Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Stock Selection List from 31-Mar-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (85%), Prajind (100%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
JSWHL 3848.8 4.8 3889
LUMAXTECH 162.2 4.4 182115
NEOGEN 860.8 9.4 91471
PRAKASH 74.2 12.5 2106052
TCPLPACK 445.9 20 10541
WELCORP 138.3 3.1 1069326

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ACC 1903.3 1.6 1164196
APLLTD 965 1 444071
BALKRISIND 1688.5 1.8 948551
BALRAMCHIN 214.5 4.1 2224944
BAYERCROP 5341.9 2.9 26587
BERGEPAINT 765 0.7 1483170
BHAGYAPROP 28.8 2.1 32601
BLUESTARCO 934.2 2.7 172657
CENTURYPLY 318.3 1.2 302284
CHOLAFIN 558.8 0.6 6260895
CNXFMCG 34931.7 1 73835
DABUR 540.5 0.5 2908041
EPL 236.2 2.4 930344
FSL 113.9 2.8 5323324
GARFIBRES 2567.2 2.8 22245
GRAPHITE 512 5.6 2089429
GREENLAM 937.3 1.1 9128
GRINDWELL 952.2 2.3 78328
IIFLWAM 1239.4 1.3 44583
INNOVANA 98.7 4.8 4120
JINDALSTEL 343.6 2.1 10461636
JKLAKSHMI 432.9 3.1 466154
KANSAINER 601 1.7 336520
MANAKSTEEL 23.6 4.9 58023
MUKANDENGG 15.9 9.7 12970
NAVINFLUOR 2755 1.3 178779
OLECTRA 217.3 1.5 624668
PGEL 406.9 5 49115
PILITA 17.4 6.7 337100
PRECOT 108.1 2.4 10789
REDINGTON 190.8 1.9 684402
SHALPAINTS 97.8 1.3 254792
TATAMETALI 816 2.4 457055
TATASTLLP 723 1.7 199272
UPL 641.9 2.2 9915061
VAKRANGEE 56 5 2828271

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ADROITINFO 8.7 -3.9 5131
ALPA 36 -0.8 50294
ASTRON 41.1 -2.4 99399
BEL 125.1 -0.6 13976068
BHARATWIRE 34.3 -3.8 64485
BHARTIARTL 517.3 -0.8 22752725
BYKE 18.4 -1.1 65212
CASTEXTECH 0.3 -14.3 271604
CELEBRITY 5.6 -3.4 78151
CESC 593.5 -0.4 451412
CREDITACC 670.8 -1.3 145623
CREST 84.7 -1.4 8614
CRISIL 1839 -2.6 34695
DCBBANK 102.6 -3.1 2000146
DTIL 258 -0.8 13311
EMKAY 65 -4.7 92083
GALLANTT 43.6 -0.3 71031
GAMMNINFRA 0.7 -6.7 1890019
GAYAHWS 0.6 -8.3 302744
GLOBUSSPR 317.5 -0.3 175053
GOCLCORP 218.3 -1.7 21298
GRANULES 303.4 -1.8 2352511
GRSE 184.8 -0.9 280237
HERITGFOOD 294.3 -0.7 213048
HSCL 41.6 -0.2 10769457
HUBTOWN 15.3 -4.1 49188
HUDCO 43.9 -0.6 3925030
IDFCFIRSTB 55.7 -4.4 55238550
INDIAMART 7737.9 -1.1 167049
INDOWIND 3.8 -3.8 54625
INDUSINDBK 954.5 -0.7 10661944
INGERRAND 683 -0.9 66860
JAYSREETEA 66.3 -1.6 230652
JISLDVREQS 12.3 -2.4 38802
JMFINANCIL 84.5 -3.3 1582488
JPASSOCIAT 6.9 -1.4 11527503
JPINFRATEC 1.6 -3 1281773
KDDL 262.6 -1.3 6264
KILITCH 80.3 -1.2 8190
LYPSAGEMS 4.4 -4.3 28845
MAHINDCIE 161.3 -1 556915
MEGASOFT 9.6 -1.5 86998
MIC 0.7 -7.1 159954
MRF 82259.4 -1.1 45696
MUTHOOTCAP 366.1 -2.5 56218
NAVNETEDUL 80.1 -1.2 256049
NECLIFE 18.6 -2.6 483426
NOIDATOLL 6 -4.8 128349
OMAXE 67.9 -1.7 77956
PRAENG 7.8 -5.5 31742
PREMIERPOL 35.6 -1.9 24536
RALLIS 252.8 -3.2 607069
RENUKA 9.2 -2.1 4226022
RKDL 7.4 -1.3 12810
RMCL 2.3 -4.2 119023
ROSSELLIND 104.8 -2.2 28244
RTNPOWER 2.5 -3.8 10524396
SANDESH 648.5 -1.2 2661
SANGHVIMOV 100.5 -1.3 45364
SGL 8.2 -3.6 57605
SHREYAS 71 -3.3 95026
SHYAMCENT 5.2 -1.9 70216
SIGIND 30.1 -2.6 71277
SKMEGGPROD 46.8 -5.7 53066
SUNDARAM 1.2 -4 296206
THANGAMAYL 585.1 -2.2 25614
TRENT 751 -1.3 851165
UNITECH 1.6 -2.9 2070322
VARROC 364.9 -2.9 169621
VISHAL 62.4 -2 87700

