Friday, January 29, 2021

Stock Selection List from 29-Jan-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ASAL 36.1 3 11110
IDFNIFTYET 153.3 6.2 785
KPITTECH 142.8 7.4 1271873
LPDC 2.4 4.3 18036
MMFL 500.9 7.6 33124
RANEENGINE 279.6 3.6 21735
SPENTEX 1.1 4.5 27075
SUDARSCHEM 506.4 3.1 278669

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
21STCENMGM 11.2 0.9 4487
AYMSYNTEX 45.9 4.9 44323
BAJAJHLDNG 3246.6 0.5 102367
CONFIPET 41 1.2 1239447
EMAMILTD 483.1 2.8 916577
FMNL 20.9 4.2 99096
GULPOLY 96.8 4.1 142627
HIL 2278.5 2.5 16691
HINDCOMPOS 309.3 0.8 28053
JYOTHYLAB 162.1 2.9 771601
LAXMIMACH 5291.8 4.2 12867
OCCL 898 0.6 16482
OLECTRA 137.8 5 592284
ORIENTELEC 253.6 3.4 422154
PAISALO 696.5 1.6 172093
PGHL 7110.8 1 17150
PUNJABCHEM 850.3 4.7 13346
QUESS 580.1 4.7 360189
RVNL 31.3 3.8 17077685
SAMBHAAV 2.8 3.8 54015
SRTRANSFIN 1291.3 16.2 5226935
SUPREMEIND 1808.3 1.3 126948
THERMAX 992.1 3.2 58749
VISHWARAJ 131.3 3.2 16637

