Friday, July 30, 2021

Stock Selection List from 30-Jul-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AMJLAND 36.1 5.9 167668 0.61
ASAHIINDIA 383 6.2 243149 9.31
ASAHISONG 412.9 10.9 42017 1.73
ASHOKLEY 132.8 6.1 16968355 225.34
ASTERDM 163.4 3.3 1086177 17.75
BHARATGEAR 124.8 3.5 145199 1.81
DEEPAKFERT 430.9 4.3 761139 32.8
DEEPAKNTR 2039.2 7.3 1213813 247.52
DYNPRO 568.8 7 94859 5.4
GNFC 384.7 1.2 653111 25.13
GSFC 122.3 3.3 2539312 31.06
HINDOILEXP 125.8 5.1 1507181 18.96
IIFLWAM 1411.3 8.9 71184 10.05
INSECTICID 783.6 3.5 134357 10.53
KOKUYOCMLN 75 4.1 760421 5.7
KOTHARIPET 46 6.6 245652 1.13
MANXT50 393.4 0.5 6958 0.27
MARICO 546.7 3.6 2288965 125.14
NAVNETEDUL 99.7 2.5 720478 7.18
PRIVISCL 1588.6 19.6 75104 11.93
QUESS 869.4 6.2 302671 26.31
SHYAMCENT 15.9 4.3 885045 1.41
SOLARINDS 1704.8 4.8 97938 16.7
SPARC 271.4 10.6 1992098 54.07
SPIC 63.9 4.1 2709465 17.31
SUNDRMBRAK 462.6 5.4 22819 1.06
TVSELECT 196.1 3.7 174155 3.42

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AARTIIND 934.8 4.5 1304791 121.97
ABSLNN50ET 401 0.4 449 0.02
AGARIND 349.6 2 48051 1.68
AGRITECH 47.4 5 18708 0.09
AHLADA 215.8 4.3 83106 1.79
AJOONI 60.5 3.6 119997 0.73
ALKEM 3453.6 3.7 236186 81.57
AMDIND 31.5 2.4 71749 0.23
ARENTERP 17.9 0.8 3385 0.01
ARIHANTSUP 96.8 4.8 45316 0.44
ASTRAL 2081.8 0.4 257619 53.63
AUBANK 1219.7 2.2 1327018 161.86
BALKRISIND 2373.8 2.9 351763 83.5
CARBORUNIV 673 2 240339 16.17
CDSL 1331.5 1.5 1119577 149.07
CGCL 534.5 1.6 95093 5.08
CNXMIDCAP 27815.3 1.1 68685 191.05
CORALFINAC 51.8 3.6 330072 1.71
DABUR 600.7 2.8 2087456 125.39
EMAMIPAP 184.4 6.2 252473 4.66
FCSSOFT 2.2 4.8 4823231 1.06
GRANULES 379.4 2.2 4328153 164.21
GRAPHITE 707.7 2.4 1318886 93.34
HAL 1116.3 1.5 365293 40.78
HCLTECH 1025 1.7 4235250 434.11
ICICIGOLD 43 0.9 355806 1.53
ICICIM150 106.6 1.6 25496 0.27
IFGLEXPOR 411.4 2.2 96236 3.96
INOXLEISUR 325.6 0.9 566706 18.45
ISFT 114.1 2.7 90864 1.04
JAGSNPHARM 179.3 2.9 413645 7.42
JAMNAAUTO 89.8 2.9 1789787 16.07
JKIL 220.6 4.6 523575 11.55
JKTYRE 148.4 5.4 2492756 36.99
JUNIORBEES 413.5 0.7 95432 3.95
KALPATPOWR 471.4 0.8 458402 21.61
KAMDHENU 180.6 1.9 178990 3.23
KOTAKNV20 88.3 0.5 11529 0.1
LINCPEN 217.4 4.4 25410 0.55
LT 1601.5 0.3 2653443 424.95
MAGNUM 10 4.7 41713 0.04
MSPL 11.9 4.4 245201 0.29
MUNJALSHOW 161.8 4 207585 3.36
NACLIND 81.5 5.4 459041 3.74
NETFMID150 106.5 1.2 195202 2.08
NILASPACES 2.4 4.3 699697 0.17
OIL 166.8 2 1545382 25.78
ORIENTPPR 31.6 3.8 2981642 9.42
PFC 129.9 1.8 7279151 94.56
PFIZER 5874.1 0.5 97457 57.25
PNCINFRA 314.9 0.6 1146152 36.09
QUICKHEAL 303.1 2 751369 22.77
SBICARD 1036.8 1.9 3654965 378.95
SEPOWER 8.9 4.7 165816 0.15
SHRIRAMCIT 1859.2 2.5 51559 9.59
SILINV 331.4 2.9 24074 0.8
SUNTV 579.6 6.3 2712762 157.23
SYNGENE 638.8 2.1 572297 36.56
TANLA 953.3 2.8 163252 15.56
TATACOFFEE 212.5 0.5 5219913 110.92
THEINVEST 123.3 13.4 27521 0.34
TORNTPHARM 3071.1 1.1 228771 70.26
TOUCHWOOD 111.1 5 30912 0.34
TREJHARA 67.2 3.9 156641 1.05
TTKHLTCARE 786.9 1.6 61124 4.81
VENUSREM 467.6 5 84352 3.94
ZUARIGLOB 158.3 4.8 221359 3.5