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Stock Selection List from 30-Mar-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (85%), Prajind (100%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AUBANK 1298.9 10.2 1121266
JKCEMENT 2903.1 3.4 130091
KOTARISUG 27.9 9.2 429035
OFSS 3356.8 7.4 77458
SREEL 155.4 8.8 38274
VGUARD 246.3 6.9 1084992

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AAVAS 2395.9 3.7 112287
AIAENG 1974.6 2.9 89348
AJANTPHARM 1862.7 4.2 117349
ALKYLAMINE 5653.9 4.3 47590
ALMONDZ 30.4 4.8 18395
AMBUJACEM 299.9 1.7 7697729
ASAHISONG 324.9 5 41060
ASIANPAINT 2578.1 2.9 2681872
AUTOIND 38.8 4.7 33387
BIL 168.1 7.6 11715
BRITANNIA 3616 3.2 662700
CANFINHOME 600.4 4.2 806116
CANTABIL 385.9 4.6 131768
CGCL 381.7 8.1 155362
CLEDUCATE 87.2 4.1 82744
CNXMETAL 3963 2.8 74204
COFORGE 2960.1 5.9 381537
COMPINFO 19.1 6.1 499137
CUMMINSIND 897.9 3.3 1841377
DEEPAKFERT 226.3 1.7 1217534
GILLETTE 5835.7 3.5 8059
GODREJAGRO 513 4.3 149590
GODREJCP 726.5 2.3 1525154
GUJGASLTD 537.6 3.8 1521516
HEXATRADEX 70.7 5 115752
HINDUNILVR 2398.8 3.5 2470061
INFY 1385.3 3.7 7669166
INSPIRISYS 44.1 2 23113
INVENTURE 30.4 8.6 233204
JASH 297.6 1.8 30069
MAHLOG 564.3 2.7 162455
MPHASIS 1778.8 8.8 399677
MUKANDLTD 69 20 77763
NEULANDLAB 2106.5 4.2 132053
PAGEIND 30984.4 3.1 48151
PERSISTENT 1922.6 5.5 155213
PKTEA 230.8 2.6 1275
POWERMECH 570.4 4 82203
REPL 204.9 5.6 20639
SAIL 79.2 3.1 70907511
SHREECEM 29094.5 3.5 65754
SONATSOFTW 505.9 3.1 793263
STEELXIND 56 3.6 159405
SUNDRMFAST 773 5.3 177495
TATASTEEL 800 4.3 21575328
TATASTLBSL 51 4.8 8720553
TEAMLEASE 3681.5 4.5 34045
TIINDIA 1165.1 4.4 211174
TITAN 1552.2 3.1 2101698
TORNTPOWER 421.6 1.6 2295517
VTL 1252.6 3.5 56091
WABCOINDIA 6640.7 3.9 34912

