Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Stock Selection List from 30-Jun-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (200%), Prajind (100%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ALICON 585.4 3.7 19132 1.12
ASTRON 56.9 4.8 308102 1.75
BHARATRAS 14195.5 12.6 10737 15.24
BINDALAGRO 29.6 14 552103 1.63
CAMLINFINE 186.6 7 814471 15.2
CUMMINSIND 899.5 5.7 1460469 131.37
CYBERTECH 155.6 7.3 373758 5.82
CYIENT 859.6 1.7 278903 23.97
EIMCOELECO 406.1 11 7569 0.31
EMAMILTD 560.4 1.9 495600 27.77
EMAMIPAP 158.7 3.3 109520 1.74
EMKAY 90.5 10.8 157780 1.43
FLUOROCHEM 1161.6 12.3 264511 30.73
GUFICBIO 187.3 2.2 1033191 19.35
HBLPOWER 49 10.4 1651376 8.09
KNRCON 238.6 5.5 965024 23.03
KOTHARIPRO 106.7 20 55777 0.6
KUANTUM 76.5 7 82370 0.63
LAOPALA 280.9 6.7 399501 11.22
MORARJEE 20.5 9.3 30779 0.06
MPSLTD 592.2 3 33374 1.98
NDL 49.7 4.9 96361 0.48
PFC 128.8 3.8 7192417 92.64
PNCINFRA 288.4 10.9 782566 22.57
POWERINDIA 1890.3 4.7 52364 9.9
RATNAMANI 2050.8 0.8 40728 8.35
REMSONSIND 256.7 13 30328 0.78
SAKAR 156.3 7.5 111285 1.74
SHALBY 180.3 5.8 976594 17.61
STEELXIND 69.5 19.3 241822 1.68
TCPLPACK 546.3 13.1 17656 0.96
TIIL 521 10.6 53541 2.79
TIRUMALCHM 141.8 5 2090882 29.65
TIRUPATIFL 32.5 5 3630 0.01
UNITEDTEA 352.1 7.2 4938 0.17
UNIVASTU 46.5 4.5 16188 0.08
VIMTALABS 265.9 5.2 377166 10.03
WSTCSTPAPR 263.4 7.3 522078 13.75
ZENSARTECH 311.4 2.8 1194287 37.19

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABBOTINDIA 16808.9 1.6 15553 26.14
AJOONI 61.9 4.8 133287 0.83
AKZOINDIA 2354.6 1.4 16594 3.91
AMJLAND 31.3 1 86508 0.27
ASAHIINDIA 336.4 0.8 138069 4.64
ASTRAL 1989.6 3.3 299080 59.5
ATUL 8977.9 1.2 31188 28
AURIONPRO 163.1 5.8 131505 2.14
BETA 315 5 14560 0.46
BYKE 30.9 4.9 226274 0.7
CADILAHC 645.2 0.7 9269117 598.04
CARBORUNIV 606.3 1.7 309749 18.78
CCHHL 6.7 4.7 179725 0.12
COMPINFO 29.8 3.5 901061 2.69
CONCOR 698.4 0.6 3705954 258.82
COROMANDEL 900.9 0.3 525457 47.34
CROMPTON 434.6 3 1489576 64.74
CUBEXTUB 29.1 4.9 18980 0.06
DCAL 214.5 1.4 2053313 44.04
DHANUKA 960.3 0.6 332843 31.96
DMART 3344.1 2.2 391897 131.05
DONEAR 43.1 6.4 227574 0.98
DPWIRES 173.4 3.6 56042 0.97
ESCORTS 1220.1 2.1 1610893 196.55
FLFL 76.6 3 289877 2.22
FRETAIL 65.8 3.4 4089923 26.91
GOCLCORP 273.3 1.1 48671 1.33