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ARSHIYA 28.9 -2.4 169933 0.49
ASAL 59 -2 34238 0.2
ATGL 892.5 -3.2 1529304 136.49
CANDC 3.6 -3.9 58129 0.02
CASTROLIND 138.4 -1.7 1776583 24.59
DFMFOODS 364.9 -9 356014 12.99
DHANUKA 948.7 -5.4 272815 25.88
GRPLTD 925.3 -1.5 2141 0.2
HINDZINC 320.5 -0.9 1584455 50.78
IFBIND 997 -0.7 71647 7.14
LICNETFN50 168.4 -16.2 1287 0.02
LYPSAGEMS 5 -4.8 114485 0.06
MANAKALUCO 17.3 -0.6 106503 0.18
MANGCHEFER 79.2 -2.5 608879 4.82
MASFIN 813.6 -0.2 31164 2.54
RELIANCE 2035.3 -0.9 8334556 1696.33
SAMBHAAV 3.4 -4.2 51576 0.02
SETUINFRA 1.5 -3.2 314146 0.05
SIMPLEXINF 43.9 -4.6 415469 1.82
TCS 3167.4 -0.9 2118172 670.91
UNIVASTU 46.2 -3.4 27125 0.13
VSTIND 3430.3 -1.8 14340 4.92
WELCORP 138.4 -3 2855213 39.52
WELENT 105.6 -2.2 476003 5.03

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Stock Selection List from 29-Jul-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AARVEEDEN 26.1 4.8 23347 0.06
BALRAMCHIN 374.8 7.8 1760405 65.98
CINELINE 58.9 19.8 290665 1.71
CLNINDIA 617.3 5.8 152101 9.39
DALMIASUG 484.3 4.8 368112 17.83
EDELWEISS 92.6 4.7 5303544 49.11
ERIS 771.1 3.9 167926 12.95
GALLANTT 84.8 5.2 254470 2.16
GALLISPAT 66.3 19.5 199584 1.32
GENUSPOWER 74.3 4.9 1490701 11.08
GOCLCORP 291.9 6.1 65971 1.93
ICRA 3752.3 2.5 18615 6.98
JAINSTUDIO 2.9 3.6 2889 0
JKCEMENT 3178.4 4.6 75265 23.92
JSWHL 5178.5 10.6 3069 1.59
JTEKTINDIA 123.3 10.3 1337209 16.49
KKCL 939.5 2.7 7687 0.72
MADHAV 68.6 5.4 133639 0.92
RGL 617.2 9.3 51297 3.17
SCHNEIDER 142.6 13.4 1616872 23.06
SHOPERSTOP 266.9 10.2 429119 11.45
SHREDIGCEM 95 4.5 895493 8.51
SWANENERGY 175.4 19.7 314415 5.51
TATASTLBSL 96.8 6 6035459 58.42
VEDL 288.6 6.8 9918062 286.24

