Friday, February 26, 2021

Stock Selection List from 26-Feb-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ADANIGREEN 1159.8 2.8 1673089
DYNAMATECH 901.5 11.3 16624
ITDC 323.2 1.8 220488
SOUTHBANK 9.8 10.7 23776695

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ATULAUTO 190.6 3.4 120715
BLUESTARCO 870.3 3.6 121469
BODALCHEM 76.4 4.7 756747
BURNPUR 2.5 4.1 85778
CGCL 370.9 1.3 167216
DTIL 276.3 2.3 13031
ENGINERSIN 80.1 6.2 3339721
GLOBOFFS 9.1 4.6 33252
GROBTEA 980 2 1554
HSCL 52.3 6.1 8463093
INDIAVIX 28.1 22.9 73431
KIOCL 151.8 4.7 83045
LSIL 1 5.3 1802620
LUMAXIND 1487.2 0.2 9524
MRPL 40.4 2.9 3252892
NAGAFERT 5.5 4.8 348504
SAREGAMA 1061.2 2 69208
SATIN 86.2 2.9 356656
SETCO 16.3 7.3 189991
SIL 12.8 4.9 19102
SMSPHARMA 131.4 0.5 261388
SRIPIPES 169.4 2.6 170775
VASCONEQ 17.7 2 282030

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ACCELYA 893.8 -0.5 5918
AHLWEST 240 -1.3 2473
ASTERDM 143.3 -4.1 242937
AXISCADES 48 -2.3 64433
BAJAJ-AUTO 3798.7 -3.7 953306
BALAJITELE 59.5 -2.2 215251
BALKRISHNA 18 -4 8012
BATAINDIA 1438.2 -3 757210
BRITANNIA 3363.8 -1.2 747390
CARERATING 465 -2.1 204251
CCL 228.6 -4.3 223995
CINELINE 38.2 -3.2 338184
CIPLA 787 -2.7 5235600
HDFC 2539.4 -5.4 4373953
HEROMOTOCO 3224 -6.1 1271066
HIRECT 136.7 -4.8 88019
HNGSNGBEES 335.9 -7.3 2047
HUBTOWN 15.9 -3 58766
ICICIPRULI 461.6 -3.4 2572892
ICRA 2694.3 -4.1 4579
IFBIND 1220.3 -1.8 72209
IGL 491.9 -3.8 3624831
IITL 56.6 -5.2 1879
INTENTECH 35 -5.5 78655
IPCALAB 1849.6 -0.9 278374
IVZINGOLD 4188.4 -1 124
JPINFRATEC 1.6 -2.9 1411712
KAYA 303.6 -2.5 50711
KOTAKBANK 1780.3 -6.1 4428999
MARICO 397.6 -3 2522434
MCX 1511.8 -0.5 241562
REVATHI 536.1 -3.4 11641
RKDL 7.7 -2.5 49260
ROLTA 4 -2.4 591704
RUBYMILLS 178.6 -2.7 13891
RUCHINFRA 6.8 -2.2 109933
SHARIABEES 343.1 -2 1208
SPENTEX 0.8 -5.9 28917
SPICEJET 82.7 -2.7 5180720
SUNDARAM 1.3 -3.7 294119
SWELECTES 182.9 -2.9 29561
SYNGENE 559.1 -0.5 477473
TCS 2894.3 -3.4 3601150
TECHM 918.9 -4.1 4321162
TERASOFT 41.3 -1.9 243953
TITAN 1406.9 -1.9 2316113
TVSSRICHAK 1891.9 -2.3 22110
UBL 1161.3 -3.1 654244
UFO 81 -2.4 314415
VOLTAMP 1150.1 -3.1 12717
WHEELS 465.6 -2.5 25612
WIPRO 410.3 -2.6 16386430
ZEEL 201 -3.6 19390978

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.


The market fell with intensity as I mentioned day before yesterday. This is a sign of downward momentum. Even though crashes will be swift in a bull market, it won't immediately be followed by crazy rallies. There will be whipsaw period for some time.

Good thing is we have our daily lists. These lists ensure that we can in happening stocks at any time so they recover faster than broader market after the downtrend.