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AIRAN 15.8 -1.2 101086
ANIKINDS 14.9 -3.2 17579
ARMANFIN 608.8 -1.5 18650
ARROWGREEN 67.8 -2.2 16220
ASTEC 1008.8 -1.9 43658
ATULAUTO 178.3 -1.3 147317
BALAJITELE 56.4 -3.6 274772
BARTRONICS 2.5 -3.8 20786
BHAGERIA 155.9 -1.8 67894
CIGNITITEC 317.9 -3.2 61292
CLNINDIA 369.1 -1.1 104082
CMICABLES 44.4 -4.9 67105
CUBEXTUB 17.1 -3.1 16741
DOLLAR 233.9 -2 131386
EDELWEISS 66.6 -5 3912245
EIMCOELECO 332.1 -1.2 3309
ELGIRUBCO 27 -1.5 140302
FCSSOFT 0.7 -7.1 2592979
FIEMIND 546.8 -0.9 40994
HINDMOTORS 6.3 -2.3 102803
HINDZINC 262.3 -5.7 1657626
HITECHGEAR 172.7 -3.8 8038
HTMEDIA 21.3 -2.1 281115
ICICILIQ 1000 0 17239
IDBIGOLD 4129.6 -0.3 214
IL&FSTRANS 2.1 -4.5 89448
INDIAGLYCO 430.4 -2.1 329225
INDIANB 115.4 -2.4 6011877
INDOSOLAR 2 -4.8 242360
INTENTECH 32.3 -2 43070
IOLCP 556.8 -2.2 650207
JTEKTINDIA 84.2 -1.1 476549
KAUSHALYA 1.7 -2.9 21867
KINGFA 583.2 -1 18390
KKCL 865.3 -5.1 1761
LOVABLE 82.2 -1 60911
MADHUCON 5.3 -4.5 45688
MAHESHWARI 76.7 -3 71227
MANGALAM 104.2 -3.4 101896
MEP 16 -0.9 545177
METALFORGE 5 -4.7 12703
NAGREEKEXP 16.1 -1.5 7546
NAHARINDUS 44.5 -2 43476
NELCAST 62.9 -3.2 175332
NRBBEARING 107.7 -0.4 474738
OMAXAUTO 42.4 -3.1 59581
OPTIEMUS 124.5 -4.7 86666
PGHH 12383.1 -2.8 11203
RHFL 2.3 -4.2 1910944
RITES 241.6 -0.4 442870
SHEMAROO 64.8 -1.8 61263
SINTERCOM 80 -4.5 6111
SINTEX 3.5 -2.8 1712352
SORILINFRA 143.3 -3.3 237932
SPECIALITY 40.2 -7.7 92951
SUBCAPCITY 18.4 -4.9 680
SUPERSPIN 4.3 -4.5 49758
SUZLON 5.3 -4.5 26981961
SWARAJENG 1295.3 -1.2 17342
TALBROAUTO 202.3 -2.2 90548
TANLA 804.8 -2.4 423638
TEJASNET 158 -3.9 675034
V2RETAIL 121.8 -3.1 86178
VLSFINANCE 77 -5.2 85197
YAARII 125.3 -5 545504

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Friday, March 26, 2021

Stock Selection List from 26-Mar-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (85%), Prajind (100%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
BLUEDART 5322.6 9 52016
DYNAMATECH 975.7 20 17821
HCG 185.3 7.2 261530
SAKAR 108.3 13 50062
WELSPUNIND 83.6 8.6 1717391

