The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (120%), Somanycera (200%), Adanigas (350%), CGCL (150%), Saregama (300%), Prajind (300%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AMJLAND 36.1 5.9 167668 0.61
ASAHIINDIA 383 6.2 243149 9.31
ASAHISONG 412.9 10.9 42017 1.73
ASHOKLEY 132.8 6.1 16968355 225.34
ASTERDM 163.4 3.3 1086177 17.75
BHARATGEAR 124.8 3.5 145199 1.81
DEEPAKFERT 430.9 4.3 761139 32.8
DEEPAKNTR 2039.2 7.3 1213813 247.52
DYNPRO 568.8 7 94859 5.4
GNFC 384.7 1.2 653111 25.13
GSFC 122.3 3.3 2539312 31.06
HINDOILEXP 125.8 5.1 1507181 18.96
IIFLWAM 1411.3 8.9 71184 10.05
INSECTICID 783.6 3.5 134357 10.53
KOKUYOCMLN 75 4.1 760421 5.7
KOTHARIPET 46 6.6 245652 1.13
MANXT50 393.4 0.5 6958 0.27
MARICO 546.7 3.6 2288965 125.14
NAVNETEDUL 99.7 2.5 720478 7.18
PRIVISCL 1588.6 19.6 75104 11.93
QUESS 869.4 6.2 302671 26.31
SHYAMCENT 15.9 4.3 885045 1.41
SOLARINDS 1704.8 4.8 97938 16.7
SPARC 271.4 10.6 1992098 54.07
SPIC 63.9 4.1 2709465 17.31
SUNDRMBRAK 462.6 5.4 22819 1.06
TVSELECT 196.1 3.7 174155 3.42
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AARTIIND 934.8 4.5 1304791 121.97
ABSLNN50ET 401 0.4 449 0.02
AGARIND 349.6 2 48051 1.68
AGRITECH 47.4 5 18708 0.09
AHLADA 215.8 4.3 83106 1.79
AJOONI 60.5 3.6 119997 0.73
ALKEM 3453.6 3.7 236186 81.57
AMDIND 31.5 2.4 71749 0.23
ARENTERP 17.9 0.8 3385 0.01
ARIHANTSUP 96.8 4.8 45316 0.44
ASTRAL 2081.8 0.4 257619 53.63
AUBANK 1219.7 2.2 1327018 161.86
BALKRISIND 2373.8 2.9 351763 83.5
CARBORUNIV 673 2 240339 16.17
CDSL 1331.5 1.5 1119577 149.07
CGCL 534.5 1.6 95093 5.08
CNXMIDCAP 27815.3 1.1 68685 191.05
CORALFINAC 51.8 3.6 330072 1.71
DABUR 600.7 2.8 2087456 125.39
EMAMIPAP 184.4 6.2 252473 4.66
FCSSOFT 2.2 4.8 4823231 1.06
GRANULES 379.4 2.2 4328153 164.21
GRAPHITE 707.7 2.4 1318886 93.34
HAL 1116.3 1.5 365293 40.78
HCLTECH 1025 1.7 4235250 434.11
ICICIGOLD 43 0.9 355806 1.53
ICICIM150 106.6 1.6 25496 0.27
IFGLEXPOR 411.4 2.2 96236 3.96
INOXLEISUR 325.6 0.9 566706 18.45
ISFT 114.1 2.7 90864 1.04
JAGSNPHARM 179.3 2.9 413645 7.42
JAMNAAUTO 89.8 2.9 1789787 16.07
JKIL 220.6 4.6 523575 11.55
JKTYRE 148.4 5.4 2492756 36.99
JUNIORBEES 413.5 0.7 95432 3.95
KALPATPOWR 471.4 0.8 458402 21.61
KAMDHENU 180.6 1.9 178990 3.23
KOTAKNV20 88.3 0.5 11529 0.1
LINCPEN 217.4 4.4 25410 0.55
LT 1601.5 0.3 2653443 424.95
MAGNUM 10 4.7 41713 0.04
MSPL 11.9 4.4 245201 0.29
MUNJALSHOW 161.8 4 207585 3.36
NACLIND 81.5 5.4 459041 3.74
NETFMID150 106.5 1.2 195202 2.08
NILASPACES 2.4 4.3 699697 0.17
OIL 166.8 2 1545382 25.78
ORIENTPPR 31.6 3.8 2981642 9.42
PFC 129.9 1.8 7279151 94.56
PFIZER 5874.1 0.5 97457 57.25
PNCINFRA 314.9 0.6 1146152 36.09
QUICKHEAL 303.1 2 751369 22.77
SBICARD 1036.8 1.9 3654965 378.95
SEPOWER 8.9 4.7 165816 0.15
SHRIRAMCIT 1859.2 2.5 51559 9.59
SILINV 331.4 2.9 24074 0.8
SUNTV 579.6 6.3 2712762 157.23
SYNGENE 638.8 2.1 572297 36.56
TANLA 953.3 2.8 163252 15.56
TATACOFFEE 212.5 0.5 5219913 110.92
THEINVEST 123.3 13.4 27521 0.34
TORNTPHARM 3071.1 1.1 228771 70.26
TOUCHWOOD 111.1 5 30912 0.34
TREJHARA 67.2 3.9 156641 1.05
TTKHLTCARE 786.9 1.6 61124 4.81
VENUSREM 467.6 5 84352 3.94
ZUARIGLOB 158.3 4.8 221359 3.5
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ARSHIYA 28.9 -2.4 169933 0.49
ASAL 59 -2 34238 0.2
ATGL 892.5 -3.2 1529304 136.49
CANDC 3.6 -3.9 58129 0.02
CASTROLIND 138.4 -1.7 1776583 24.59
DFMFOODS 364.9 -9 356014 12.99
DHANUKA 948.7 -5.4 272815 25.88
GRPLTD 925.3 -1.5 2141 0.2
HINDZINC 320.5 -0.9 1584455 50.78
IFBIND 997 -0.7 71647 7.14
LICNETFN50 168.4 -16.2 1287 0.02
LYPSAGEMS 5 -4.8 114485 0.06
MANAKALUCO 17.3 -0.6 106503 0.18
MANGCHEFER 79.2 -2.5 608879 4.82
MASFIN 813.6 -0.2 31164 2.54
RELIANCE 2035.3 -0.9 8334556 1696.33
SAMBHAAV 3.4 -4.2 51576 0.02
SETUINFRA 1.5 -3.2 314146 0.05
SIMPLEXINF 43.9 -4.6 415469 1.82
TCS 3167.4 -0.9 2118172 670.91
UNIVASTU 46.2 -3.4 27125 0.13
VSTIND 3430.3 -1.8 14340 4.92
WELCORP 138.4 -3 2855213 39.52
WELENT 105.6 -2.2 476003 5.03
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
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