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AARTIDRUGS 673.4 -2 648710
ACC 1603.8 -1.8 1575046
AMARAJABAT 918.2 -4.6 916455
AMBUJACEM 243.3 -1.9 7845957
AMRUTANJAN 493.9 -1.3 134154
AXISCADES 50.9 -3.8 114050
BALKRISIND 1588.3 -4.6 1011676
BASF 1561.5 -1 44439
BATAINDIA 1501.3 -1.5 841030
BAYERCROP 5373.3 -0.6 34409
BERGEPAINT 706.9 -3.4 1120686
BFUTILITIE 269.1 -1.4 495107
BLISSGVS 183.9 -1.7 1011844
BRITANNIA 3501.1 -2.8 797510
BSE 588.1 -1.2 603666
BURNPUR 2.3 -2.2 91853
CADILAHC 451.5 -2.3 3836844
CIGNITITEC 367.9 -5.9 58483
CNX100 13743.3 -1.5 69120
CNX500 11302.4 -1.2 69120
CNXFMCG 33121.1 -1.5 69120
CNXMETAL 3077.4 -1.9 69120
CNXMNC 15492.1 -1.7 69120
CNXPHARMA 12170.3 -1.8 69120
CNXPSE 2721.9 -1.4 69120
CNXSERVICE 19205 -0.9 69120
DABUR 514.5 -2.5 3788314
ENGINERSIN 72.7 -2.7 2876553
ENIL 148.4 -3.4 186510
EXPLEOSOL 463.1 -2.3 33174
FOSECOIND 1245.8 -3.3 2563
GLOBALVECT 47.2 -3.1 40706
GMBREW 402 -0.8 43605
GPPL 86.5 -1.7 963353
GRANULES 337.2 -4.6 1562887
HCLTECH 914 -2.1 7639106
HDFCAMC 2876.6 -1.5 422093
HDFCNIFETF 1451.3 -0.9 1540
HINDUNILVR 2263.9 -1.6 2345336
ICICI500 185.2 -1.1 7621
ICICILOVOL 112.5 -1.3 54123
ICICINF100 148.8 -1 6844
ICICINIFTY 145.3 -1.1 235860
ICICINXT50 32.5 -1.9 186973
ICICIPRULI 481 -2 2164916
IIFLSEC 46.4 -2.7 1062485
INDBANK 10.6 -1.9 140320
INDIGO 1547.8 -2.8 1693371
INDNIPPON 333.8 -1.6 21305
INDUSTOWER 231.5 -4.1 11643132
IRB 108.5 -1.4 852629
ISFT 68.2 -4.1 16089
ITI 121.1 -1 878505
JUBLFOOD 2590.2 -4.4 1114589
JUNIORBEES 332.8 -2.1 103556
JUSTDIAL 600.9 -2.6 1432702
KANSAINER 548.7 -6.7 419140
KARURVYSYA 42.5 -1.4 3210361
KERNEX 24.9 -3.3 10309
KIRIINDUS 467.6 -2.6 250654
KOTAKNIFTY 142.7 -1.1 73971
LAOPALA 217.4 -1 200421
LIX15 3288.3 -1 69120
M50 133.9 -0.8 2932
MAN50ETF 140.2 -0.7 70558
MARKSANS 55.4 -0.4 2410068
MARUTI 7206.6 -5 1186550
MCDOWELL-N 578.7 -2.6 2686523
MOIL 135.2 -0.2 682753
MOREPENLAB 27.6 -2.1 3153049
MSPL 7.2 -4.7 59692
MUKANDENGG 11.8 -3.7 10777
NATCOPHARM 890.3 -0.5 349215
NIFTY 13634.6 -1.3 69120
NIFTYBEES 146.1 -1.3 1965753
NITINFIRE 0.6 -7.7 203307
NKIND 17.1 -4.7 1998
NUCLEUS 555 -5 71087
NXTDIGITAL 515 -5.3 10108
ONGC 88.3 -2.6 37687388
ORBTEXP 65.4 -5.4 52556
PALASHSECU 40.1 -1.6 5517
PETRONET 237 -2.2 5236462
PRAKASH 51.2 -2.9 1168526
QUICKHEAL 157.9 -1.7 469142
RAJTV 33.4 -2.1 25550
RATNAMANI 1487.6 -4.4 24554
RAYMOND 322.2 -1.2 1201484
RITES 253.9 -1.8 530535
SADBHIN 18.3 -4.5 510027
SAGCEM 651.3 -1.5 53165
SANWARIA 1.1 -4.5 2428511
SETFGOLD 4362.9 -0.1 15033
SETFNIF50 142.1 -0.9 217843
SETFNN50 330.6 -1.8 18638
SHAHALLOYS 8.7 -3.9 6982
SHARIABEES 348.9 -2.2 1496
SRHHYPOLTD 227.1 -1.7 41508
SWSOLAR 233.3 -2.4 782868
SYNGENE 566.4 -3.6 618099
TATASTEEL 601 -3.6 19457588
TATASTLBSL 37.6 -3.5 6089094
THYROCARE 903.5 -2.9 131506
TITAN 1420.3 -2.1 2635518
TORNTPHARM 2608.2 -2.1 414072
TRENT 621.5 -5.7 1311888
UTINEXT50 329.2 -2.7 1308
UTINIFTETF 1471 -0.7 2110
UTISENSETF 496.1 -0.9 1254
VAKRANGEE 52.3 -4.9 7769185
WABAG 187.1 -2.6 607128
WALCHANNAG 61.3 -1 306319
WATERBASE 115 -0.9 619227
WELCORP 120.1 -2.4 1682322

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Stock Selection List from 28-Jan-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ADFFOODS 636.6 5.3 131574
ALLSEC 303.3 15.9 23949
COSMOFILMS 503.6 13 94693
ERIS 623.1 2 200734
FACT 82.6 9.4 1006215
TEAMLEASE 2819.3 1.6 23941

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ALKYLAMINE 4852.5 3.1 91984
CANDC 7 2.9 15103
CUMMINSIND 637.1 2 1719357
GOENKA 1.1 4.5 502019
GTL 7.5 4.9 201676
KOTHARIPET 23.9 4.6 141301
LICNETFN50 159.9 3.9 1931
LOTUSEYE 36.8 2.1 16870
MANAKCOAT 8.9 4.1 48079
MHRIL 225.9 8.9 213966
MOLDTKPAC 341.1 3.5 62367
RUPA 299.1 4.9 220322
SAGARDEEP 39.4 3 17849
SHAKTIPUMP 367.1 0.9 51341
SOLARA 1340.8 3.3 78656
SWELECTES 205.1 3.4 31598
TALBROAUTO 176.2 2.4 82768
TRIDENT 14.6 9.8 39459245
VADILALIND 817.1 0.7 10268
VOLTAS 933.4 2.2 1913291

