Thursday, December 30, 2021

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Stock Selection List from 29-Dec-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ACCURACY 208.3 2.9 61734 1.29
ADSL 129.8 10 525027 6.81
BANKA 75 7 7893 0.06
BASF 3058.5 6.3 39007 11.93
BHARATRAS 11573.2 10.7 4521 5.23
CARBORUNIV 973.6 6.1 287898 28.03
CYBERTECH 199.6 20 183142 3.66
HTMEDIA 27.6 5.3 512157 1.41
ICICINXT50 48.2 12.5 143584 0.69
INDIAGLYCO 926.4 20 148961 13.8
INTELLECT 719.4 4.7 322201 23.18
IVC 9.2 4.5 645807 0.59
KNRCON 299.7 3.8 411821 12.34
MAHESHWARI 95.6 6.9 42853 0.41
MALUPAPER 35.1 9.9 22693 0.08
MANGALAM 130.6 9.2 37111 0.48
MCL 35.6 5.2 40357 0.14
MONTECARLO 611.3 3.8 186110 11.38
MSPL 11.2 12 991764 1.11
PANACHE 71.4 3.3 14702 0.1
PURVA 150.8 10.4 316257 4.77
RAIN 231 11.6 1814590 41.92
RAJTV 42.4 10 14715 0.06
RESPONIND 127.2 19.2 157748 2.01
SAKAR 162.6 16.8 39133 0.64
SASTASUNDR 490.1 5 110835 5.43
SHARDAMOTR 896.9 12.6 38440 3.45
SHUBHLAXMI 15.9 4.6 3860 0.01
SPARC 285.9 11.6 502636 14.37
STEELCITY 61.9 10 29848 0.18
TCI 792.8 10.1 379282 30.07
TOKYOPLAST 103 6.3 19290 0.2
TREJHARA 91.2 6.9 251209 2.29
WINDMACHIN 40.4 9.9 255373 1.03

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABCAPITAL 123.8 3.3 4463811 55.26
AKSHOPTFBR 11.8 4.9 830187 0.98
ALLCARGO 384.2 2.4 1023800 39.33
ANIKINDS 26.6 1.7 46017 0.12
APTECHT 406.3 11.9 424242 17.24
ARSSINFRA 32.5 2 80047 0.26
BALRAMCHIN 361.4 5.4 1140995 41.24
BAYERCROP 4920.7 0.4 23213 11.42
BHAGYANGR 48.3 0.1 40362 0.19
BSHSL 325.9 4.5 1639 0.05
CAPLIPOINT 868.2 4.4 184080 15.98
CNXPHARMA 14072.9 1.7 64360 90.57
CORDSCABLE 57.4 1.5 52482 0.3
COX&KINGS 1.8 2.9 315109 0.06
DRREDDY 4833.1 1.9 388882 187.95
ELECTCAST 36.8 6.1 495433 1.82
FACT 122.8 1.6 144329 1.77
GANGESSECU 90.8 2.1 3992 0.04
GNFC 449.8 4 889272 40
GODHA 71 3.6 8878 0.06
HOVS 62.8 4.9 24885 0.16
IL&FSENGG 6.4 4.9 50388 0.03
INDOTECH 221.1 0.8 24884 0.55
INSPIRISYS 67.8 4 64118 0.43
KDDL 871.3 4.2 64331 5.61
KEC 474 1.7 526367 24.95
KENNAMET 1789.8 1.6 19634 3.51
LAURUSLABS 548.3 3.6 3044890 166.95
LOTUSEYE 52.9 0.5 24068 0.13
LYPSAGEMS 5.5 4.7 59158 0.03
MASTEK 3035.2 2.5 130938 39.74
MTEDUCARE 9.7 0.5 744939 0.72
NEOGEN 1679.4 2.2 135813 22.81
NOIDATOLL 8.6 4.9 224845 0.19
NUCLEUS 567 4.2 89829 5.09
RAMASTEEL 283.4 10 107983 3.06
SALSTEEL 10.2 9.7 216010 0.22
SANCO 9.8 3.2 74534 0.07
SARLAPOLY 65.3 2.6 387763 2.53
SHIVAMAUTO 29.3 4.8 76755 0.22
SHIVATEX 241.8 7.5 18214 0.44
SJVN 29.6 1.5 2812778 8.33
SUMICHEM 390.9 1.3 285520 11.16
SUMIT 12.1 1.7 36880 0.04
SUPREMEINF 22.6 4.9 54402 0.12
TIJARIA 8.2 1.9 63011 0.05
TORNTPHARM 3185.7 1.4 271574 86.52
UNIDT 438.6 4.7 71317 3.13
UNIINFO 37.8 5 10120 0.04
VASWANI 17 5.6 74599 0.13
VICEROY 4.3 3.6 29391 0.01
VISASTEEL 15.1 4.9 150775 0.23
WORTH 95 1.8 24872 0.24

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ASHIANA 166 -1.4 69831 1.16
ASHOKLEY 121.3 -1.4 14568146 176.71
CANFINHOME 554.4 -1.8 914933 50.72
CHALET 217.2 -1.8 473466 10.28
CNXPSUBANK 2508.9 -0.7 64360 16.15
DNAMEDIA 2.4 -2.1 123485 0.03
DOLLAR 409.8 -2 108733 4.46
EVEREADY 295.8 -1.2 379834 11.24
GANDHITUBE 359.6 -1.1 4370 0.16
GRASIM 1604.7 -1.1 901578 144.68
HDFCBANK 1453.8 -0.5 5857674 851.59
HGINFRA 577.3 -1.5 125525 7.25
HUDCO 38.8 -1.3 1636406 6.35
IBULHSGFIN 216.9 -1.5 24321820 527.54
ICICIPRULI 554.9 -1.6 1222592 67.84
IFBIND 1128.3 -1 50208 5.66
INGERRAND 1129 -1.8 41362 4.67
JASH 431.6 -1.3 11626 0.5
JKCEMENT 3202 -5.1 100225 32.09
JMCPROJECT 91.2 -0.7 176046 1.61
KOTAKPSUBK 244.7 -1.2 28381 0.69
MAHASTEEL 78.5 -1.1 17461 0.14
NIACL 135.9 -2 257699 3.5
PODDARMENT 276.3 -0.9 7660 0.21
SADBHAV 38.8 -1 525138 2.04
SANGHIIND 54.8 -1.1 587011 3.22
SBIN 454.4 -1.5 20316901 923.2
SHOPERSTOP 321.4 -3.7 487603 15.67
SWARAJENG 1607.5 -0.8 10233 1.64
UTIBANKETF 35.1 -0.9 10646 0.04
VALIANTORG 1022.4 -0.9 44990 4.6
WABAG 308.6 -0.7 305823 9.44

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Good stocks from today's list:

Big % potential stocks (but risky): 

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