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ABBOTINDIA 15029.5 0.9 18594
AGARIND 160 2.1 20745
BALRAMCHIN 212.6 3 2175395
BIRLACORPN 908.8 3.8 286411
CMMIPL 4.5 4.6 23100
CONCOR 589.4 7.2 3993929
CONSOFINVT 56.5 5.7 16509
CONTROLPR 258.9 5.3 21485
DALBHARAT 1551.5 2.3 222740
DEEPAKNTR 1561 1.8 1095223
ECLERX 1028.7 2.7 80711
JPPOWER 3 3.4 18056330
JSWENERGY 87.5 4.6 6072439
LALPATHLAB 2571.4 4.4 221716
MCDHOLDING 42.2 3.1 43340
METROPOLIS 2079.3 3.5 109296
MOTOGENFIN 22.4 7.4 10940
NBIFIN 1872 2.5 1621
NETFLTGILT 22.2 1 55526
ORIENTELEC 311.6 2.6 605517
PIDILITIND 1800.3 2 662074
PILITA 16.6 3.1 333140
POLYCAB 1390.7 1.9 403532
PRAJIND 186.8 4.3 2704676
PRESTIGE 308.1 0.6 654169
SHRIPISTON 824.9 2.1 789
SRTRANSFIN 1429.2 4.2 3452974
TNPL 147.8 3.5 320213
UTTAMSTL 7.7 4.8 134589
WIPL 58.5 3.6 3921

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ABAN 30.1 -4.6 235662
ASAHIINDIA 287.9 -0.8 74048
BPL 21.8 -3.3 164190
BURNPUR 2.2 -4.3 73601
CALSOFT 8.2 -4.7 46818
CHEMFAB 124.1 -0.6 8152
EICHERMOT 2560.6 -0.8 1465577
EIDPARRY 324.3 -1.1 283247
ENGINERSIN 73.7 -0.7 5075993
GFLLIMITED 80.8 -25.5 257798
IDFC 47.5 -1.5 12795053
INDNIPPON 360.2 -1.9 44332
IVZINGOLD 4047 -1 138
JAINSTUDIO 2 -4.8 3690
JISLJALEQS 18.8 -1.6 3545327
KANANIIND 4.1 -4.7 22439
KELLTONTEC 66 -1.9 1570422
KRBL 183.8 -2.1 550462
LUPIN 979 -1.3 2450981
MAHSCOOTER 3519.1 -2.4 8522
MAHSEAMLES 274.6 -1.1 77718
MANUGRAPH 11.8 -4.5 12630
MCLEODRUSS 19.8 -1.7 474153
MINDTECK 41.6 -3 15928
NATNLSTEEL 3.9 -4.9 23608
NECLIFE 18.7 -1.1 482326
NETWORK18 37.7 -3.5 2378345
NPBET 175.9 -2.4 665
OMAXE 68.7 -1.6 74363
ORBTEXP 60 -0.8 20492
RCOM 1.7 -2.9 9777146
SATIN 84 -0.9 432912
SETUINFRA 0.8 -6.3 137528
SOMATEX 6.3 -4.6 50793
STLTECH 193.8 -1 1079464
SURANAT&P 4.3 -1.1 98860
SUTLEJTEX 40.5 -1.2 127175
TIDEWATER 4334.1 -0.1 3145
TNTELE 4.7 -4.1 14837
TV18BRDCST 29.6 -1.5 9700201
UNIONBANK 33.9 -2.2 16582958
VIDEOIND 4.5 -4.3 359694

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Stock Selection List from 25-Mar-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (85%), Prajind (100%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
POKARNA 257.2 11.8 140340
WELINV 404.4 2.9 2481

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ARSHIYA 38.9 4.6 80011
INDOTHAI 51 2.2 17545
INNOVANA 95.5 4.9 4360
INSECTICID 478.3 1.1 67187
JSWSTEEL 438 0.1 7723481
LICNETFN50 162.2 4.4 1168
NETF 182.3 0.5 2011
SOFTTECH 99.1 4.8 15552
SOUTHWEST 50.2 4.1 35008

