0.47
HDFCNIF100 24.3 1.9 52309 0.13
HDFCQUAL 54.9 1.2 7397 0.04
ICRA 5620.6 5.5 6156 3.46
ITDCEM 401.6 1.9 685317 27.52
JHS 20.1 4.9 121936 0.25
KHAITANLTD 71.8 5 6389 0.05
LICNETFN50 253.8 3.1 3303 0.08
LICNETFSEN 835.6 2.5 228 0.02
LT 3669.3 1 2726754 1000.53
MARINE 109.6 5 271952 2.98
MAWANASUG 100.7 2.1 92814 0.93
MBECL 5.1 3 267839 0.14
MEDPLUS 731.3 4.5 102899 7.53
MID150BEES 198.7 0.6 484423 9.63
MOIL 503.4 4 4680963 235.64
MOLDTECH 248.5 6.1 295954 7.35
MOM100 55.6 1.3 241235 1.34
OMAXAUTO 140.7 2 28964 0.41
PENIND 143.9 2.6 808950 11.64
PIONEEREMB 44.8 1.1 33830 0.15
POWERINDIA 10767.2 1.1 141797 152.68
PRESTIGE 1597.6 3.9 981261 156.77
SDL24BEES 121.7 0 26907 0.33
SURANAT&P 17.9 2.6 96539 0.17
SUZLON 47.6 5 35265512 167.86
TAINWALCHM 176.3 3.9 32890 0.58
TIIL 2468.9 7.5 27458 6.78
TIMESGTY 110.7 4.3 2083 0.02
UGROCAP 284 1.6 462976 13.15
UTISXN50 81.5 1.5 3010 0.02
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