Today I sold Triveni, Reliance and Trent. I haven't bought these when they showed up in daily lists, as I knew them from a long time, I bought after they reached their bottom and not making new lows. I could get only 4% gain from reliance but >10% from the other stock stocks in 1.5 month timeframe. This resulted in reduction of my exposure which is needed in a downtrend.

I sold ABCAPITAL yesterday. Its behavior is as expected. The stocks showing up in primary list here will fall and rise if the market falls. That is a good thing because even if we track good stocks as we know now, after the downtrend, good sectors can change. We need to pick stocks that are moving at any time. Otherwise we would have to wait for a long time or end up selling for loss in frustration seeing the market recover.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Stock Selection List from 25-Feb-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AAVAS 2253.7 2.9 113834
AEGISCHEM 303.8 8.1 337407
ALPHAGEO 226.8 4.6 21001
AMDIND 23.9 19.2 106611
ARSHIYA 32.8 5 71868
ASHIMASYN 14.1 6.4 92121
BALMLAWRIE 122.6 4.7 778912
BCG 8 3.9 5804774
BDL 356.4 2 502021
BEML 1070.3 7.9 939913
DSSL 68 8.6 73851
ELECTCAST 24.7 10.3 920684
FACT 88.7 14.3 1140564
GENESYS 79.4 5 22330
GMDCLTD 62.6 5.8 2673124
GODREJPROP 1550.3 3.8 1274427
HARRMALAYA 130 4 193452
HITECHCORP 141.1 8.4 9164
HUDCO 47.9 4.7 4236065
IBREALEST 92.8 11.6 8912508
INFIBEAM 90 2.5 924069
JINDALSAW 82.8 12.1 1554543
JUSTDIAL 767.9 20 1897788
KEC 430.9 3.1 367906
KENNAMET 1119.1 20 8261
KESORAMIND 72.3 7.4 1181512
KOKUYOCMLN 67 9.5 293206
KOTHARIPET 24.7 3.6 138584
MAN50ETF 154.4 0.8 59226
MANGTIMBER 11.4 4.1 14328
MGL 1197.7 5.7 927067
NAVNETEDUL 89.5 3.2 182486
NFL 44.9 13.7 2495837
PANACHE 48.8 13.4 39753
PFOCUS 61.2 18.3 280145
PODDARMENT 213.5 8.3 15649
PRECWIRE 176.9 3.4 47701
RANEENGINE 284.1 10 21692
RANEHOLDIN 651.8 7.2 62108
RBL 865.5 14.2 22379
RCF 67.7 19.9 3868537
RICOAUTO 39.9 9.3 816180
RML 342.1 20 44309
RVNL 32.8 8.6 17571461
SARDAEN 391.9 3.5 113031
SARVESHWAR 14.4 2.9 6720
SPIC 28.8 15.2 1118635
STERTOOLS 226 3.1 36119
SYMPHONY 1075 2.4 99856
TECHNOE 315.6 16 216317
TNPETRO 45.3 10.2 499925
UNIENTER 83.6 0.8 60296
VINYLINDIA 135.3 8.1 219747