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ABFRL 152.6 -5.9 2167284
AHLEAST 153.5 -2.2 4597
ASPINWALL 149.1 -1.4 6054
ASTRAMICRO 115.5 -1.5 569229
AUTOIND 31.8 -1.1 34911
BETA 112 -1.3 5728
BLKASHYAP 9.3 -3.1 194406
CELEBRITY 5.5 -2.7 106330
COFORGE 2420.1 -1.1 428803
DELTAMAGNT 23.6 -4.8 8924
DHFL 23.6 -4.8 3965662
DQE 1.3 -3.8 61318
EIFFL 76 -1.3 4560
ESCORTS 1224.2 -1.8 1734663
FLEXITUFF 14 -4.1 16503
GANDHITUBE 241.2 -1.5 12446
GILLETTE 5594.9 -1.8 11549
GKWLIMITED 510.3 -5 1060
GMMPFAUDLR 3590.1 -0.5 55133
GMRINFRA 24.8 -2.9 21867098
GOACARBON 255.9 -3.7 104847
GODREJPROP 1242.8 -4.2 1358235
GTNIND 11.9 -4.8 8975
HDFC 2425.8 -1.7 4709709
HDFCBANK 1371.5 -2.7 10527401
HDFCMFGETF 4364.6 -0.2 11265
HINDOILEXP 79.8 -1.2 812103
ICICISENSX 504.1 -1.6 2294
IDBIGOLD 4499.9 -0.9 232
IIFLWAM 1001.1 -1.5 39614
INTEGRA 1.3 -3.7 8456
IOLCP 687.7 -3 304062
JAYNECOIND 5.5 -4.4 140971
KAKATCEM 166.3 -7.7 37992
KALYANIFRG 141.2 -4.8 1181
KOTAKGOLD 427.3 -0.2 45792
M&MFIN 164.2 -4.5 10749551
MACPOWER 96.7 -5 12538
MANAKSIA 51.3 -1.4 177118
MANAKSTEEL 19.9 -4.8 91737
MANGTIMBER 8.3 -3.5 12587
NAGREEKEXP 18.3 -1.1 23153
NAHARINDUS 41.4 -3 30108
NAUKRI 4536.8 -3.6 749654
NAVINFLUOR 2344.3 -5.1 127726
NESTLEIND 17387.7 -0.9 149040
NHPC 23 -1.9 8860942
NILAINFRA 5.1 -3.8 887182
OBEROIRLTY 518.4 -3.4 618360
PEL 1372.9 -3.4 1863234
PNB 32.5 -2.4 113710011
PNBHOUSING 341.9 -3.1 248853
PODDARMENT 182.7 -1.3 12854
POWERGRID 187.3 -2.6 11567719
PREMEXPLN 139.2 -2.4 33472
PUNJLLOYD 2 -4.9 258649
RELIANCE 1876.6 -1 13430726
RESPONIND 178.2 -0.8 147084
SAKHTISUG 9.4 -2.1 126994
SCHAEFFLER 4298.1 -1.2 17512
SUNTECK 323.9 -4.7 710303
TATACONSUM 564.6 -1.4 4089123
TCIFINANCE 4.5 -4.3 12074
TDPOWERSYS 129.9 -2 155420
TIINDIA 756.8 -4.2 259311
TIMESGTY 24 -3.6 7135
UGARSUGAR 15.7 -1.3 426178
UNIONBANK 29.5 -1.8 8898896
VHL 1372.5 -1.7 629
VICEROY 2.9 -1.7 48668
WEIZMANIND 39.8 -2.2 20981
WSI 3.5 -4.1 7811

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Stock Selection List from 27-Jan-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
GOKULAGRO 24.1 19.9 207024
KIRLOSIND 839.9 1.9 4684
POWERMECH 443.5 6.6 82144
RML 284.3 15.1 41741