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
5PAISA 251.5 -5.5 45484
ACE 146.3 -5.4 559853
AGRITECH 32.3 -1.8 7062
AJMERA 115 -4 97326
ALLCARGO 125.5 -3 370415
ALPSINDUS 1.8 -2.8 25544
AMBER 3002.8 -5.5 148592
AMBIKCO 900.1 -4.8 23534
ANDHRSUGAR 294.9 -1.7 66585
ANKITMETAL 1.1 -4.5 67209
APCL 202.7 -3.1 97548
ARSSINFRA 21.2 -5.6 27399
ARVIND 64.3 -4.1 2604085
ARVSMART 93 -3.4 130339
ASTEC 1011.4 -2.8 44069
ATULAUTO 178.8 -2.2 150120
AUTOAXLES 1078.3 -4.6 18508
AVTNPL 43.4 -2.4 165664
AXISNIFTY 149.7 -1.2 9638
AYMSYNTEX 44.9 -1.2 30574
BAJAJHLDNG 3254.3 -5.1 53155
BAJFINANCE 5122.2 -2.8 2767937
BALAXI 525.9 -3.8 5232
BANARISUG 1562.9 -6.3 1932
BAYERCROP 4980.9 -1.7 26495
BDL 333.3 -3.3 549183
BHARATGEAR 71.5 -4.8 38044
BHARATWIRE 34.9 -3.1 59309
BINDALAGRO 16.1 -2.7 107589
BIOFILCHEM 70 -5 112620
BLS 95.5 -4.1 225590
BUTTERFLY 525.3 -4 80668
BYKE 18.4 -5.9 63283
CADILAHC 420.2 -2.5 2781456
CANBK 143.4 -3.3 29772737
CARBORUNIV 449.4 -4.3 325583
CESC 596.4 -1.2 615340
CHENNPETRO 95.8 -3.6 1412832
CINEVISTA 5.8 -1.7 31274
CNX100 14450.5 -1.6 74780
CNX500 11993.3 -1.7 74780
CNXPSE 3025.9 -2.5 74780
CNXPSUBANK 2097.7 -2.6 74780
CNXREALTY 323.1 -2.5 74780
CNXSERVICE 20176.3 -1.2 74780
CONFIPET 40.8 -5.4 1271379
CORDSCABLE 40 -2.3 94014
CPSEETF 22.2 -2.5 6395144
CREDITACC 664.5 -2.7 145416
CYBERTECH 115.9 -4.2 213724
DBCORP 89.5 -2.7 532076
DBL 552.4 -4.3 451374
DBSTOCKBRO 8.3 -7.2 6461
DICIND 391.1 -1.4 10348
DIGISPICE 59 -5 116725
DLF 277 -2.5 17518111
DOLLAR 231.1 -3.4 133143
EIHOTEL 96 -2.8 909378
EMAMIREAL 45.2 -4.8 49919
EMCO 1.6 -2.9 17501
ENIL 151.1 -0.4 91881
ESCORTS 1266.3 -4.1 1360760
EXCEL 2.5 -3.9 84829
FDC 272.4 -3.5 214837
FIEMIND 551.3 -3.4 43542
GALLISPAT 36.5 -4.1 43411
GAYAPROJ 31.8 -6.5 795632
GEOJITFSL 49.5 -3.6 489961
GET&D 114.5 -3.7 254142
GIPCL 74.4 -2.6 608137
GLENMARK 443.9 -3.3 1681462
GLFL 2.5 -3.8 25904
GLOBUSSPR 317.4 -2.6 192128
GMDCLTD 54.1 -3.1 2043302
GNA 359.8 -1.8 141388
GODFRYPHLP 877.9 -2.2 58437
GODREJPROP 1332.1 -4.4 1026405
GOKEX 76.5 -3.6 209991
GRANULES 305.1 -4.2 2291197
GREENPOWER 2 -2.4 1593239
GRSE 186.8 -2.9 302392
GSCLCEMENT 33.1 -4.5 266632
GSFC 81 -3.4 2917849
GUJAPOLLO 201.3 -2.8 18288
HAL 982.8 -2 738470
HATHWAY 28.6 -3.1 768416
HBLPOWER 33.9 -5.6 1025722