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABFRL 227.2 0.5 3354598 76.22
ADORWELD 737.4 5.4 88252 6.51
ADSL 70.3 1.7 396997 2.79
ALMONDZ 65.5 5 25430 0.17
ANDHRSUGAR 572.3 3.4 366662 20.98
ARIES 169.6 1.3 569832 9.66
AVADHSUGAR 508.1 5.4 421801 21.43
AYMSYNTEX 82.7 3.6 68016 0.56
BHARATWIRE 80.9 5 66907 0.54
CNXMNC 17686.6 0.1 68604 121.34
COUNCODOS 3.2 4.9 158368 0.05
CYBERTECH 198.4 7 545688 10.83
DAMODARIND 50.4 1.8 116110 0.59
DHUNINV 648.9 2 22121 1.44
DLINKINDIA 162.9 4.7 1650573 26.89
ECLERX 2182.5 4.3 90081 19.66
ENIL 200.2 8 248689 4.98
GAEL 191.6 3.7 903568 17.31
GAL 2.8 3.7 755042 0.21
GANGESSECU 93 0.5 47449 0.44
GFLLIMITED 76 3.5 263058 2
GREENPANEL 255.7 3.5 355514 9.09
GSPL 354.1 5.8 1388006 49.15
HCG 244.8 6.2 257129 6.29
HPL 83.8 4.9 581541 4.87
HTMEDIA 32.7 12.6 1320136 4.32
IBMFNIFTY 161.8 0.2 1546 0.03
IBREALEST 153.4 2.1 21815428 334.65
ICICIMCAP 96.3 0.2 16282 0.16
ICICINV20 86.4 1 21645 0.19
ICICINXT50 40.1 0.8 67076 0.27
IEX 433.9 3.6 3220580 139.74
IIFLSEC 112.1 6.3 2622768 29.4
INSPIRISYS 68 4.9 50216 0.34
IRCTC 2321.1 1.6 1613705 374.56
JCHAC 2321.2 1.9 35806 8.31
JMCPROJECT 126.7 5 349345 4.43
JSWSTEEL 748.4 3.7 9064618 678.4
KANSAINER 619.9 1.6 276908 17.17
KIOCL 287.6 5 154387 4.44
KIRLFER 299 4.4 328087 9.81
KSB 1077.3 2 83284 8.97
LIX15 4107.1 0.9 68604 28.18
LOVABLE 128 3.9 238847 3.06
MACPOWER 161.3 4 51475 0.83
MAWANASUG 101.5 4.2 152924 1.55
MMFL 745.5 2.4 28972 2.16
MOLDTKPAC 527.6 3.4 76127 4.02
MUKANDLTD 141.9 2.2 99782 1.42
NAM-INDIA 400.8 0.7 1550088 62.13
NATIONALUM 93 8.7 37233902 346.28
NBVENTURES 119.9 2.4 1364337 16.36
NETFNV20 89.1 0.8 9437 0.08
NRAIL 302.1 20 66409 2.01
ONWARDTEC 250.7 1.7 204121 5.12
ORICONENT 31.1 4.9 223668 0.7
PDMJEPAPER 45.8 5.2 905539 4.15
POLYPLEX 1501.8 1.3 209689 31.49
PRAKASH 86 4.9 1792439 15.41
PRAKASHSTL 1.5 3.4 477975 0.07
PURVA 106.9 3.1 991310 10.6
SAKAR 179.2 1.6 139788 2.51
SBIN 441.6 3.8 32881868 1452.06
SCHAND 138.3 5 245686 3.4
SHARDAMOTR 632.5 0.4 134004 8.48
SKIL 4.1 3.8 260931 0.11
SMLISUZU 572.1 0.7 195426 11.18
SRIPIPES 232.8 3.5 254352 5.92
STARPAPER 169.2 3.7 527869 8.93
SUMMITSEC 660.7 3.2 9237 0.61
SUNPHARMA 703 2.2 4510879 317.11
SUVENPHAR 504.1 1.7 305947 15.42
SWSOLAR 293.1 4 2032302 59.57
TEAMLEASE 3929.3 4.2 28840 11.33
TECHM 1127.8 0.7 2814266 317.39
THOMASCOTT 18.4 4.9 4132 0.01
TRIGYN 156.9 5 506927 7.95
UFO 105.7 6 1437573 15.2
UMANGDAIRY 88.5 1.4 182111 1.61