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AARVEEDEN 20.1 0.8 53798
BALAMINES 1154.7 4.4 223493
BALLARPUR 1.5 3.6 4220541
GAEL 144.8 4.6 458031
HNGSNGBEES 359.2 0.4 2484
IEX 242.9 4.7 1019648
IIFL 119.4 0.8 1117988
IMFA 382.9 4.4 64616
INDIAVIX 24.4 4.9 67540
ISMTLTD 12.2 4.7 157707
KINGFA 681.2 8.1 11643
MENONBE 56.1 4.6 32198
NATIONALUM 47.9 3.8 23977063
PGEL 157.3 5 41612
PIONDIST 123.6 1.2 19312
PIONEEREMB 39.8 1.9 84889
PNCINFRA 191.8 2.4 1004387
SSINFRA 8.3 4.4 10740
UBL 1301.3 4.2 685375
VAIBHAVGBL 2663.8 1.5 32144

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AARON 47.2 -4.9 14798
ABAN 27.4 -1.6 102243
ABCAPITAL 80.4 -4.4 3706739
AMRUTANJAN 493.9 -1.4 139018
ANIKINDS 14.9 -2.9 52726
APCL 201.2 -2.9 76334
ARIES 92.7 -2.7 150752
ARMANFIN 666 -2 13148
ASIANHOTNR 66.8 -4.4 19080
ASTEC 1065.5 -11.2 125620
BALPHARMA 52.4 -3 18870
BANG 25.4 -5.6 26291
BANKBEES 304.8 -3 863335
BANKNIFTY 30284.5 -2.9 67540
BANSWRAS 106.1 -4.8 28930
BARTRONICS 3 -3.2 17693
BATAINDIA 1513.2 -2.9 836059
BEPL 129.9 -6.5 1180244
BFUTILITIE 271.6 -2.2 493781
BIGBLOC 97.2 -2.7 21382
BIRLAMONEY 42.7 -1.7 381498
BODALCHEM 70.7 -2.2 968831
BRIGADE 235.8 -4.9 318428
BSE 582.8 -2.2 614332
BSL 31.9 -3.5 10094
BSLGOLDETF 4473.6 -0.8 427
CARERATING 477.9 -2.6 271865
CENTRALBK 12.7 -4.9 7089462
CHENNPETRO 95.8 -19.9 1710587
CHOLAHLDNG 523.1 -3.9 256168
COALINDIA 129.2 -2 17170034
COX&KINGS 1.5 -3.2 465962
CPSEETF 20 -0.8 5883228
CREST 91.6 -3.2 39402
CTE 39.1 -4.4 24497
CUB 167.3 -3.8 2061463
CYBERTECH 117.2 -4.8 508297
DALMIASUG 135.4 -0.7 254498
DCAL 130.7 -2.6 777491
DCBBANK 109 -4.7 2411516
DEEPAKFERT 151.3 -1.6 555664
DRREDDY 4909.3 -3.4 1130405
DSSL 55.6 -4.9 83967
DWARKESH 29.2 -2 1486958
EKC 46.4 -4.9 412284
FINEORG 2371.6 -2.5 35018
FMGOETZE 294.9 -1.9 42751
GAYAHWS 0.6 -7.7 868354
GLENMARK 485.9 -1.1 2168148
GMBREW 403.4 -2.5 44058
GOLDSHARE 4411.1 -0.5 1671
GPIL 452.6 -4.1 147910
GSFC 72.9 -2 1814035
GTPL 120.1 -5.2 265264
GULFOILLUB 692.4 -3.1 36743
HCL-INSYS 8.4 -2.9 641261
HINDALCO 231.4 -3.7 16655091