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
3MINDIA 22361 2.6 7648
ABSLNN50ET 358.4 5 143
ADANIPOWER 56.5 2.3 9545553
AXISBANK 770.6 2.8 18425800
BAJAJELEC 992.5 3 681638
BHAGERIA 171.8 1.5 64568
BLUEDART 4722.6 1.4 44190
BSLNIFTY 166.6 1.2 66137
CANBK 163.5 1.6 33755867
CANTABIL 389.6 2.5 130569
CAPTRUST 106.8 20 15666
CEATLTD 1657 4.9 580986
CENTENKA 254.8 2 103429
CENTRALBK 19.6 4.8 21711897
CNX500 12567.9 0.9 72365
CNXREALTY 356.4 1.7 72365
CONSOFINVT 45.4 4.1 11785
COSMOFILMS 520 3.9 122993
DEEPAKFERT 180.3 7 621579
DICIND 410.1 1.1 9156
DIGJAMLTD 4.4 4.8 67776
DUCON 7.5 9.6 83922
DVL 88.7 3 42874
ELGIEQUIP 181.1 8 258042
FINCABLES 408.8 5.1 367028
GARFIBRES 2639.3 10.7 16975
GENUSPAPER 7.3 5.1 594066
GET&D 130.8 3 285778
HAVELLS 1175.8 2.6 3402234
HDFCLIFE 733.5 2 3602992
HESTERBIO 1791.8 1.4 9215
ICICI500 205.8 0.8 4986
ICICIMCAP 87.5 0.9 30343
ICICINF100 164.1 1.3 10965
ICICINIFTY 160.9 0.7 315446
ICICINXT50 35.6 1.1 190774
IIFLWAM 1193.5 4.1 47479
JSWSTEEL 421.8 3.3 7374017
JUNIORBEES 368.6 1.4 100882
KOTAKNIFTY 158 0.9 129896
MEGASOFT 11.7 7.9 124251
MINDACORP 102.8 3.4 1012904
MINDAIND 568.1 2.6 333215
MPSLTD 481.8 4.2 23482
NDTV 48.8 1 64640
NIFTYBEES 161.9 1.1 2183808
NKIND 20.7 3.5 1710
ORIENTBELL 229.2 2.3 67232
PETRONET 258.7 2.7 5215204
PNBGILTS 53.2 3.5 1097588
PODDARHOUS 224.4 2 9797
PSB 18.3 4.9 2078745
QNIFTY 1567 2.2 48
RAJESHEXPO 501.6 2 259545
RELIANCE 2144.3 4 12752715
RPOWER 3.9 9.9 13992001
SADBHAV 75.5 1.2 1348016
SEQUENT 245.9 4.6 1145949
SETFNN50 363 1.2 18133
SHREYAS 85 3.8 112066
SHRIPISTON 801.3 2.7 766
SPAL 187.8 2.7 50477
SUVEN 88.8 2 906596
SWANENERGY 148.2 3.1 192450
TATACOFFEE 118.5 5.9 1594934
TATAINVEST 1121 3.8 43486
TATAMTRDVR 129.3 3.6 11488473
TFCILTD 58 2.5 708170
TIMETECHNO 57.5 5.3 786847
UPL 593 7 9511551
UTINEXT50 365.2 3.1 1409
VLSFINANCE 89.7 3.2 125916
VOLTAS 1048.7 3.5 2306029
WINDMACHIN 21.7 2.4 56508

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AARVEEDEN 17.8 -1.4 36193
AKSHARCHEM 245.9 -0.8 47065
ARMANFIN 637.6 -3.1 14049
BAGFILMS 2.6 -3.7 120302
BERGEPAINT 722.9 -0.3 1398320
CHALET 166.1 -1 267820
CREST 89.5 -0.5 21121
DBSTOCKBRO 9 -5.8 5092
DHANUKA 729.6 -0.4 91073
EMAMIREAL 51.3 -4.6 45426
FIEMIND 542.2 -2.2 48853
ICEMAKE 73.2 -3.1 35977
IFBAGRO 422.2 -4.2 29186
INSECTICID 455.7 -0.2 49803
MASFIN 835 -1.3 28974
MELSTAR 1.8 -2.7 4460
ONELIFECAP 6.8 -2.9 2149
PATSPINLTD 5.2 -3.7 7063
PGIL 166.2 -0.6 10022
SABTN 1.5 -3.2 8477
SHAHALLOYS 7.3 -3.9 5604
SINTEX 3.8 -2.6 2245102
SYNCOM 2.5 -3.8 142040
UTTAMSTL 7.2 -2 224279
VICEROY 2.7 -1.8 44150

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Stock Selection List from 24-Feb-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AYMSYNTEX 53 4.8 27745
CORALFINAC 25.3 9.1 34511
IIFLSEC 56.4 20 1020015
KOTAKBKETF 367 3.7 197886
NBVENTURES 65.7 11.7 1537425
RELIGARE 85.2 19.3 738726
SETFNIFBK 363.4 3.6 110157
SUPPETRO 401.6 3.1 109211
TOUCHWOOD 96 3.2 12206
TVSELECT 144.2 10 74045

