The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here.
This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AVANTIFEED 679.6 1.3 990430 67.31
BAJAJFINSV 1700.7 7.9 1501010 255.28
CENTURYPLY 853.9 7.1 260137 22.21
CREDITACC 954.6 7.2 620455 59.23
CTE 113.1 6.6 48490 0.55
DECCANCE 689.8 7.4 14688 1.01
DSSL 1597.1 10.9 57828 9.24
EICHERMOT 5308.1 8.7 537986 285.57
FORCEMOT 7256.9 9.5 42512 30.85
LASA 29.7 11 43918 0.13
MONARCH 468.9 6.8 191240 8.97
RICOAUTO 99.2 19.6 658305 6.53
RIIL 1207.8 11.4 274157 33.11
SUNDARMFIN 4698.9 15 133778 62.86
VARROC 633.5 6.1 600021 38.01
Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AVANTIFEED 679.6 1.3 990430 67.31
BAJAJFINSV 1700.7 7.9 1501010 255.28
CENTURYPLY 853.9 7.1 260137 22.21
CREDITACC 954.6 7.2 620455 59.23
DSSL 1597.1 10.9 57828 9.24
EICHERMOT 5308.1 8.7 537986 285.57
FORCEMOT 7256.9 9.5 42512 30.85
MONARCH 468.9 6.8 191240 8.97
RICOAUTO 99.2 19.6 658305 6.53
RIIL 1207.8 11.4 274157 33.11
SUNDARMFIN 4698.9 15 133778 62.86
VARROC 633.5 6.1 600021 38.01
Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ALPHAGEO 442.6 0.9 41358 1.83
ANLON 392 5 13928 0.55
ASHAPURMIN 411.8 1.9 678214 27.93
AURIONPRO 1831.6 3.1 61870 11.33
AVANTIFEED 679.6 1.3 990430 67.31
AXISCETF 119.5 2.3 3336 0.04
BAJAJHLDNG 11919 0.6 63270 75.41
BIOCON 373.3 1.2 3676685 137.25
CAMS 5203.3 2.1 381032 198.26
CAPACITE 448.4 1 1105466 49.57
CARTRADE 1597.5 5.5 377957 60.38
CENTURYPLY 853.9 7.1 260137 22.21
CHEMBOND 612.4 2.2 17745 1.09
CIPLA 1537.9 0.6 2492952 383.39
CNXAUTO 24016.2 3.8 102443 246.03
DEVYANI 189.1 3.3 2088778 39.5
DIVISLAB 6144.8 1.2 514035 315.86
DSSL 1597.1 10.9 57828 9.24
DYNAMATECH 8537.1 0.4 13193 11.26
FORTIS 717.8 1.3 1611432 115.67
GANESHHOUC 1299.3 4.1 197687 25.69
GLAND 1842 1.8 283167 52.16
GRANULES 608.6 1.9 2784458 169.46
GROBTEA 1284 1.1 607 0.08
GRPLTD 3411.9 3.6 3130 1.07
GUFICBIO 464.9 1.8 114088 5.3
HCLTECH 1972.2 3.2 2436794 480.58
HGINFRA 1527 1.4 138768 21.19
HINDMOTORS 30 4.6 585453 1.76
IFBIND 1908.2 0.5 93372 17.82
IGL 425.7 3.8 5824014 247.93
INDOWIND 26.9 10 418588 1.13
INTLCONV 89.9 5 218552 1.96
KIMS 613.9 1.7 475603 29.2
KNRCON 345.8 0.9 1574665 54.45
KOTAKBANK 1837.2 2.7 3577372 657.23
KPIGREEN 857.8 3.5 489984 42.03
LYPSAGEMS 8.2 7 46319 0.04
M&M 3211.1 4.2 3371337 1082.57
MARUTI 11841.3 5.6 507992 601.53
MEGASTAR 243.7 3.9 17981 0.44
MONARCH 468.9 6.8 191240 8.97
NDRAUTO 774 3.3 27410 2.12
NECCLTD 37.5 2.5 518735 1.95
NILASPACES 17.6 2 376761 0.66
NUVAMA 7222.9 3.3 232515 167.94
PARACABLES 85 2.7 2240754 19.05
PDSL 611.5 4 160224 9.8
PFOCUS 143.1 2.5 47966 0.69
POWERMECH 2823.8 4.1 57578 16.26
PRICOLLTD 554.1 2.3 377932 20.94
PROLIFE 326.3 10 6680 0.22
PROV 1730 1.7 691 0.12
RPSGVENT 1180.6 4 81726 9.65
SAMBHAAV 8.4 4.6 984376 0.83
SHAILY 1490.3 3.6 219554 32.72
SIGNATURE 1393.3 3 565274 78.76
SREEL 272.6 4.9 18223 0.5
SUNFLAG 277.1 5 808605 22.41
SUPRIYA 779.3 3 619475 48.28
SWANENERGY 742.6 3.2 6060019 450.02
TORNTPHARM 3441.6 0.7 422965 145.57
TRENT 7321 3.6 884399 647.47
UTIAMC 1392.3 1.9 288933 40.23
YATRA 118.4 0.3 284636 3.37
ZAGGLE 570.1 4.6 421936 24.05
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