The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (85%), Prajind (100%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
JSWHL 3848.8 4.8 3889
LUMAXTECH 162.2 4.4 182115
NEOGEN 860.8 9.4 91471
PRAKASH 74.2 12.5 2106052
TCPLPACK 445.9 20 10541
WELCORP 138.3 3.1 1069326
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ACC 1903.3 1.6 1164196
APLLTD 965 1 444071
BALKRISIND 1688.5 1.8 948551
BALRAMCHIN 214.5 4.1 2224944
BAYERCROP 5341.9 2.9 26587
BERGEPAINT 765 0.7 1483170
BHAGYAPROP 28.8 2.1 32601
BLUESTARCO 934.2 2.7 172657
CENTURYPLY 318.3 1.2 302284
CHOLAFIN 558.8 0.6 6260895
CNXFMCG 34931.7 1 73835
DABUR 540.5 0.5 2908041
EPL 236.2 2.4 930344
FSL 113.9 2.8 5323324
GARFIBRES 2567.2 2.8 22245
GRAPHITE 512 5.6 2089429
GREENLAM 937.3 1.1 9128
GRINDWELL 952.2 2.3 78328
IIFLWAM 1239.4 1.3 44583
INNOVANA 98.7 4.8 4120
JINDALSTEL 343.6 2.1 10461636
JKLAKSHMI 432.9 3.1 466154
KANSAINER 601 1.7 336520
MANAKSTEEL 23.6 4.9 58023
MUKANDENGG 15.9 9.7 12970
NAVINFLUOR 2755 1.3 178779
OLECTRA 217.3 1.5 624668
PGEL 406.9 5 49115
PILITA 17.4 6.7 337100
PRECOT 108.1 2.4 10789
REDINGTON 190.8 1.9 684402
SHALPAINTS 97.8 1.3 254792
TATAMETALI 816 2.4 457055
TATASTLLP 723 1.7 199272
UPL 641.9 2.2 9915061
VAKRANGEE 56 5 2828271
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ADROITINFO 8.7 -3.9 5131
ALPA 36 -0.8 50294
ASTRON 41.1 -2.4 99399
BEL 125.1 -0.6 13976068
BHARATWIRE 34.3 -3.8 64485
BHARTIARTL 517.3 -0.8 22752725
BYKE 18.4 -1.1 65212
CASTEXTECH 0.3 -14.3 271604
CELEBRITY 5.6 -3.4 78151
CESC 593.5 -0.4 451412
CREDITACC 670.8 -1.3 145623
CREST 84.7 -1.4 8614
CRISIL 1839 -2.6 34695
DCBBANK 102.6 -3.1 2000146
DTIL 258 -0.8 13311
EMKAY 65 -4.7 92083
GALLANTT 43.6 -0.3 71031
GAMMNINFRA 0.7 -6.7 1890019
GAYAHWS 0.6 -8.3 302744
GLOBUSSPR 317.5 -0.3 175053
GOCLCORP 218.3 -1.7 21298
GRANULES 303.4 -1.8 2352511
GRSE 184.8 -0.9 280237
HERITGFOOD 294.3 -0.7 213048
HSCL 41.6 -0.2 10769457
HUBTOWN 15.3 -4.1 49188
HUDCO 43.9 -0.6 3925030
IDFCFIRSTB 55.7 -4.4 55238550
INDIAMART 7737.9 -1.1 167049
INDOWIND 3.8 -3.8 54625
INDUSINDBK 954.5 -0.7 10661944
INGERRAND 683 -0.9 66860
JAYSREETEA 66.3 -1.6 230652
JISLDVREQS 12.3 -2.4 38802
JMFINANCIL 84.5 -3.3 1582488
JPASSOCIAT 6.9 -1.4 11527503
JPINFRATEC 1.6 -3 1281773
KDDL 262.6 -1.3 6264
KILITCH 80.3 -1.2 8190
LYPSAGEMS 4.4 -4.3 28845
MAHINDCIE 161.3 -1 556915
MEGASOFT 9.6 -1.5 86998
MIC 0.7 -7.1 159954
MRF 82259.4 -1.1 45696
MUTHOOTCAP 366.1 -2.5 56218
NAVNETEDUL 80.1 -1.2 256049
NECLIFE 18.6 -2.6 483426
NOIDATOLL 6 -4.8 128349
OMAXE 67.9 -1.7 77956
PRAENG 7.8 -5.5 31742
PREMIERPOL 35.6 -1.9 24536
RALLIS 252.8 -3.2 607069
RENUKA 9.2 -2.1 4226022
RKDL 7.4 -1.3 12810
RMCL 2.3 -4.2 119023
ROSSELLIND 104.8 -2.2 28244
RTNPOWER 2.5 -3.8 10524396
SANDESH 648.5 -1.2 2661
SANGHVIMOV 100.5 -1.3 45364
SGL 8.2 -3.6 57605
SHREYAS 71 -3.3 95026
SHYAMCENT 5.2 -1.9 70216
SIGIND 30.1 -2.6 71277
SKMEGGPROD 46.8 -5.7 53066
SUNDARAM 1.2 -4 296206
THANGAMAYL 585.1 -2.2 25614
TRENT 751 -1.3 851165
UNITECH 1.6 -2.9 2070322
VARROC 364.9 -2.9 169621
VISHAL 62.4 -2 87700
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.
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