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AIRAN 24.1 -4.4 317701 0.77
AKG 25.3 -2.5 9659 0.02
ALEMBICLTD 122.7 -2.5 1100771 13.51
APOLLOTYRE 216.3 -2.1 4779315 103.38
ARROWGREEN 142.4 -1.7 12463 0.18
ATLANTA 14.3 -3.7 101251 0.14
BPCL 449.1 -1 6022446 270.47
BRFL 8.9 -3.3 1729089 1.54
CINEVISTA 14.2 -2.4 51416 0.07
DHARSUGAR 21.8 -4 192471 0.42
DIAPOWER 0.8 -5.9 107635 0.01
DIXON 4234.6 -4.1 222672 94.29
EMCO 2.3 -4.3 43476 0.01
FLEXITUFF 20.6 -4.9 14667 0.03
HLVLTD 9.2 -3.7 960176 0.88
IDEA 8.3 -1.2 261651604 217.17
INDUSTOWER 221.9 -4.7 3148905 69.87
IVP 121.8 -5 11112 0.14
JMTAUTOLTD 3 -1.7 2203401 0.66
LOKESHMACH 41 -3.8 30210 0.12
MARUTI 6993.5 -2.4 596088 416.87
MRF 79725.5 -0.2 12875 102.65
NDGL 1432.3 -3.9 4073 0.58
NECLIFE 35.4 -4.3 2305152 8.16
ORIENTHOT 36 -2.3 384582 1.38
POWERGRID 167.4 -26.6 12521176 209.6
RAJTV 43 -4.8 94832 0.41
RAMCOSYS 549.5 -11.6 266576 14.65
RHFL 4.3 -4.5 2612532 1.12
RTNPOWER 6.2 -4.6 22569698 13.99
SANWARIA 0.7 -6.7 4802354 0.34
SOLARA 1631.5 -1.4 86091 14.05
SPICEJET 74.2 -1.3 5517280 40.94
SREINFRA 11.1 -0.9 7546182 8.38
SURANAT&P 6.3 -2.3 291324 0.18
WALCHANNAG 69 -0.6 722779 4.99
WELINV 404.1 -5 3790 0.15
WHIRLPOOL 2139.9 -1.4 154075 32.97
YESBANK 12.9 -0.8 117713670 151.85

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Stock Selection List from 28-Jul-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
BHARATGEAR 123.9 6.3 174526 2.16
BHARTIARTL 567.9 5.1 9896343 562.01
BOMDYEING 108 9.8 8067059 87.12
CALSOFT 13.6 4.6 129193 0.18
CENTURYTEX 796 16.7 1092093 86.93
EMAMIREAL 77.2 4.7 207854 1.6
JKPAPER 252.9 13.4 3614192 91.4
LGBFORGE 8.2 4.5 262390 0.22
MONTECARLO 366 5.3 124207 4.55
RUBYMILLS 303.3 11.3 92599 2.81
SHIVATEX 234.8 20 33280 0.78
SRF 7728 0.9 140297 108.42
TATACOMM 1425.4 5.7 517618 73.78
TCIEXP 1622.3 5.2 207012 33.58
UFLEX 545.4 5.1 607761 33.15
VIMTALABS 333.8 7.5 385421 12.87

