The daily list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AAKASH 7.4 6.5 412204 0.31
ACC 2019.5 6.3 403602 81.51
AUTOIND 111.2 11.8 196843 2.19
AYMSYNTEX 70.5 3.2 48813 0.34
BAJAJHLDNG 7849.9 7.1 35490 27.86
BBL 4001.8 4.6 21641 8.66
BLS 282.1 7.4 2901917 81.86
CCHHL 11.7 20 158440 0.19
GREAVESCOT 139.4 5.6 785072 10.94
GROBTEA 951.4 5.1 827 0.08
GULPOLY 222.7 8.3 78006 1.74
HEG 1795.6 8 237187 42.59
HEXATRADEX 154.3 7.1 7811 0.12
HINDZINC 317.9 5.9 500190 15.9
INDOBORAX 175.6 5 41601 0.73
JASH 1483.3 6.6 7303 1.08
LICNETFSEN 751.1 1.8 519 0.04
MADRASFERT 93.2 13.9 1313802 12.24
MANGCHEFER 118 5.5 523709 6.18
MUNJALSHOW 143.9 3.6 122073 1.76
OIL 328.2 5.9 2788928 91.53
PAISALO 95 15.4 1971204 18.73
RVHL 38.4 9.9 25821 0.1
SANGAMIND 375.9 20 78980 2.97
SHOPERSTOP 685 0.3 71533 4.9
ZUARIIND 168.2 7.1 85418 1.44
Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ACC 2019.5 6.3 403602 81.51
AUTOIND 111.2 11.8 196843 2.19
BAJAJHLDNG 7849.9 7.1 35490 27.86
BBL 4001.8 4.6 21641 8.66
BLS 282.1 7.4 2901917 81.86
GREAVESCOT 139.4 5.6 785072 10.94
HEG 1795.6 8 237187 42.59
HINDZINC 317.9 5.9 500190 15.9
MADRASFERT 93.2 13.9 1313802 12.24
MANGCHEFER 118 5.5 523709 6.18
OIL 328.2 5.9 2788928 91.53
PAISALO 95 15.4 1971204 18.73
SANGAMIND 375.9 20 78980 2.97
SHOPERSTOP 685 0.3 71533 4.9
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