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ABB 1570.8 6.1 213035
ABFRL 179.3 6.4 2902279
ABSLBANETF 361 3.7 1221
APLAPOLLO 1014.5 4.1 418850
ASHOKA 114.1 4.2 1854586
AUTOAXLES 1179.1 2.8 31127
AXISNIFTY 160.9 3 7750
BAJAJFINSV 10199.6 1.9 686127
BANKBEES 366.9 3.7 943560
BANKNIFTY 36452.3 3.8 71911
BHEL 43 5.5 61249941
COALINDIA 144.4 5.5 16204130
COMPINFO 16.3 2.8 450886
CUBEXTUB 18 7.1 8398
DCMNVL 71 2.8 35177
DECCANCE 407.3 0.9 78861
DLF 313.2 2.6 21337096
DLINKINDIA 118.3 3.6 397325
ELECON 55.2 7.6 802558
FEDERALBNK 84.7 4.2 32119495
GREENLAM 938.2 2.5 15111
GRINDWELL 864.3 5.2 69106
GSFC 81.3 3.9 1612069
HAL 1064.2 3.3 748806
HDFCBANK 1606.5 5.1 9820197
HSIL 180.8 4.5 346823
ICICIBANK 641.1 4 24083864
ICICIBANKN 362.4 3.8 42780
ICICIBANKP 191.2 3.8 57335
INDSWFTLAB 79.2 3.7 153182
INDUSINDBK 1070 2.1 12275788
INFOBEAN 158.4 4.6 30720
IRCTC 1675.5 2.6 1995105
IVZINNIFTY 1894 19.2 39
JCHAC 2609.4 5 29519
JINDRILL 94 5 27493
JKTYRE 127.4 2.2 7823311
JPASSOCIAT 7.7 4.8 13036196
KERNEX 28.6 4.9 11729
KPITTECH 142.1 3.5 1370674
KSB 696.7 5.6 30691
KTKBANK 70.8 6.4 4478523
L&TFH 103.1 4.4 19966161
LIX15 3804.5 2.3 71911
LUXIND 1790.2 4.1 48570
M50 149.8 4.8 3117
MADHUCON 5.8 6.4 46313
MIRCELECTR 14.3 3.2 718271
MOLDTKPAC 382.9 1.5 77028
MRO-TEK 35.9 5 8554
MUTHOOTFIN 1293.5 0.5 1978988
NPBET 194 6.3 822
NRAIL 245.9 5.2 50100
ONWARDTEC 106 5.8 289963
PCJEWELLER 30.4 0.7 4366082
PILITA 14.2 1.4 401120
PNB 41.8 2 176669350
RUPA 326.6 6.4 278437
SANOFI 8154.2 2.3 26735
SESHAPAPER 155.3 2.7 71905
SIS 436.9 1.2 199860
SMARTLINK 93.7 1.6 34685
STARPAPER 120.8 3.4 254261
TDPOWERSYS 159.4 1.3 123507
TEAMLEASE 3321.7 7.2 33226
TNPL 131.2 2.3 305206
TVTODAY 268.6 1.9 159138
UCOBANK 14.4 3.2 7978956
UTTAMSUGAR 101 1.7 115578

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AKZOINDIA 2149.8 -1.2 25634
ARCHIES 12.1 -1.6 77083
ARSSINFRA 22.4 -0.7 39114
BALAXI 549.8 -2.5 3542
BPL 20.7 -0.5 90113
BSLGOLDETF 4270.1 -0.8 377
CALSOFT 8.9 -0.6 49934
CARERATING 473.4 -0.7 205368
EDUCOMP 3 -3.3 82106
ENERGYDEV 10 -1.5 91703
FEL 10.4 -3.7 1578816
FINEORG 2325.1 -1.6 30901
GEOJITFSL 51.3 -2.9 464750
GTPL 123 -0.4 243208
HDIL 5.5 -0.9 579818
IDBIGOLD 4345 -0.4 201
INTENTECH 35.5 -1.9 77222
IRB 105.9 -0.6 897043
KAMATHOTEL 34 -0.1 84507
METROPOLIS 1959.9 -0.7 107964
PGHL 6864.6 -1.5 15455
PITTIENG 59.4 -0.8 276538
RBL 758 -1.2 17631
SAKAR 91.1 -4 58216
SKIL 3.1 -3.1 252517
SURANASOL 8.7 -1.1 120041
TVVISION 1.8 -2.8 15114
ZODJRDMKJ 26.6 -1.5 3552

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.


