The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (200%), Prajind (100%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ARVINDFASN 147.1 2.1 269910
BHARATRAS 12929.9 6.7 9116
CENTEXT 6.9 6.2 478647
CONSOFINVT 61.3 2.5 10981
DHANUKA 905.6 5.4 185535
INFIBEAM 45.5 10.3 8831414
ITI 122.3 1.7 564176
MCDHOLDING 44 9.9 28639
METROPOLIS 2524.2 9.8 167764
RELIGARE 109.1 5.9 2042970
SHREYANIND 101.1 6.3 106148
SIS 433.9 7.2 292570
SKIL 3 3.5 65892
SKMEGGPROD 66.9 6.3 222321
SORILINFRA 159.3 10 101327
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ACE 168.3 3.1 372624
ARENTERP 12.7 1.2 1763
ASHOKA 93.2 0.8 1688262
ATULAUTO 192.8 3.4 121373
BEARDSELL 13.4 4.3 55043
CANBK 161.9 5.4 22591988
CLEDUCATE 92.1 2.8 92194
DIAMONDYD 583.8 0.6 11964
DICIND 408.4 1 4313
EASTSILK 3.2 4.9 31663
EASUNREYRL 2.7 3.8 8888
EICHERMOT 2638.4 1.3 882606
EXIDEIND 191.9 1.6 3544138
FORTIS 230.1 1.7 5552012
GHCL 264.8 1.3 318681
GMDCLTD 74.5 2.4 3574681
GRASIM 1465.5 3.4 1719100
GULPOLY 168.4 4.2 277429
HDFCAMC 2969.8 4.6 254002
HEIDELBERG 253.3 2 278420
HEROMOTOCO 2991.6 0 962062
HINDCOPPER 174.1 1.5 6880722
IDFCFIRSTB 59.1 2.2 43766220
JIKIND 0.7 8.3 42608
JSWENERGY 116.2 0.4 8015780
JUSTDIAL 922 6.8 2306941
KABRAEXTRU 195.9 0.6 246476
KIRIINDUS 471.8 1.9 142446
LAKPRE 5.2 4 1551
LASA 80.3 3 282444
LICNFNHGP 165 0.9 789
LPDC 2.3 2.3 16020
MINDAIND 577.3 2 303741
MRF 83382.1 0.7 23114
NAHARINDUS 57.5 2 43611
NETFCONSUM 66.2 0.5 10349
NETFDIVOPP 38.6 1.9 3239
PFC 120.5 2.9 7443150
PRAXIS 40 4.7 13769
RALLIS 311.1 0.7 890360
REDINGTON 219.8 20 667072
RELIANCE 2094.8 6 8180900
SCHAEFFLER 5287.3 1.5 14696
SFL 2101.8 0.6 16662
SICAL 13.8 5 532939
SRF 6515.5 0.2 236734
STARPAPER 127.8 1.5 160405
TATASTLBSL 97.2 2.3 16404291
TVSELECT 148.8 1.6 48879
UCALFUEL 164.8 2 93539
URJA 6.9 0.7 1709737
VIJIFIN 1.1 4.8 182197
VRLLOG 247.5 0.8 189537
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
CREATIVE 87.8 -3 33436
GANESHHOUC 59.5 -6.2 75944
HDFCSENETF 546.3 -0.4 2970
INDIAVIX 17.4 -12.6 71864
IPCALAB 2027.3 -8 288832
JCHAC 2248.3 -1.4 25230
KDDL 282.1 -0.5 20772
PSPPROJECT 400.1 -1.2 61259
RESPONIND 153.7 -1.9 53819
STAR 794.9 -1.6 731314
STEELXIND 57.5 -5 175985
TATACOMM 1049.1 -0.4 906242
VERTOZ 225.8 -4.2 213436
VIKASPROP 2.1 -2.3 1726140
WSI 4.7 -4.1 8523
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.
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