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ACCURACY 91.3 4 45507 0.42
AMJLAND 35 5.9 161528 0.57
ANUP 1043 11.9 121187 12.64
APEX 384.4 4.5 556346 21.39
BALKRISIND 2359.9 1.9 383026 90.39
BEL 189.9 3.8 16908572 321.09
BRIGADE 326.4 2.6 571399 18.65
CHEMBOND 239.4 3.3 75391 1.8
DOLLAR 344.4 8 425870 14.67
ENDURANCE 1662.7 1.2 124148 20.64
GNFC 383.9 2.1 651925 25.03
GUJGASLTD 705.3 1.5 2476044 174.64
JUNIORBEES 411.1 0.3 93811 3.86
KENNAMET 1283.3 1.2 15284 1.96
KITEX 175.3 2.8 1318147 23.11
LICNETFGSC 22.3 0.8 8076 0.02
MAYURUNIQ 522.9 5.6 121856 6.37
METROPOLIS 2942.6 0.5 250239 73.64
MHRIL 319.6 2.2 1149674 36.74
MUNJALSHOW 157 3.6 194715 3.06
NETFMID150 105.4 0.5 190642 2.01
NSIL 1805.6 1.3 810 0.15
OCCL 1123.7 2.9 27265 3.06
PANAMAPET 266.1 4.8 325298 8.66
PRSMJOHNSN 144.9 3.5 647007 9.38
RAMANEWS 23 3.8 550019 1.27
RATNAMANI 2080.6 0.6 43587 9.07
RAYMOND 466.1 4.4 1205772 56.2
REDINGTON 319.9 0.6 1638605 52.42
SAIL 133.8 3.2 57497141 769.31
SANOFI 8102.1 1.6 22548 18.27
SATIA 106.5 2.3 814980 8.68
SINTERCOM 86 7.5 57322 0.49
TALBROAUTO 318.5 1.7 135317 4.31
THANGAMAYL 852.4 0.9 58927 5.02
TIMKEN 1598.9 2.6 78337 12.53
TORNTPHARM 3084.7 2.7 277553 85.62
TRIDENT 18.8 4.7 16588199 31.19
TTKHLTCARE 790.2 3.5 60825 4.81
VIKASECO 2.4 4.3 4650706 1.12
VOLTAMP 1589.8 5.6 43426 6.9
ZODIACLOTH 142.3 6.9 255505 3.64

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
A2ZINFRA 5.3 -0.9 735741 0.39
AARTIDRUGS 675 -6.3 386591 26.09
AIAENG 1984.8 -1.1 36321 7.21
ALANKIT 18.9 -4.8 1556404 2.94
APOLSINHOT 740 -3.9 6687 0.49
AXISBANK 722.9 -1.2 8497935 614.32
BALMLAWRIE 133.9 -1.5 550724 7.37
BANKBARODA 78 -2.4 52729733 411.29
BARTRONICS 3.4 -4.2 29509 0.01
BBTC 1247.9 -2.8 160382 20.01
BHANDARI 3.3 -4.4 601737 0.2
CANBK 143.3 -3.7 15217964 218.07
CNXPSUBANK 2372.1 -1.9 68611 16.28
COX&KINGS 1.8 -2.8 650760 0.12
DHAMPURSUG 331.3 -3.2 801107 26.54
ENERGYDEV 11.3 -3 134968 0.15
FELDVR 13 -2.6 83028 0.11
GESHIP 359.6 -2.6 438127 15.76
HATHWAY 25.4 -1.7 11867418 30.14
HCC 11.4 -4.6 9827673 11.2
HDFCAMC 2827.1 -1.3 316727 89.54
HDFCLIFE 664.9 -0.6 3793842 252.25
HEXATRADEX 115.7 -4.9 87174 1.01
INDIGO 1667.5 -2.2 742023 123.73
JPPOWER 4.9 -4.9 84866635 41.58
KOTAKBANK 1652.8 -2.7 3089225 510.59
KOTAKPSUBK 232.6 -1.8 28374 0.66
KRIDHANINF 5.6 -0.9 294804 0.17
LAURUSLABS 618.5 -2.1 3338153 206.46
MARKSANS 81.3 -2.3 6776495 55.09
MCDHOLDING 53.5 -3.9 93436 0.5
MGL 1119.3 -1.5 637001 71.3
NAVINFLUOR 3515.8 -4.5 293770 103.28
NITCO 25.3 -3.8 192979 0.49
OPTIEMUS 150.8 -2.3 66607 1
PIONDIST 124.8 -3.3 42641 0.53
PNC 38.9 -0.6 32284 0.13
PSUBNKBEES 25.8 -2.2 1088068 2.81
PTC 96.6 -1.2 1418876 13.71
RCOM 3.1 -4.5 59985671 18.6
REPCOHOME 344.4 -2.9 189277 6.52
RPOWER 11.4 -4.2 44675959 50.93
SADBHIN 28.5 -2.1 2838866 8.09
SETF10GILT 203.2 -0.2 412 0.01
SHREEPUSHK 169.8 -2.4 148979 2.53
SNOWMAN 50.3 -3.2 3901196 19.62
SREEL 173.4 -6.4 57200 0.99
TAKE 59.4 -2.9 3730599 22.16
TECHNOE 299.9 -1.6 134900 4.05
TIMETECHNO 80.7 -2.2 983337 7.94
TORNTPOWER 454.6 -0.8 1853648 84.27
TVTODAY 291.6 -1.7 273006 7.96
UNIONBANK 35.5 -1.3 24541207 87.12
VGUARD 247.7 -1.6 1450635 35.93
WELENT 107.1 -0.9 472201 5.06