Today NSE got stuck from 10.30am. The open orders got cancelled from 11.43am. I did not observe the markets during the day as I am passive trader. These are those rare days that ruin the fun of day trading and ultra short term trading who do it full time leaving their jobs. I have seen rare but sure big problems happening now and then that affect the trading. Hence I don't see the point of trading full time and observing the markets all the time. Though it is good to learn trading full time, few rare events can push you back. It can be frustrating to lose the gains made over several weeks or months.

Moreover not everyone can become good traders. Trading is mostly about making good decisions with limited information. People who are good in engineering can struggle at this as they are trained to focus deep in their work which becomes counterintuitive for trading. Those who do not go deep into their work but can actively track multiple things, manage distractions and get things done even superficially, but most importantly good decision makes without developing attachment to results, can excel in day trading.

Anyone can learn to trade in any style. But one needs to take challenges bit by bit. Don't take hard challenges. Take a small challenge, then learn and improve. Then take the next small challenge. It takes time and commitment but definitely progress is guaranteed this way. Otherwise one will trade for few months with excitement and then lose interest out of frustration.

Coming to the market, there are two ways. It could continue rising from here. Or after few days of rise, fall with more intensity till end of March. There is no major trigger otherwise. Still it is good to accumulate. Because by now we know that Coronavirus is not a problem that stops everything. Just a little problem of worldwide level. Its waves will cause markets to fall and rise. Each time the stocks that rise the most can be different. With good trading strategy, one can make atleast some gains.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Stock Selection List from 23-Feb-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ADSL 42 9.9 206461
BALRAMCHIN 179.4 6.8 1398871
COCHINSHIP 380.4 7.8 421863
DALMIASUG 163.3 11.7 177328
DHAMPURSUG 178.8 7.5 484011
GPPL 97.6 1.7 1038965
HINDOILEXP 95 6.4 820898
JBMA 418.3 6.3 90287
MATRIMONY 974.5 20 28449
MCL 100.2 7.4 35511
MMP 95.9 10.7 36676
NEWGEN 306.4 6.8 142642
SASKEN 867.5 7 57638
SASTASUNDR 133.3 9.4 45630
STEELXIND 53.8 4.6 202312
SUDARSCHEM 545.5 9.1 172839
TATASTLBSL 46.3 6 7564925
TRIVENI 78.3 6.7 518443
WESTLIFE 486.6 7.1 306215
ZUARI 108.7 18.9 256433

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AARVI 51.5 8.5 31234
ALICON 425.9 4.5 11010
ALLSEC 351.9 3.1 38110
ANIKINDS 17.2 4.9 32297
APOLLOHOSP 2996.8 2.3 1170097
ASAHISONG 267.4 3.6 45951
BANARISUG 1685.5 6.3 1478
BETA 130 0.8 6832
BHAGYANGR 38.3 9.7 98225
BPCL 435.3 3 8727811
CELEBRITY 6.2 4.2 121665
CNXMIDCAP 23053.3 1 72127
DMART 3151.9 5.3 620156
DREDGECORP 321.3 5.4 237881
GESHIP 281.3 4.2 293080
GICHSGFIN 135.3 3.8 979035
GPIL 563.4 9.1 162931
HARITASEAT 697.8 2.9 32559
HBLPOWER 39 6.7 1576953
ICICIB22 36.9 2.4 928014
INDBANK 15.4 9.6 326774
INDIAMART 9208.6 4.4 183339
INFRABEES 427.5 0.8 6286
ITDCEM 76.5 5.2 1269393
JAGSNPHARM 91.6 7.1 252091
JETAIRWAYS 120.7 5 135484
KSL 311.7 3.2 217694
MANGCHEFER 72.2 4 1872437
MANGTIMBER 11.3 3.7 14383
MAWANASUG 37 7.1 101151
MUKANDENGG 13.8 2.6 8568
NCLIND 171.7 5 406454
NIACL 165.2 8.9 1513143
NMDC 122.8 2.4 12144878
NTPC 103.4 1.3 30001447
OLECTRA 177.8 5 670586
PRIVISCL 676.1 1.6 30353
PSPPROJECT 473.9 0.6 177584
RAIN 154.8 8.3 2926667
RPOWER 3.7 8.8 13322815
SAIL 70.5 5.6 73311285
SANGHIIND 42 7.7 2988774
SCHAND 74.4 3 349518
SCHNEIDER 110.1 1.6 1444330
SCI 95.5 2.6 3811834
SHARDAMOTR 2341.6 5.4 8633
SIEMENS 1869 3.4 445980
SUPREMEIND 2007.2 3.4 103906
TATACONSUM 627.5 1.5 4204689
TATAMOTORS 324 6.4 113888564
TATAPOWER 92 2.2 39543668
TATASTEEL 729.3 6.5 20598730
ULTRACEMCO 6268.4 1.5 745898
UPL 566.4 4.9 9507336
V2RETAIL 141.2 0.9 86686
VADILALIND 875.6 3.1 9937
VASWANI 9 9.8 32043
VIPIND 380.9 2.1 381400
VIPULLTD 23.3 2.6 59602