GREENPOWER 3 1.7 3817387 1.15
GSCLCEMENT 46.5 3.6 714595 3.32
GUJRAFFIA 72 5 6877 0.05
HGINFRA 405.6 0.9 289611 11.75
HOVS 56.7 5 18510 0.1
INVENTURE 4.2 2.5 7033529 2.95
JAIBALAJI 54.1 3 92668 0.5
JINDALPHOT 67 0.8 9921 0.07
JTEKTINDIA 110 1.3 1083316 11.92
KRISHANA 114.4 6.5 33895 0.39
KSB 1011.8 1.2 93504 9.46
MADHUCON 6.7 3.9 66672 0.04
MANAPPURAM 168.8 3.7 5755247 97.15
NATCOPHARM 1129.3 3.2 868135 98.04
NECCLTD 15.9 9.7 334229 0.53
NH 492.3 2.1 691340 34.03
NIPPOBATRY 1022.4 9.1 12085 1.24
NUCLEUS 629 3.5 134469 8.46
PLASTIBLEN 266.7 2.7 70235 1.87
PREMIER 3.9 4.1 16355 0.01
PRINCEPIPE 718.4 2.2 602081 43.25
RAMANEWS 20.6 4.3 317547 0.65
REDINGTON 267.4 1.7 954013 25.51
RKFORGE 663 2.3 159090 10.55
RUSHIL 273.9 5 80084 2.19
SAMBHAAV 3.8 4.1 58993 0.02
SBILIFE 1008.2 0.9 2218351 223.65
SCAPDVR 2.4 4.4 112170 0.03
SKFINDIA 2680.3 5.2 53835 14.43
SUMICHEM 386.3 3.5 1040934 40.21
SUMIT 15.4 10.8 208506 0.32
SWSOLAR 272.1 3.7 1832401 49.86
TALBROAUTO 277.7 1.3 100076 2.78
TTKHLTCARE 675.9 0.6 48168 3.26
TVSELECT 165.2 2.6 113765 1.88
VIKASPROP 3 1.7 3686007 1.11
VIPIND 400.6 3.5 515899 20.67
VISASTEEL 11.1 4.7 61020 0.07
WELSPUNIND 96.4 2.9 3469043 33.44
XELPMOC 317.7 3.4 57637 1.83

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AARVEEDEN 21.4 -3.4 15450 0.03
ASPINWALL 190.3 -1.9 7459 0.14
BANCOINDIA 157.8 -2.3 372798 5.88
CAPACITE 194 -0.4 236934 4.6
DIGISPICE 41.5 -1.8 242495 1.01
EKC 93.2 -4 1546196 14.41
GAIL 149.7 -1.5 16922067 253.32
GLOBALVECT 47 -4.1 25856 0.12
GMDCLTD 67.8 -5.6 4092386 27.75
HINDCOPPER 144.1 -1.5 7647064 110.19
HMVL 76 -6 528219 4.01
IDFCFIRSTB 54.2 -3 36691651 198.87
INDUSTOWER 238.7 -1.3 2753622 65.73
METALFORGE 6.2 -3.1 15457 0.01
PGHL 5549.7 -4 11841 6.57
RESPONIND 143.4 -1.4 109694 1.57
SIRCA 327.6 -1 47028 1.54
STAR 759.3 -0.6 674968 51.25
TDPOWERSYS 184.6 -3.3 111926 2.07
UNICHEMLAB 317.7 -1.2 76309 2.42

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Stock Selection List from 29-Jun-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (200%), Prajind (100%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
AJANTPHARM 2085.8 3.9 151717 31.65
APEX 282.8 4.1 295377 8.35
APOLSINHOT 872.7 10 6377 0.56
ARCHIES 20.2 19.2 540952 1.09
BANARBEADS 58.3 5 41414 0.24
BIRLATYRE 31.3 7.6 737816 2.31
CAPTRUST 107 9.1 16700 0.18
