The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
HINDZINC 347.6 4.3 1667993 57.98
INOXWIND 145.6 9.2 1263736 18.4
JINDALPOLY 1149.7 11.1 120101 13.81
KKCL 1282.4 6.9 141385 18.13
LAOPALA 366.6 7 376994 13.82
MOTILALOFS 970.1 0.7 410943 39.87
ORIENTABRA 28.8 15.2 161860 0.47
RAMCOSYS 470.4 20 129593 6.1
RIIL 780.8 9.8 450298 35.16
STEELXIND 90.4 4.1 470531 4.25
TARMAT 72.7 10.1 77639 0.56
UNICHEMLAB 254.8 13.8 136083 3.47
VIVIDHA 1.1 5 3133769 0.34
ZEELEARN 13.8 13.6 1817294 2.51
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AARON 117.3 0.5 9002 0.11
ABCAPITAL 116.5 4.7 3595083 41.88
ADANIGREEN 1389.7 3.6 1285550 178.65
ALICON 850.4 3.3 26627 2.26
APEX 305.6 2.7 178083 5.44
ARIHANTSUP 186.9 0.2 250430 4.68
BANSWRAS 223.6 6.6 56547 1.26
BKMINDST 1.5 3.6 61768 0.01
CELEBRITY 10.8 4.9 62887 0.07
DISHTV 19.3 4.9 7681188 14.82
FLEXITUFF 19.5 4.3 61740 0.12
GLAXO 1731.1 2.3 100880 17.46
GMRINFRA 42.5 2.8 27687931 117.67
GODFRYPHLP 1315.6 2.8 129764 17.07
INDLMETER 13.6 3 36820 0.05
INDOTECH 192.3 5 16988 0.33
ISFT 179.4 4.7 112606 2.02
JAINSTUDIO 2.8 3.8 4893 0
MANUGRAPH 18.1 3.7 28427 0.05
MELSTAR 5.7 4.6 7476 0
MIRCELECTR 25.4 4.5 1097845 2.79
NITCO 25.9 5.9 86966 0.23
NRBBEARING 167.6 3.6 555776 9.31
NXTDIGITAL 479.8 12.4 18670 0.9
ONWARDTEC 267.1 5 41336 1.1
ORICONENT 34.5 9.7 270379 0.93
RAMKY 166.8 5 57802 0.96
SAGARDEEP 32.4 4.9 24224 0.08
SATIN 79.8 7.4 156904 1.25
SHRIRAMEPC 7.1 4.4 1203382 0.85
SKFINDIA 3890.9 1.6 58197 22.64
SUNDARAM 2.3 4.5 493151 0.11
SUPPETRO 713.5 1.9 91181 6.51
SUPREMEINF 18.7 4.8 53677 0.1
TANLA 1521.5 5 333368 50.72
TIJARIA 7.7 4.8 35081 0.03
TTKHLTCARE 700.3 2.8 9415 0.66
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AKZOINDIA 2059.2 -1 11387 2.34
ALEMBICLTD 99.7 -1.7 287287 2.86
ALOKINDS 21.4 -0.2 9613920 20.57
AXISNIFTY 180.9 -1 6330 0.11
BANDHANBNK 277.3 -0.5 8679885 240.69
BHAGYANGR 44.4 -1.9 57249 0.25
CIGNITITEC 587.9 -0.3 147285 8.66
CNXAUTO 10788.8 -0.8 73226 79
CNXFMCG 37498.1 -1 73226 274.58
DPWIRES 209.1 -2.6 18877 0.39
FINPIPE 200.9 -1.8 1000207 20.09
GAYAHWS 0.7 -6.7 95627 0.01
GEEKAYWIRE 83.6 -3.2 28656 0.24
GILLETTE 5390.1 -2.6 5376 2.9
GOODLUCK 268.7 -1.5 106004 2.85
HINDALCO 424.6 -1.7 10159361 431.37
HINDPETRO 298.5 -0.7 4630272 138.21
HINDUNILVR 2343.7 -1.7 1747280 409.51
HISARMETAL 120.4 -0.3 19302 0.23
ICICILOVOL 137.9 -1 216691 2.99
ICICINF100 189.6 -0.6 15698 0.3
ICICISENSX 628 -0.9 3421 0.21
IIFLSEC 88.8 -2.5 542672 4.82
INDIAMART 7163.9 -2.8 172875 123.85
INFIBEAM 40.1 -1.8 5782206 23.19
IPCALAB 2039.1 -1.6 554290 113.03
IRCON 45.1 -0.6 3943092 17.78
JSLHISAR 291.6 -1.1 432210 12.6
JYOTHYLAB 150.9 -1.4 408996 6.17
KOTAKBANK 1914.2 -2.5 2928359 560.55
KOTARISUG 30.6 -0.5 253733 0.78
LINCPEN 214.8 -3.7 19740 0.42
LIX15 4337.9 -1.3 73226 31.76
M&M 837 -1.5 4776475 399.79
MANGTIMBER 15.2 -3.5 10190 0.02
MOTHERSUMI 214.8 -0.8 8285529 177.97
PATINTLOG 14.8 -2 195990 0.29
PPL 148.6 -0.5 76767 1.14
PSB 16.1 -2.1 805345 1.3
QNIFTY 1794 -0.7 134 0.02
RAMASTEEL 228.2 -2.5 68050 1.55
RATNAMANI 2042.1 -3.6 41522 8.48
RITES 272.7 -0.7 379791 10.36
RPGLIFE 603.7 -0.9 83710 5.05
RPOWER 12.6 -3.4 16989326 21.41
SALASAR 248.2 -1.3 64417 1.6
SIL 13.7 -3.5 21336 0.03
SILLYMONKS 22.6 -4.6 31889 0.07
SKMEGGPROD 68.2 -1.5 108335 0.74
SUNPHARMA 751.8 -1.9 3830332 287.96
SUNTECK 426.9 -2.2 1058183 45.17
TATACOFFEE 204.3 -0.5 2775897 56.71
TERASOFT 45.6 -0.4 35533 0.16
VASCONEQ 22.4 -2.6 792514 1.78
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Good stocks from today's list:
Big % potential stocks (but risky):
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