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ALANKIT 16 -1.8 193033
AMARAJABAT 890.5 -1.6 1026294
BALKRISHNA 18.6 -4.6 8438
BALPHARMA 51.8 -0.9 25538
BANDHANBNK 325.3 -0.5 12234460
BERGEPAINT 721.7 -1.1 1389203
CREST 89.6 -1.2 26172
CROMPTON 382.2 -1.3 1919980
DBSTOCKBRO 9.1 -3.2 5454
DHFL 17.1 -5 3776013
FDC 284.1 -1 189392
FINPIPE 605 -3.8 156750
FMNL 17.4 -1.7 95989
GENUSPAPER 6.3 -0.8 590149
GOKUL 17.6 -2.2 93283
INDHOTEL 118.2 -1.4 2349331
INDOSOLAR 2 -4.8 220600
INDTERRAIN 36 -1.5 587565
IVZINGOLD 4223.6 -0.6 117
KECL 13.5 -1.5 135869
LIBERTSHOE 138.8 -0.5 115473
LICNETFGSC 21.7 -0.3 20829
MINDTREE 1602.3 -0.8 1047937
ORICONENT 21.9 -0.9 296028
PRABHAT 68.8 -1 74360
RKDL 7.8 -2.5 56934
SANGINITA 25.3 -1.7 72942
SCAPDVR 1.8 -2.7 109396
SEPOWER 3.9 -3.7 131670
SETUINFRA 0.8 -5.9 167959
SHUBHLAXMI 15.7 -4.8 4480
SICAGEN 14.4 -5.6 25994
SMLISUZU 476.3 -0.3 56834
SUBCAPCITY 18.1 -5 911
SWARAJENG 1278.8 -1 18105
VIVIMEDLAB 14.2 -19.8 373305

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

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Stock Selection List from 22-Feb-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AMDIND 22.5 20 85454
CYIENT 642.2 7.9 1040637
IMFA 475.9 6.3 76214
IZMO 51 9.9 35232
MAGNUM 5.3 19.3 52608
SONATSOFTW 466.3 16.5 538780
SUNDARMHLD 81.6 6.2 328517
VIVIMEDLAB 17.7 20 232793

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ASHIANA 108.1 3.5 148305
CAMLINFINE 124.1 6 555526
CNXMETAL 3609.1 1.6 71895
ESABINDIA 1985.5 1.9 27264
FSL 102.3 5.6 4865252
GALLISPAT 41.4 2.7 80870
GANESHHOUC 46.2 5 57590
GEECEE 93.8 0.9 24388
GRAVITA 84.8 6.3 448803
HPL 41.5 2.3 357887
INDIAVIX 25.5 14.5 71895
INDUSTOWER 266.4 2.1 5879550
INFOBEAN 151.7 1.1 29780
JAIBALAJI 25.3 1.4 42245
MBECL 10.2 4.6 98809
MOIL 147.3 2.2 528097
MPSLTD 462.3 0.9 23833
ONGC 106.3 1.1 37106982
PRSMJOHNSN 109.6 1.1 899905
PUNJABCHEM 876 2.8 13234
RUCHI 725 5 19078
SHREYAS 84.5 7 105215
STCINDIA 83 2 69693
UNIENTER 83 1.5 58983
VINDHYATEL 908 5.4 18688