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

Read the disclaimer before making any investment/trading decisions.

Continue reading...

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Stock Selection List from 27-Jul-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
APLAPOLLO 1750.6 8.8 306864 53.72
AUTOAXLES 1500 6.7 50025 7.5
BIGBLOC 109.5 4.2 15634 0.17
CENTENKA 450.1 3.2 340998 15.35
DPWIRES 214.1 15.3 56467 1.21
GABRIEL 138.2 8.6 967735 13.37
GFLLIMITED 76.5 8.1 250246 1.91
GILLANDERS 59.4 4.7 24033 0.14
GOCLCORP 279.3 5.4 60285 1.68
GOLDENTOBC 56.7 20 32690 0.19
GROBTEA 1310.6 5 2638 0.35
HARRMALAYA 236.2 6.3 447005 10.56
HERITGFOOD 490.6 5.7 485123 23.8
IMPAL 797.5 3.7 12933 1.03
KAKATCEM 277 6.6 96527 2.67
MAGMA 167.4 5 1095198 18.33
MALUPAPER 39.3 9 270681 1.06
NIITLTD 307.9 5 2181182 67.16
PFIZER 6005.9 5.9 86595 52.01
POKARNA 395.3 7.5 265289 10.49
RPGLIFE 504.3 8.8 72296 3.65
RUPA 502.4 4.8 1036935 52.1
SALONA 188.3 5.5 41032 0.77
SHREYANIND 139.8 20 156423 2.19
SWSOLAR 290.7 5.5 2094854 60.9
TCI 429.1 3.6 470393 20.18

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADFFOODS 958.4 2.8 44295 4.25
ADSL 71 5 390106 2.77
ANDHRSUGAR 563.8 3.2 368176 20.76
AROGRANITE 72.7 7.2 325465 2.37
AUBANK 1194.8 1.3 1362448 162.79
AVADHSUGAR 496.4 3.4 417061 20.7
BAJFINANCE 6231.4 1.1 1787832 1114.07
BEARDSELL 14.7 5 19048 0.03
BEPL 189.8 1.6 1798510 34.14
BLS 136.8 2.5 725452 9.92
BSL 63.3 4.7 66402 0.42
BYKE 31.6 5 216025 0.68
CNXMETAL 5465.9 1.5 68865 37.64
EASUNREYRL 3.2 4.9 16948 0.01
GAEL 189.3 1.1 892393 16.89
GPTINFRA 98.3 9.2 399696 3.93
GREENPOWER 3.4 4.6 8972513 3.05
HINDALCO 417.4 4.3 12481397 520.97
IGARASHI 542.2 1.5 232649 12.61
INSECTICID 762.5 0.9 135983 10.37
INSPIRISYS 65.7 3 50357 0.33
ISEC 732 2.7 1250625 91.55
JASH 590 3.2 58881 3.47
JINDALPHOT 74.2 1.4 10117 0.08
JINDALSTEL 419.8 4 11295548 474.19
JMCPROJECT 122.8 1.4 338109 4.15
JYOTHYLAB 175 1 1253822 21.94
KESORAMIND 99.2 5.4 2381514 23.62
KEYFINSERV 77.8 1 7643 0.06
KOLTEPATIL 247.7 2.8 753132 18.66
MADHAV 66.5 1.9 131027 0.87
MAGADSUGAR 345.4 4.1 143594 4.96
MATRIMONY 1109.6 3.5 44511 4.94
MELSTAR 3.5 4.5 10280 0
MMFL 736.3 1.5 28880 2.13
MUKTAARTS 39 2.1 36632 0.14
NAGAFERT 16.9 4.6 2193761 3.71
NATIONALUM 87.2 4.3 35642429 310.8
NECCLTD 17.1 9.9 351701 0.6
NELCO 377.6 3.6 644672 24.34
PIONEEREMB 62 4.6 644078 3.99
SAREGAMA 3351.3 1 27426 9.19
SHANTIGEAR 154.8 1.3 96641 1.5
SHRIPISTON 975 3.8 1020 0.1
SIMBHALS 37.9 4.3 137158 0.52
SUNFLAG 88.1 1.3 1349379 11.89
TREEHOUSE 11.4 4.1 44471 0.05
UFO 104.1 2.1 1404039 14.62
VISASTEEL 11.1 4.7 57533 0.06
VSSL 265.2 1.4 431926 11.45
WABAG 373.8 4.6 1124927 42.05