HMVL 52.9 -1.9 107236
IBULHSGFIN 197.7 -1.8 20733091
ICICIBANKN 301.7 -2.8 23483
ICICIBANKP 163.4 -2.8 51387
ICICIGOLD 43.6 -0.5 498761
ICRA 2712.8 -2.6 6077
IMPAL 537.3 -4.8 6095
INDBANK 10.4 -5 140059
INTENTECH 38.8 -3.1 74878
IOB 10.4 -0.9 4258191
ISEC 413.8 -7.2 729523
ITI 121.1 -1.1 880412
JBFIND 11.9 -3.7 179890
JINDALSAW 71.2 -1.5 1556227
JKLAKSHMI 320 -1.7 382072
JMFINANCIL 80.7 -2.9 3103215
KOKUYOCMLN 63 -1.1 317736
KOTAKBKETF 306.1 -2.8 127566
L&TFH 87.6 -2.3 22041785
LAOPALA 218.8 -1.8 200322
MARATHON 84.7 -0.6 85525
MAZDA 496.1 -3.7 8881
MITTAL 11.1 -4.7 116532
MOTHERSUMI 151.1 -1 13258709
MTNL 12.1 -5.5 3999531
MUTHOOTFIN 1131.9 -3.5 2144118
NACLIND 40 -1.4 111627
NAHARCAP 81 -4 15169
NDTV 37.2 -0.5 50143
NEXTMEDIA 5.3 -4.5 7564
NMDC 106.8 -3 11805191
NRAIL 207.3 -2 43870
ONGC 89.7 -1.8 36958810
OPTIEMUS 83.7 -1.4 93935
ORIENTALTL 10 -4.8 53816
PARAGMILK 109.4 -4 791862
PFC 111.6 -2.4 6848821
PLASTIBLEN 235.8 -1.7 43923
PONNIERODE 155.3 -1.4 8156
RAIN 124.8 -3.6 2830602
RAJTV 33.9 -1.7 25413
RALLIS 274.4 -1.2 574171
RAMCOCEM 775 -1.5 720152
RAMKY 43.1 -4.5 185143
RATNAMANI 1522 -3.1 25423
RPOWER 3.2 -4.5 11115267
RUBYMILLS 185.1 -1.6 19144
RUCHIRA 59.4 -3.6 91411
SALSTEEL 3.6 -3.9 85472
SALZERELEC 111.1 -8.3 142011
SANGHVIMOV 102.3 -2.3 51671
SANOFI 7987.9 -3.7 27748
SASTASUNDR 118.7 -1.6 34980
SATIN 69.5 -3.1 293442
SEAMECLTD 437.8 -1 87900
SETFNIFBK 302.6 -2.7 131643
SHRIRAMCIT 1000.7 -2.3 48010
SILINV 189.4 -5.3 22493
SNOWMAN 53.3 -3.4 6946485
SPICEJET 84.1 -1.7 11487329
SREINFRA 6.8 -4.3 2475418
SRHHYPOLTD 226.6 -3 47814
STAR 816.6 -2.5 856628
STARPAPER 106.8 -1.5 265855
SUNDARMFIN 1705.2 -3.2 81692
SURANAT&P 4.6 -4.2 399500
SUVEN 72.8 -4.6 1353371
TATACOMM 982.6 -4.7 213392
TITAN 1440.7 -3.9 2599271
TORNTPOWER 305.1 -2.9 1519407
TPLPLASTEH 152.8 -2.2 29072
TRF 93.5 -0.5 31714
TVSELECT 114.4 -5 161010
UNITECH 1.7 -2.9 1859568
USHAMART 28.8 -3.7 1534202
VAISHALI 43.5 -4.9 131491
VIPIND 339.1 -1.4 435823
VSTIND 3525.1 -3.2 8439
WALCHANNAG 61.1 -2 310842
XCHANGING 81.5 -0.6 417700
ZEEMEDIA 5.3 -2.8 3615020