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ALKEM 2758.4 -4.1 107614
ALLCARGO 127.6 -1.5 557244
ANSALAPI 6.7 -5 187630
ANUP 611.3 -2.1 38250
APCL 201.8 -2.5 78055
APOLSINHOT 540.3 -3.3 1759
ASIANPAINT 2387.1 -1.2 2490028
ASTERDM 146.1 -2.9 241253
AUTOLITIND 27.1 -3.6 52917
AVADHSUGAR 183.3 -2.2 102546
AVTNPL 44.1 -3.3 272806
BALAJITELE 59.8 -1.5 234785
BATAINDIA 1465.8 -2.2 794536
BAYERCROP 5105.6 -1.9 32278
BIOCON 397.6 -1.6 4889792
BSE 575.3 -2.2 468783
BSL 30.6 -0.5 9313
BSOFT 231.8 -2.7 1731551
CAREERP 151.8 -3.7 60562
CINELINE 39 -4.1 345711
CIPLA 792.5 -1.8 5578646
CNXMEDIA 1620.3 -3.4 71895
CNXMNC 15681.6 -1.3 71895
CNXPHARMA 12032.3 -2.6 71895
COMPINFO 14.4 -3.4 419460
CONTROLPR 220.9 -2.3 25317
CORDSCABLE 41.8 -2.9 103369
COROMANDEL 756 -1.6 709553
CREATIVE 101.1 -3 34748
CTE 33.9 -4.9 18864
CUB 160 -2.7 2349525
DCAL 118.8 -3.3 773570
DIAMONDYD 617.5 -4.9 11713
DISHTV 11.4 -4.2 14899774
DOLAT 53.1 -4 385357
DRREDDY 4469.3 -4.5 1191501
DWARKESH 26.9 -1.6 1338537
EDELWEISS 62.4 -1.4 1467806
EIDPARRY 313.3 -1.9 374424
EIHAHOTELS 265.9 -2 19296
ESCORTS 1282.8 -4 1823770
FIEMIND 538.5 -7.1 48351
FLFL 80.2 -7 312280
FRETAIL 71.2 -6.4 3077301
GAYAPROJ 38.7 -5.1 1124429
GLENMARK 469.3 -2.7 1914471
GRANULES 321.1 -2.6 1505415
GTLINFRA 0.8 -5.6 30747544
GULFPETRO 40.8 -2.6 85050
HATHWAY 29.7 -1.2 681368
HCLTECH 920.1 -3.2 7102834
HDFCAMC 2869.1 -2.2 342060
HONDAPOWER 1016.5 -1.3 19376
HSCL 43.3 -4.7 4480296
ICICIPRULI 465.8 -4.1 2578706
IDEA 10.8 -1.4 346054655
IFBIND 1215.7 -3.8 89275
INDRAMEDCO 52.6 -0.6 244196
INOXLEISUR 305.4 -5.8 1182462
IRB 105.9 -1.2 893191
ISFT 62.7 -4.9 15892
ITC 207.1 -4.1 40909488
JAYBARMARU 241.2 -1.4 54875
JISLJALEQS 18.8 -3.1 3684776
JUBLINDS 210.8 -1.6 39495
JYOTHYLAB 147.3 -1.5 735093
KGL 0.3 -16.7 1880214
KOKUYOCMLN 60.8 -2.6 257351
LINCPEN 168.5 -3.3 6295
LOKESHMACH 35.3 -3.6 66211
LTI 3793.7 -0.7 293923
LUPIN 995.5 -2.6 3184719
MARKSANS 54 -2.9 1643679
MAZDA 507.9 -1.1 10933
MEGH 77 -0.6 1112139
MEP 15.8 -4 384302
METKORE 0.6 -7.7 36282
MTNL 11.9 -1.6 4221593
NAHARPOLY 84.8 -3.8 98388
NATNLSTEEL 3.6 -3.9 18341
NFL 38 -3.4 2195749
NILAINFRA 5.3 -4.5 587471
NITINFIRE 0.6 -8.3 195775
NUCLEUS 522.6 -2.4 88637
ORBTEXP 64 -1.2 43722
ORIENTABRA 22.3 -2.2 190653
ORIENTHOT 22.9 -2.4 60456
PARAGMILK 105.3 -2.4 709813
PRECAM 41 -2.1 275377
PRIMESECU 40.1 -0.7 33643
PURVA 76.4 -1.2 341601
PVR 1382.3 -6.4 1746023
QUICKHEAL 151 -2.5 460596
RAJTV 33.4 -2.9 24914
RAMANEWS 14 -1.4 103504