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AAVAS 2586.7 -2.3 82779 21.41
ADANIPORTS 663.2 -2.9 19334770 1282.28
AKASH 203.2 -2.8 52384 1.06
AUROPHARMA 905.4 -5 2085564 188.83
BHEL 61.5 -1.9 67573931 415.58
BIOCON 379.6 -2.6 2584656 98.11
BLUEDART 5609.1 -1.3 32696 18.34
BRITANNIA 3450.8 -0.9 435633 150.33
CIPLA 913.1 -3.9 3020686 275.82
CNXMEDIA 1751 -0.5 68865 12.06
CNXPHARMA 14018.7 -4.3 68865 96.54
COALINDIA 142.4 -1.1 14217398 202.46
CONCOR 639.1 -2.9 3422594 218.74
DNAMEDIA 2.5 -3.9 157412 0.04
DRREDDY 4843.4 -10.5 657524 318.47
FCONSUMER 8.3 -5.2 23887614 19.83
FEL 10.3 -4.2 2112917 2.18
FMGOETZE 296.1 -2 327746 9.7
FSC 85.4 -1.4 129593 1.11
GAMMNINFRA 2 -4.7 6478689 1.3
GLENMARK 588.8 -6 2298563 135.34
GRPLTD 927.8 -1.7 2638 0.24
HDFC 2433.9 -1.2 2764091 672.75
HDIL 5.5 -1.8 541752 0.3
HINDPETRO 269.2 -1.6 5811944 156.46
HINDZINC 320.4 -1.9 2287344 73.29
LUMAXIND 1476.2 -1.3 7146 1.05
LUPIN 1111.6 -5.1 1418926 157.73
MIDHANI 189.9 -4 903551 17.16
NATCOPHARM 1038.9 -1.7 868024 90.18
NESCO 588.1 -1.8 222122 13.06
NEULANDLAB 2041.2 -1.7 39918 8.15
NIBL 18.1 -2.2 17637 0.03
ORIENTHOT 36.2 -0.4 403517 1.46
PATELENG 16.8 -2 4434954 7.45
PATINTLOG 24.4 -0.4 240170 0.59
PCJEWELLER 25.6 -2.3 2791396 7.15
POLYCAB 1802.5 -3 311654 56.18
RADIOCITY 24.8 -1 2335350 5.79
RELCAPITAL 18.1 -3.2 7972954 14.43
RELIANCE 2055 -1.1 8351080 1716.15
ROHLTD 78 -4 182359 1.42
ROLTA 7.2 -4.6 2178612 1.57
RUSHIL 262.4 -4.9 56476 1.48
SALASAR 320.1 -2.3 232157 7.43
SIEMENS 1942.7 -1.7 366851 71.27
STAR 752.5 -2.2 601328 45.25
SUVEN 85.7 -1.1 546212 4.68
SUZLON 7 -4.8 70473384 49.33
TRF 116.2 -3.1 151418 1.76
UNIVCABLES 182.5 -0.9 239146 4.36
URJA 6.8 -4.9 3210213 2.18
VICEROY 3.5 -4.1 69276 0.02
WOCKPHARMA 527.8 -4 1732902 91.46

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

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