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.


The market is falling relentlessly with defensive IT and Pharma stocks showing some stability in this fall. But their show is mostly scattered. With each market rise to new highs, the probability of a major fall increases. We had a good fall around September time. After that few days fall and then gradual breaking of previous highs continued. As budget is approaching, it is well timed for that. With no major news, simply sector rotation is expectation. Before deciding best sectors impacted by budget, one first clears the portfolio by reducing exposure to all sectors or sectors expected to be negatively impacted by budget.

After budget the fall could intensify as this govt. is notorious at not satisfying the stock market investors. There is no reason to not expect this trend to continue. However the market is driven more by US stimulus. So the major world events have longer timeframes. We are just past one already. So for long term investors it is only an opportunity to buy.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Monday, January 25, 2021

Stock Selection List from 25-Jan-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (50%), Somanycera (40%), Adanigas (90%), CGCL (20%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
GHCL 217.6 2.8 428107
GRASIM 1069.8 6.5 2383161
HISARMETAL 106.5 4.8 59689
MHRIL 222.2 3.4 200643
OMAXAUTO 51.9 14.7 69293
PRECOT 87.3 2.8 6489

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ALKEM 3110.3 2.5 108005
AUROPHARMA 998.6 8.1 3340054
BAJAJFINSV 9198.9 1.4 977466
BANKBARODA 73.8 0.7 50695202
BUTTERFLY 518.9 3.3 43721
FCL 65.7 0.2 1197555
FORTIS 172.4 4 3546725
JASH 238.8 2 18157
JHS 24.9 4 128777
JKPAPER 126 1.4 1801319
LOKESHMACH 41.1 3.4 109296
MBLINFRA 20.9 4.8 326531
NETFCONSUM 67.5 0.6 9742
RSWM 164.5 5 33170
SHRIPISTON 655 1.5 714
VERTOZ 231.7 1.4 120304
VTL 1078 2.1 77396
XPROINDIA 39.4 2.5 10969

