The daily list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ACEINTEG 39.5 8.4 19739 0.08
AJOONI 5.8 19.4 657591 0.38
APEX 224.9 3 87697 1.97
CHALET 614.6 4.2 249065 15.31
CLEAN 1458.3 4.1 117281 17.1
DHANBANK 30.6 3.2 3894723 11.92
EPL 203.6 2.3 842216 17.15
EQUITASBNK 103.9 9.9 5479849 56.94
FELIX 120.6 20 11260 0.14
GRMOVER 207.3 7.7 121567 2.52
INDIAMART 2751.5 2.7 213523 58.75
KHAITANLTD 61.4 9.7 4043 0.02
KRISHNADEF 346.8 12.5 31210 1.08
MCLEODRUSS 24.9 8.8 651539 1.62
MSTCLTD 479.1 10.4 645057 30.9
NIRAJ 44.4 6.1 98852 0.44
SHREDIGCEM 94.8 5.6 433663 4.11
SIRCA 397.4 2.2 97396 3.87
SOUTHBANK 26.9 5.1 30895305 83.11
SRHHYPOLTD 605.6 7.8 27555 1.67
SUBEXLTD 35.7 6.1 5107760 18.23
SURANASOL 32.3 19.9 292510 0.94
SURANAT&P 13.2 18.9 188614 0.25
TVSELECT 370.3 6.6 123045 4.56
Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
CHALET 614.6 4.2 249065 15.31
CLEAN 1458.3 4.1 117281 17.1
DHANBANK 30.6 3.2 3894723 11.92
EPL 203.6 2.3 842216 17.15
EQUITASBNK 103.9 9.9 5479849 56.94
GRMOVER 207.3 7.7 121567 2.52
INDIAMART 2751.5 2.7 213523 58.75
MSTCLTD 479.1 10.4 645057 30.9
SHREDIGCEM 94.8 5.6 433663 4.11
SIRCA 397.4 2.2 97396 3.87
SOUTHBANK 26.9 5.1 30895305 83.11
SUBEXLTD 35.7 6.1 5107760 18.23
TVSELECT 370.3 6.6 123045 4.56
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