The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here.
This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ATAM 143.7 8.4 36688 0.53
CYBERTECH 234 10.3 40144 0.94
GANESHBE 145.4 11.1 112601 1.64
GLOBUSSPR 926.3 16.3 193269 17.9
GULPOLY 191.1 10.4 179552 3.43
INDIAGLYCO 1414 6.2 163756 23.16
KHAITANLTD 95.5 9.9 4394 0.04
MUNJALSHOW 154 6.8 51976 0.8
NAZARA 1064.3 4.1 460072 48.97
PILITA 15.4 7.1 232160 0.36
REDINGTON 222 6.1 2701303 59.97
TECILCHEM 27.2 3.8 1522 0
TTML 82.7 16.5 13293878 109.94
Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
GLOBUSSPR 926.3 16.3 193269 17.9
GULPOLY 191.1 10.4 179552 3.43
INDIAGLYCO 1414 6.2 163756 23.16
NAZARA 1064.3 4.1 460072 48.97
REDINGTON 222 6.1 2701303 59.97
TTML 82.7 16.5 13293878 109.94
Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AAKASH 11.3 10 173560 0.2
AARTIIND 449.1 1.5 2346611 105.39
ARMANFIN 1418.8 6 39220 5.56
ASALCBR 1188.6 3.2 61633 7.33
AUBANK 606 1.4 2361988 143.14
BAJAJFINSV 1735.2 3.2 1533257 266.05
BAJFINANCE 7440.1 3.6 974780 725.25
BANARISUG 3754.4 2.8 1189 0.45
BHARTIARTL 1641.2 0.8 5648836 927.09
CLEDUCATE 124.4 6 120108 1.49
COUNCODOS 7.1 3 157063 0.11
DECCANCE 715 0.5 24124 1.72
EBBETF0430 1444.4 0.1 11423 1.65
EBBETF0431 1294.7 0.5 17686 2.29
FROG 350.7 9.8 35224 1.24
GENESYS 1029.7 3.2 399912 41.18
HUBTOWN 300.7 4.1 150251 4.52
IDBI 86.1 2.5 8193733 70.55
IMPEXFERRO 3.2 3.9 17792 0.01
INDIAGLYCO 1414 6.2 163756 23.16
INDIAVIX 16.4 4.3 101879 0.17
JISLDVREQS 40.2 7.6 99587 0.4
JISLJALEQS 81.5 6.8 7174965 58.48
JTLIND 109.6 6.1 1432962 15.71
KERNEX 1416.9 5 236912 33.57
KHAITANLTD 95.5 9.9 4394 0.04
KOTAKBANK 1920.5 9.2 3974167 763.24
LICNETFGSC 26.8 0 69077 0.19
MAHESHWARI 65.5 3.5 65596 0.43
MAHKTECH 19.1 3.3 1266510 2.42
MON100 211.7 3.3 763078 16.15
NARMADA 21.9 5 324099 0.71
NAZARA 1064.3 4.1 460072 48.97
NECLIFE 40.9 1.4 1985728 8.12
OILCOUNTUB 72.7 5 39192 0.28
ONGC 269.4 1 14336344 386.22
PILITA 15.4 7.1 232160 0.36
PRAKASH 174.1 3.5 807671 14.06
RAJSREESUG 62.2 3 48669 0.3
REPL 321.1 1.3 215560 6.92
SALZERELEC 1536.9 4.7 171031 26.29
SBICARD 761.5 2.8 987181 75.17
SHIVALIK 817.1 5.4 111212 9.09
STOVEKRAFT 937.3 1.9 117006 10.97
TASTYBITE 10660.4 5.5 2794 2.98
UNITECH 10.3 5 2607514 2.69
VARDMNPOLY 14.2 4.8 560845 0.8
VINSYS 430 1.7 28780 1.24
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