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
5PAISA 279 -3 35466
63MOONS 75.6 -3 117937
AARVI 41.3 -1.4 28099
ADHUNIKIND 22.6 -1.7 101132
AGRITECH 34.4 -4.1 16463
AGROPHOS 13.2 -3.6 128993
ALANKIT 16.9 -2.3 256726
ANDHRACEMT 5.6 -1.8 411328
ANSALAPI 8.3 -4.6 174906
ARVINDFASN 148.1 -1.5 571782
ARVSMART 98.8 -6.2 410063
ASIANPAINT 2513.9 -3.2 2423706
ASTERDM 154.7 -3.7 288411
AURIONPRO 76.6 -2 36086
AUSOMENT 48.3 -4.4 12702
AVADHSUGAR 199.3 -3.5 149435
AVANTIFEED 500.9 -1 348979
AVTNPL 45.9 -1 295781
AXISCADES 51.5 -1.6 116518
BALAXI 591.1 -4.3 3017
BALMLAWRIE 115.2 -2.6 934565
BCP 6 -4.8 332590
BHARATGEAR 67.7 -4.5 66478
BIL 136.1 -4.5 5644
BPL 20.9 -3.7 173990
CAPLIPOINT 473.6 -1.1 171328
CDSL 487.9 -3.5 1192522
CENTEXT 4.7 -4.1 355610
CHEMFAB 136.6 -1.2 11580
CLNINDIA 347.5 -1.7 56999
CMICABLES 37.3 -1.3 63722
COCHINSHIP 352.3 -2 425570
COFORGE 2397.7 -3.7 421983
CORALFINAC 21.1 -2.8 36306
DELTACORP 142.4 -1.7 2946289
DHAMPURSUG 159.8 -2.6 605289
DHANUKA 731.3 -1.6 83740
DLINKINDIA 105.1 -1.9 475123
DREDGECORP 282.1 -4 263547
DTIL 247.1 -1.3 8244
EASUNREYRL 2.5 -3.9 11311
EDUCOMP 3.3 -4.4 74925
EIMCOELECO 328.4 -3.5 4746
ELECTHERM 110.4 -2.4 70201
EMMBI 75.4 -4.7 49034
ESCORTS 1225.9 -5.2 1682296
ESTER 110.3 -4.4 479140
EUROCERA 1.7 -2.9 8089
EVERESTIND 279.2 -4.1 106229
EXPLEOSOL 467.6 -3.9 33698
GENUSPOWER 33 -3.1 396787
GICRE 133.8 -1.9 703335
GLAXO 1487.9 -2 49879
GNFC 208.8 -2.1 1002301
GULFPETRO 42 -3 124802
HCC 7.8 -3.1 10580338
HINDOILEXP 80.3 -2.7 818086
HPL 37.6 -4.1 422082
ICIL 132.8 -5 243410
IDBIGOLD 4523.4 -0.2 230
INDNIPPON 337.1 -1.1 22160
INDRAMEDCO 54.6 -2.6 514757
INDUSINDBK 849.1 -4.9 13169530
INFIBEAM 78.3 -2.7 1338199
IRCON 85.1 -2 1401039
IVC 4.5 -4.3 165767
JAICORPLTD 86.7 -3.5 1498518
JINDRILL 82.8 -1.3 64432
JOCIL 167.3 -1.7 15000
JUBLINDS 222.3 -4 63409
KAMATHOTEL 34.2 -3 185671
KARDA 114 -1.6 55232
KARURVYSYA 42.8 -3.7 3201003
KCPSUGIND 15.6 -1.6 584266
KILITCH 89.8 -3.4 5771
KIOCL 127.4 -2.6 125899
KMSUGAR 10.4 -8 380170
KOPRAN 118.6 -5 392120
LINDEINDIA 916.3 -0.9 86981
LUMAXIND 1321 -2.4 8819
MAHSEAMLES 295.8 -2.9 145401
MANAKALUCO 8.2 -1.8 21701
MANAKSIA 51.5 -2.1 182400
MARKSANS 54.2 -4 2441770
MCDHOLDING 30.6 -3 79009
METALFORGE 5.5 -4.3 25570
MIDHANI 187 -1.8 881199
MIRZAINT 52.5 -1.8 724988
MOHOTAIND 10 -3.8 168770
MUKANDENGG 11.9 -2.5 10948
MUKTAARTS 29.8 -3.7 29046
NATCOPHARM 894.5 -1.2 358530
NAVNETEDUL 80.1 -1.8 206775
NECCLTD 9.1 -0.5 51439
NECLIFE 20.4 -2.9 659150
NESTLEIND 17415.3 -1 147626
NITCO 22.9 -3 110938
ONEPOINT 15.9 -4.8 24172
ONWARDTEC 84.4 -2.7 285844
OPTOCIRCUI 5 -4.7 537356
ORIENTHOT 23.9 -1.9 66944
ORISSAMINE 2373.7 -0.6 17844
PANACHE 40 -2.9 31650
PENIND 20.3 -5.6 416157
PGIL 178.4 -4.2 13602
POLYPLEX 681.9 -2.3 83178
PRAKASH 51.9 -3.1 1232693
PRECAM 42 -4.4 337436
PRECWIRE 148.3 -4.2 44655
RAYMOND 322.5 -1.7 1252607
RBLBANK 222.8 -4.3 18370320
RCOM 1.9 -2.6 13398985
RELCAPITAL 10.3 -3.8 2469960
RELIGARE 61.8 -3.5 937841
RHFL 2.3 -4.3 1584674
RIIL 382.1 -2.2 275624
RTNINFRA 6.5 -3 603226
SADBHAV 57.1 -0.6 898044
SAKSOFT 336.8 -4.1 65210
SANWARIA 1.1 -4.3 2359084
SARDAEN 322 -5.9 122085
SDBL 29 -2.2 241954
SETUINFRA 0.9 -5 191977
SHANKARA 328.6 -2.4 103480
SHEMAROO 69.2 -2.4 95025
SHILPAMED 421.3 -1.7 328405
SHIRPUR-G 7.6 -5 25649
SHREECEM 23255.7 -1.9 61633
SINTEX 4 -4.8 2496262
SITINET 1.1 -4.2 17239552
SMSLIFE 570.8 -0.9 15706
SOUTHBANK 8.3 -3.5 27786974
SPTL 3 -3.2 1794509
SRF 5387.4 -0.3 209576
STARCEMENT 94.8 -4.1 709439
SUMIT 9.3 -3.6 52311
SUPERSPIN 4.5 -4.2 62439
SUPREMEENG 24.8 -4.6 41914
TGBHOTELS 5.4 -4.4 28424
THEJO 1070 -2.1 1602
TIDEWATER 4327.3 -1 3192
TIINDIA 781.3 -5.1 257326
TIRUMALCHM 89.8 -3 1124937
TIRUPATIFL 24.7 -4.8 1245
TRIGYN 70.7 -3.6 173380
TRIL 17 -4.8 586757
UFLEX 356.8 -2.2 157116
UGARSUGAR 15.7 -2.8 424238
UJJIVAN 265.6 -1.6 818213
UTTAMSUGAR 94.5 -2.7 171339
VENKEYS 1541.2 -1.1 170699
VICEROY 2.9 -3.4 47569
VINDHYATEL 788.9 -2.5 20222
VSTTILLERS 1816.6 -1.1 18033
YESBANK 16.4 -3.8 245402976
ZENTEC 85.3 -4.2 659992

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

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