RENUKA 9.4 -3.1 3867329
ROLTA 4.2 -3.5 591792
RTNINFRA 6.7 -2.9 737382
RTNPOWER 2.6 -3.6 52697435
RUBYMILLS 182.3 -2 14371
SABTN 1.6 -3.1 8701
SAKHTISUG 9.3 -1.6 100634
SALZERELEC 114 -2.6 76307
SAMBHAAV 2.5 -3.9 70695
SANGAMIND 74.5 -0.7 39975
SARLAPOLY 24.9 -1.6 299433
SBIETFQLTY 124.2 -2.9 3860
SBILIFE 849 -3.7 1982375
SHAHALLOYS 7.7 -5 5096
SHALBY 103.6 -3.4 624353
SHARIABEES 347 -2 1387
SHK 117 -1.9 654462
SHRENIK 3.2 -4.5 2399569
SHRIRAMEPC 4.3 -2.2 722160
SHYAMCENT 5.4 -5.3 110986
SIMPLEXINF 35.1 -4.2 227924
SINTEX 3.8 -2.6 2284550
SMSLIFE 542.6 -4 8447
SPICEJET 83.8 -2.8 6235984
SPMLINFRA 12.9 -2.7 73236
SURANAT&P 4.5 -4.2 420778
SURYALAXMI 27.5 -3 16201
SYNGENE 555.5 -4.2 531317
TAINWALCHM 62.4 -12.4 52929
TCS 2958.4 -3.7 3437653
THEINVEST 102.3 -4.6 6223
TIJARIA 7 -4.1 23533
TTL 46.2 -3.5 36784
UBL 1204.1 -1.1 692564
UFO 81.9 -2.7 394640
UMANGDAIRY 57.7 -2 91124
USHAMART 28.7 -3 1565788
UTTAMSTL 7.3 -1.4 232471
VSTIND 3502.5 -3.4 9819
VSTTILLERS 1800.8 -0.9 17769
YESBANK 15.6 -2.2 179037609
ZEEL 201.8 -3.2 20185920
ZODIACLOTH 103.1 -3.6 146130
ZODJRDMKJ 26.8 -3.6 3884
ZUARI 91.3 -2 200633

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.


The market fall this time is getting intense with each falling day. This is a sign of increasing momentum in downtrend. But we should not worry much about long term trend in fundamentally good stocks. Even though market can fall on worries of another wave of covid cases, fears of another round of lockdowns, lack of stimulus progress in US or unexpected poor quarterly results (slow economic recovery), the worst period based on long term cycles has just passed. So good businesses can recovery faster.

Friday I bought few shares of ABCAPITAL and LALPATHLAB which showed up in this blog lists few days before that. Instead buying on that day, I noted the stocks in my watch list for few days (hence included few more too like CDSL). Noticing these two stocks having pulled back by good amount from the peak, I decided to make first entry. Today in a falling market ABCAPITAL is up 8% and LALPATHLAB didn't fall much. Both were in positive in the morning.

As we end up piling up too many stocks from my daily lists, one can make entries into stocks that pull back. This increases the odds of making profits and reduces odds of hitting stop loss, provided stop loss % is based on beta of the stock. I will soon explain this better in a video.

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