The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ADANIGREEN 1159.8 2.8 1673089
DYNAMATECH 901.5 11.3 16624
ITDC 323.2 1.8 220488
SOUTHBANK 9.8 10.7 23776695
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ATULAUTO 190.6 3.4 120715
BLUESTARCO 870.3 3.6 121469
BODALCHEM 76.4 4.7 756747
BURNPUR 2.5 4.1 85778
CGCL 370.9 1.3 167216
DTIL 276.3 2.3 13031
ENGINERSIN 80.1 6.2 3339721
GLOBOFFS 9.1 4.6 33252
GROBTEA 980 2 1554
HSCL 52.3 6.1 8463093
INDIAVIX 28.1 22.9 73431
KIOCL 151.8 4.7 83045
LSIL 1 5.3 1802620
LUMAXIND 1487.2 0.2 9524
MRPL 40.4 2.9 3252892
NAGAFERT 5.5 4.8 348504
SAREGAMA 1061.2 2 69208
SATIN 86.2 2.9 356656
SETCO 16.3 7.3 189991
SIL 12.8 4.9 19102
SMSPHARMA 131.4 0.5 261388
SRIPIPES 169.4 2.6 170775
VASCONEQ 17.7 2 282030
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ACCELYA 893.8 -0.5 5918
AHLWEST 240 -1.3 2473
ASTERDM 143.3 -4.1 242937
AXISCADES 48 -2.3 64433
BAJAJ-AUTO 3798.7 -3.7 953306
BALAJITELE 59.5 -2.2 215251
BALKRISHNA 18 -4 8012
BATAINDIA 1438.2 -3 757210
BRITANNIA 3363.8 -1.2 747390
CARERATING 465 -2.1 204251
CCL 228.6 -4.3 223995
CINELINE 38.2 -3.2 338184
CIPLA 787 -2.7 5235600
HDFC 2539.4 -5.4 4373953
HEROMOTOCO 3224 -6.1 1271066
HIRECT 136.7 -4.8 88019
HNGSNGBEES 335.9 -7.3 2047
HUBTOWN 15.9 -3 58766
ICICIPRULI 461.6 -3.4 2572892
ICRA 2694.3 -4.1 4579
IFBIND 1220.3 -1.8 72209
IGL 491.9 -3.8 3624831
IITL 56.6 -5.2 1879
INTENTECH 35 -5.5 78655
IPCALAB 1849.6 -0.9 278374
IVZINGOLD 4188.4 -1 124
JPINFRATEC 1.6 -2.9 1411712
KAYA 303.6 -2.5 50711
KOTAKBANK 1780.3 -6.1 4428999
MARICO 397.6 -3 2522434
MCX 1511.8 -0.5 241562
REVATHI 536.1 -3.4 11641
RKDL 7.7 -2.5 49260
ROLTA 4 -2.4 591704
RUBYMILLS 178.6 -2.7 13891
RUCHINFRA 6.8 -2.2 109933
SHARIABEES 343.1 -2 1208
SPENTEX 0.8 -5.9 28917
SPICEJET 82.7 -2.7 5180720
SUNDARAM 1.3 -3.7 294119
SWELECTES 182.9 -2.9 29561
SYNGENE 559.1 -0.5 477473
TCS 2894.3 -3.4 3601150
TECHM 918.9 -4.1 4321162
TERASOFT 41.3 -1.9 243953
TITAN 1406.9 -1.9 2316113
TVSSRICHAK 1891.9 -2.3 22110
UBL 1161.3 -3.1 654244
UFO 81 -2.4 314415
VOLTAMP 1150.1 -3.1 12717
WHEELS 465.6 -2.5 25612
WIPRO 410.3 -2.6 16386430
ZEEL 201 -3.6 19390978
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.
The market fell with intensity as I mentioned day before yesterday. This is a sign of downward momentum. Even though crashes will be swift in a bull market, it won't immediately be followed by crazy rallies. There will be whipsaw period for some time.
Good thing is we have our daily lists. These lists ensure that we can in happening stocks at any time so they recover faster than broader market after the downtrend.
Today I sold Triveni, Reliance and Trent. I haven't bought these when they showed up in daily lists, as I knew them from a long time, I bought after they reached their bottom and not making new lows. I could get only 4% gain from reliance but >10% from the other stock stocks in 1.5 month timeframe. This resulted in reduction of my exposure which is needed in a downtrend.
I sold ABCAPITAL yesterday. Its behavior is as expected. The stocks showing up in primary list here will fall and rise if the market falls. That is a good thing because even if we track good stocks as we know now, after the downtrend, good sectors can change. We need to pick stocks that are moving at any time. Otherwise we would have to wait for a long time or end up selling for loss in frustration seeing the market recover.
Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.
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