The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AMBER 3263.7 5.7 59033 19.27
CINELINE 108.5 3.6 476102 5.17
DBL 568.4 5.5 326102 18.54
GMBREW 612 4.4 71876 4.4
GPPL 110.6 5.3 771051 8.53
IOB 22.8 11.2 10056463 22.93
ITI 124.5 5.3 520314 6.48
JMCPROJECT 112 12.3 299156 3.35
MAHABANK 20.1 6.4 7239029 14.55
NOIDATOLL 6.3 5 192345 0.12
PNCINFRA 382.9 7.8 744531 28.51
RUCHIRA 88.7 5.3 115758 1.03
SANGAMIND 166.4 4.9 66976 1.11
SANGHVIMOV 192.9 9 126913 2.45
SHREYANIND 132.3 9.9 137949 1.83
SIRCA 355.1 4.6 55642 1.98
SPENCERS 127.2 12 1846833 23.49
TATAINVEST 1367 6.7 132577 18.12
THANGAMAYL 1111.8 3.4 30297 3.37
VESUVIUS 1223.6 6.2 21388 2.62
WELCORP 144.8 13 1895211 27.44
ZOTA 391.1 2.6 171693 6.71
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADSL 73.3 2.4 341440 2.5
AJOONI 55.9 3.2 64304 0.36
AKZOINDIA 2284.3 1.2 19959 4.56
ASHOKLEY 133.8 3.4 18119013 242.43
AXISCADES 80.5 5 82610 0.67
BAJAJFINSV 17786.8 2 352829 627.57
BAJFINANCE 7668.1 2 1360281 1043.08
BHAGERIA 270.5 2.2 102823 2.78
BIRLACORPN 1435.7 5.3 180697 25.94
BRIGADE 410 4.2 949912 38.95
CESC 91.5 5.7 5991034 54.82
CHAMBLFERT 338.9 1.2 1527128 51.75
CLEDUCATE 73.6 -47.5 93125 0.69
CNXMNC 19220.6 0.2 66186 127.21
CNXPSUBANK 2483.1 0.8 66186 16.43
DAMODARIND 46.9 2.9 14426 0.07
GABRIEL 153.7 4.1 1558873 23.96
GANESHHOUC 165.9 4.2 117666 1.95
GIPCL 86.1 0.8 778878 6.71
HIMATSEIDE 272.4 2.3 176551 4.81
IFBIND 1189.7 2.8 92770 11.04
INDIANB 140.3 4.6 2649437 37.17
INTELLECT 710 0.4 515109 36.57
KIRLOSBROS 394.3 4.9 55639 2.19
KIRLOSIND 1691.8 5 36346 6.15
KOTAKPSUBK 243.1 0.7 19657 0.48
LGBBROSLTD 448.8 3 190530 8.55
LOTUSEYE 48.7 3.1 8277 0.04
MASKINVEST 42.9 4.1 655 0
MEGASOFT 20.5 4.9 277959 0.57
NAHARSPING 424.3 5 71210 3.02
NETFNV20 99.7 0.7 11281 0.11
OPTIEMUS 306.2 5 72576 2.22
PERSISTENT 3716.3 4.9 288707 107.29
PFS 20.3 8.8 1651742 3.35
PHILIPCARB 267.2 1.5 1914433 51.15
PNB 40.1 1.1 52504220 210.54
POLYCAB 2389 2.2 567640 135.61
PSUBNKBEES 27.1 1 1246404 3.38
SILLYMONKS 21.9 4 9540 0.02
SPTL 4.7 4.5 2096351 0.99
SUNDRMFAST 914.9 1.3 190543 17.43
SUTLEJTEX 69.3 0.5 493064 3.42
TEXMOPIPES 53.5 3.4 197079 1.05
TFCILTD 73.8 2.6 435521 3.21
TFL 6 4.3 7912 0
TGBHOTELS 9.1 3.4 44971 0.04
TRENT 1025.8 1.6 875423 89.8
TRF 130.6 5 19738 0.26
UTISXN50 49.3 0.7 1747 0.01
VOLTAMP 1503.5 4.7 17743 2.67
WELENT 107.6 3.3 253719 2.73
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AIRAN 21.4 -2.1 62528 0.13
AMBUJACEM 400.2 -1.5 4291712 171.75
APLAPOLLO 821.8 -0.9 484615 39.83
ARROWGREEN 121.5 -1 13212 0.16
ASPINWALL 179.5 -0.2 40213 0.72
AUROPHARMA 724.8 -0.4 3419137 247.82
BRIGHT 4.8 -5 254700 0.12
CARERATING 667 -1.9 218387 14.57
CEREBRAINT 54.5 -2.4 570852 3.11
COLPAL 1669.5 -0.5 557071 93
ENIL 183.6 -0.3 139824 2.57
EXPLEOSOL 997.7 -2.3 14966 1.49
GOLDSHARE 40.9 -1 129324 0.53
GRANULES 320.4 -0.7 2945714 94.38
GSPL 316 -2 1080488 34.14
GUJAPOLLO 210.3 -1.3 13987 0.29
HINDCOPPER 110 -2.6 4385749 48.24
HINDZINC 311.6 -3.2 1062845 33.12
IDBIGOLD 4216.9 -1 152 0.06
INDSWFTLAB 64.3 -0.5 447444 2.88
INVENTURE 2.7 -5.3 4970260 1.34
IVZINGOLD 4121.1 -1.2 66 0.03
JCHAC 2143.8 -0.7 20051 4.3
KNRCON 286.8 -0.4 1148115 32.93
MAHAPEXLTD 87.9 -2.3 3087 0.03
MCL 38.6 -0.3 223691 0.86
MOTOGENFIN 24.3 -1.2 33039 0.08
MUTHOOTFIN 1450.3 -1.3 830741 120.48
RANASUG 24.5 -0.6 624728 1.53
REDINGTON 139.4 -3.4 1616014 22.53
RUCHINFRA 7 -1.4 74520 0.05
SHRENIK 1.5 -6.5 3374139 0.51
SHRIRAMCIT 2033.3 -2.5 120026 24.4
SOLARA 1599.6 -1.7 118769 19
SOTL 1520.3 -0.8 37758 5.74
SUNDARMHLD 75.2 -2.3 313462 2.36
TARMAT 60.4 -1.9 186528 1.13
TASTYBITE 17760.5 -1.3 2941 5.22
TATASTEEL 1288.9 -0.5 12609827 1625.28
TNTELE 10.3 -4.7 21012 0.02
ULTRACEMCO 7396.1 -0.9 321190 237.56
WSI 6.7 -5 4942 0
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Good stocks from today's list:
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