HCC 7.5 -3.8 3935583
HCL-INSYS 8.8 -3.3 669603
HDFCBANK 1463.3 -1 9645869
HDFCLIFE 667 -1.4 3459398
HDIL 5.2 -4.6 418303
HIMATSEIDE 142.9 -4.8 276023
HINDCOMPOS 270.6 -3.9 15987
HINDPETRO 227.3 -2.3 8383458
HISARMETAL 92.6 -7.1 94855
HITECHCORP 118 -1.5 9400
HMVL 59.9 -1.6 93700
HSCL 41.7 -1.4 11221741
HSIL 149.6 -5.8 289876
IBMFNIFTY 144.5 -3.6 820
ICICI500 197.2 -2.4 9037
ICICIB22 35 -2.3 1092695
ICICIBANKP 175.3 -1.2 61513
ICICINF100 156.8 -1.6 13460
ICICINIFTY 153 -1.3 466754
ICICISENSX 523.6 -1.5 2006
IDFNIFTYET 149.7 -1.7 435
INDIANB 116.1 -2.4 6462264
INDIANCARD 131.3 -2.5 3890
INDUSTOWER 241.2 -2.8 6045746
INTENTECH 31.8 -5.8 44426
IOC 90.9 -3.9 32251624
ISEC 397 -0.8 663555
IVP 103.8 -5 4043
JETAIRWAYS 95.3 -4.9 116455
JKTYRE 109.3 -4 7582330
JPINFRATEC 1.6 -2.9 1229237
JSL 65.7 -2.1 1164935
JSLHISAR 115.2 -1.7 555782
JSWHL 3494.9 -0.3 2697
JTEKTINDIA 84.3 -2.2 590408
KAKATCEM 165.4 -3 30056
KEC 410.1 -4 382211
KECL 12.7 -5.9 103623
KOTAKNIFTY 150.4 -1.2 132038
KOTAKPSUBK 207.2 -2.2 73022
L&TFH 93.8 -2.9 20247882
LGBBROSLTD 297.5 -1.2 125939
LGBFORGE 3.6 -4 114010
LIX15 3557.7 -2 74780
LPDC 1.9 -5 16575
M50 140.4 -1.3 2719
MAHINDCIE 161.7 -2.4 548996
MAJESCO 69.7 -5 654353
MAN50ETF 146.5 -1.5 44686
MARSHALL 10.6 -5 17820
MARUTI 6786.9 -4 1109541
MATRIMONY 908.1 -3.7 41645
MEGASOFT 9.6 -3.5 89328
MHRIL 210 -3.8 92914
MITTAL 10.5 -1.9 92037
MPSLTD 438.4 -3.6 25836
MUKTAARTS 28.8 -2.7 17093
MUNJALSHOW 142.4 -3.6 102630
MUTHOOTFIN 1187.1 -2.6 1854788
NACLIND 37.5 -0.9 81543
NAUKRI 4402.8 -6 795466
NAVINFLUOR 2447.4 -1.6 159472
NCLIND 156.1 -3.6 359536
NESTLEIND 16170.1 -1.7 122397
NETFNIF100 149.1 -1.4 1818
NEWGEN 273.2 -2.6 118792
NEXTMEDIA 4 -4.8 17344
NHPC 23.4 -2.5 8288996
NIFTY 14324.9 -1.5 74780
NIFTYBEES 153.9 -1.4 2487719
NRBBEARING 107.3 -2.2 477693
NXTDIGITAL 460.4 -2.7 3564
OMAXAUTO 42.7 -5.2 63294
ONGC 102 -2.7 35046297
ORIENTBELL 209.1 -4.7 62783
ORIENTLTD 80.1 -4.6 1915
ORISSAMINE 2272.9 -1.3 12627
OSWALAGRO 9.9 -4.3 169170
PANAMAPET 141.8 -5.2 276704
PATSPINLTD 5 -3.8 7511
PCJEWELLER 26.9 -0.7 3266637
PEARLPOLY 14.6 -3 6595
PFIZER 4404.4 -1.5 53449
PLASTIBLEN 224.8 -3.1 26672
PNBHOUSING 370.2 -4.1 618839
PODDARHOUS 185.9 -4 3778
PODDARMENT 186.9 -2.4 13696
PRESSMN 21.6 -5.3 45811
