Tuesday, January 16, 2024

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Stock Selection List from 16-Jan-24

The daily lists are good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without first showing up in either of the two lists here. 

This day's primary list (dlist1):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AGARIND 1008.4 2.7 55555 5.6
AGRITECH 227.3 12.1 23456 0.53
ASTERDM 425.1 6.2 1172218 49.83
CGCL 958 17.8 347336 33.27
DICIND 534.8 5.6 8906 0.48
EKC 140.3 5 1156196 16.22
HEXATRADEX 167.3 7.7 20751 0.35
JASH 1672.8 9 13507 2.26
MOIL 335.1 7.9 3330741 111.61
PKTEA 319.9 2.3 594 0.02
PNBHOUSING 848 6.4 421282 35.72
RANEENGINE 398.3 10 11746 0.47
SMARTLINK 194.4 9.1 29560 0.57
TOTAL 138.2 5.5 38342 0.53
VAISHALI 198.4 12.3 205422 4.08

Only those with average turnover > 2cr:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AGARIND 1008.4 2.7 55555 5.6
ASTERDM 425.1 6.2 1172218 49.83
CGCL 958 17.8 347336 33.27
EKC 140.3 5 1156196 16.22
JASH 1672.8 9 13507 2.26
MOIL 335.1 7.9 3330741 111.61
PNBHOUSING 848 6.4 421282 35.72
VAISHALI 198.4 12.3 205422 4.08

Second list (dlist2):
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ASIANENE 279.9 4.1 145086 4.06
BAJAJELEC 1057.3 2.5 63881 6.75
BECTORFOOD 1233.3 2.8 198185 24.44
BGRENERGY 101.5 4.4 1707955 17.34
CEREBRAINT 7.5 4.9 235770 0.18
COLPAL 2500.2 0.5 389254 97.32
CREATIVE 821.9 1.6 43074 3.54
DBSTOCKBRO 39.5 1 70837 0.28
HUBTOWN 90.1 5 521741 4.7
IDBI 70.5 2.3 9788306 69.01
IDFC 127.5 1.8 5186662 66.13
ISEC 784 3.3 324173 25.42
ITC 472.3 1 10025759 473.52
JINDALSTEL 749.8 2 2140429 160.49
JSL 604.6 2.4 2051599 124.04
JUBLPHARMA 562 0.7 553790 31.12
KEC 625.1 0.7 470782 29.43
KEEPLEARN 5.5 4.8 39034 0.02
KPITTECH 1546.3 0.5 1347031 208.29
KRITI 122.5 6.8 159704 1.96
MASPTOP50 35.4 0.5 240090 0.85
NAGAFERT 13.4 2.7 4004544 5.37
NMDC 212.8 1.6 14994394 319.08
ORCHPHARMA 745.5 1.8 275298 20.52
PARSVNATH 12.1 1.7 398257 0.48
PAYTM 747.4 4.6 6230578 465.67
PDSL 604.4 2.6 166984 10.09
PNC 53.9 0.7 186008 1
PRIMESECU 183.8 1 81834 1.5
ROTO 425.6 2 200258 8.52
SAIL 119.6 4.3 35360807 422.92
SECURKLOUD 54.2 4.8 94241 0.51
SERVOTECH 83.7 2.7 554769 4.64
SEYAIND 25.9 4.9 21008 0.05
SGIL 357.3 9.5 38177 1.36
SHREYANIND 288.9 5 26314 0.76
SWARAJ 112.9 5 18460 0.21
TATAMETALI 1076.7 1.8 78897 8.49
TATASTEEL 137.3 1.7 32746268 449.61
THEMISMED 219.7 2.2 228671 5.02
TINPLATE 452.3 1.8 315163 14.25
UCOBANK 42 0.7 15773005 66.25
VINEETLAB 77.7 1.9 169079 1.31
WESTLIFE 865.5 2.9 167008 14.45
WSTCSTPAPR 740.9 1.7 266294 19.73
ZFCVINDIA 16588.2 1.6 7772 12.89

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