PSUBNKBEES 22.9 -2.8 1357803
QNIFTY 1486.2 -1.5 121
RAMCOSYS 541.8 -5.1 124719
RANEHOLDIN 570.3 -5 51845
RICOAUTO 35.5 -7.3 786077
RITES 240.4 -1.1 448964
ROHLTD 65.2 -4.7 74868
RPPINFRA 58.5 -10.1 164977
RTNINFRA 5.8 -9.4 793514
RUCHIRA 61 -6.1 68298
SADBHIN 19.9 -6.4 669923
SAKHTISUG 9.1 -3.2 125838
SARLAPOLY 24.3 -3 199064
SASTASUNDR 118.6 -3.4 47777
SBIETFQLTY 123.6 -2.1 3478
SBIN 355.2 -1.3 55592358
SCAPDVR 1.6 -2.9 66493
SCHNEIDER 93.7 -3 1569576
SETCO 14.3 -4 260228
SEYAIND 51 -5.7 60194
SHK 111.1 -3.1 419944
SHREYAS 72.8 -6.2 99183
SHRIRAMCIT 1352.3 -3.9 62519
SILINV 192.3 -3.9 6337
SIMPLEXINF 32.4 -4.4 193558
SINTERCOM 82 -5 6083
SITINET 0.8 -5.9 5643271
SIYSIL 187.4 -5.6 102736
SJVN 25.2 -1.6 3469673
SMSPHARMA 119.8 -4.8 151732
SOUTHBANK 8.4 -3.4 24879210
SREEL 143.6 -0.7 33574
SRHHYPOLTD 230.8 -3.1 44837
STARCEMENT 93.5 -2.8 357175
SUNDARMHLD 76 -1.9 178641
SUNPHARMA 575.8 -1.6 7795488
SUNTV 451.6 -3.8 2968694
SUPERHOUSE 121.5 -2 25825
SWANENERGY 131.4 -5.1 207753
SYNCOM 2.4 -2.1 148034
TANLA 814.3 -5 420495
TATACOMM 1072.3 -2.2 789438
TATAMOTORS 285.6 -3 109119073
TCIDEVELOP 296.2 -3.7 1902
TCIFINANCE 5.2 -3.7 15304
TEJASNET 160.4 -4.3 684825
TERASOFT 37.3 -3.4 62417
TEXRAIL 27.4 -4.2 1099847
TGBHOTELS 4.5 -4.3 36732
THEINVEST 89.3 -5.2 10983
THEMISMED 286.6 -4.2 11909
THYROCARE 865 -0.5 124446
TIIL 356.2 -4.2 33671
TIMESGTY 23 -5.5 3613
TIMKEN 1228.6 -1.4 36262
TIRUMALCHM 88 -4.2 796181
TPLPLASTEH 143.6 -4.6 7356
TREJHARA 29.6 -3.9 42339
TRENT 758 -3.5 850861
TRIGYN 64.7 -3.9 88328
TTML 13.3 -2.9 2774274
UCALFUEL 139.1 -1.6 112185
UJAAS 2.6 -3.7 1333183
UNITY 0.8 -5.6 28851
URJA 6.5 -3.7 2546377
UTINEXT50 38.1 -89.4 6809
UTISENSETF 505.4 -2.5 3821
V2RETAIL 124.3 -3.6 87662
VAISHALI 34.9 -4.1 49696
VARROC 368.1 -3 172704
VERTOZ 242.9 -4.8 182430
VETO 118.6 -4.5 100043
VIMTALABS 155.4 -4.1 63843
VLSFINANCE 80.3 -3.6 85766
VOLTAS 958.6 -2.7 2465511
VSSL 137.2 -1.9 83746
WABAG 235.4 -2.8 852279
WABCOINDIA 5643.2 -7.5 21385
WALCHANNAG 60.9 -4.3 341881
WIPRO 399.6 -2.8 14772452
WONDERLA 195.3 -1.9 97861
XELPMOC 263.3 -3.2 33912
ZEEL 196.1 -4.4 18119699
ZODJRDMKJ 25.6 -7.7 3040

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

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