DAMODARIND 44.7 20 56317 0.25
ELECTCAST 37.8 4.7 1239274 4.68
GENUSPOWER 59 11.3 586348 3.46
GICRE 204.3 2.8 738769 15.09
GOLDENTOBC 57.9 15.2 23048 0.13
HERCULES 150.3 6.1 218644 3.29
HERITGFOOD 429.9 7.5 471365 20.26
JUBLINDS 330.9 7.8 179261 5.93
LINCOLN 341.3 8 472612 16.13
SGL 12.9 9.8 137976 0.18
SONATSOFTW 754.6 6 260021 19.62
SPICEJET 82.3 3.1 5219046 42.95
TIMETECHNO 89.3 5.4 1175666 10.5
TOTAL 52 6.2 62494 0.32
TRITURBINE 123.3 4 592415 7.3
VAISHALI 44.5 8.3 173022 0.77
VIPULLTD 36 4.9 35065 0.13

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
A2ZINFRA 5.8 0.9 1194152 0.69
ADROITINFO 11.7 5 19607 0.02
ALKEM 3195.8 2.1 259980 83.08
ALOKINDS 27.6 9.9 24989409 68.97
ARSHIYA 36.1 4.9 89426 0.32
AUBANK 1077.3 2.6 1709689 184.18
BARTRONICS 4 3.9 28652 0.01
CENTRUM 47 2.4 4618858 21.71
CHAMBLFERT 310.3 5.2 2120483 65.8
CINEVISTA 13.9 3.4 70097 0.1
CIPLA 979.6 1.7 5844182 572.5
CMICABLES 54.1 5.5 67893 0.37
CNXPHARMA 14330.2 0.6 73964 105.99
DIVISLAB 4356.1 1 649418 282.89
FORTIS 240.3 1.1 4567027 109.75
GEOJITFSL 76.3 2.9 1265297 9.65
GPIL 1321.7 2.6 256844 33.95
GRINDWELL 1242.2 3.5 178619 22.19
GRSE 208.4 1.4 528795 11.02
HCC 12.8 4.9 8967724 11.48
HINDMOTORS 9 4 250714 0.23
HINDUNILVR 2492.6 1.3 1542527 384.49
IBREALEST 115.1 2 12961592 149.19
IGL 550 3.1 2516834 138.43
ISFT 104.3 5 80412 0.84
JPPOWER 5.5 4.7 71166354 39.14
LALPATHLAB 3184.3 1.2 439691 140.01
MAXVIL 74.3 1 313588 2.33
MOIL 195.5 0.6 1686264 32.97
MURUDCERA 28.6 0.7 319043 0.91
NECLIFE 40.9 2.6 3024939 12.37
POWERMECH 736.4 4.6 95469 7.03
PRAXIS 47.4 5 21488 0.1
PRECWIRE 233.1 2.5 72006 1.68
RAMCOSYS 615.3 2.7 230903 14.21
RBL 930.5 3.6 16638 1.55
RELINFRA 91.7 5 10825313 99.27
RSYSTEMS 157.5 7.4 205629 3.24
SALZERELEC 161 2.9 216176 3.48
SDBL 47.5 2.7 506859 2.41
SEPOWER 7.3 3.5 137957 0.1
SETCO 23.5 3.1 516679 1.21
SETFNN50 402.8 0.5 12215 0.49
SHREYAS 184.3 0.6 281662 5.19
SOLARINDS 1588.2 0.5 82214 13.06
SPECIALITY 62.7 3.2 323916 2.03
SUPREMEENG 38 1.6 69453 0.26
SURANASOL 12.1 1.7 74995 0.09
TGBHOTELS 8.5 4.9 44331 0.04
THEINVEST 113.1 7.5 28094 0.32
THYROCARE 1322.8 1.1 795033 105.17
TRIGYN 131.1 8.2 446362 5.85
UFO 94.5 0.5 971114 9.18
UNIENTER 131.9 1.4 76340 1.01
VESUVIUS 1106.4 1.4 21649 2.4
VIPCLOTHNG 17.5 3.6 225410 0.39
WESTLIFE 505.8 3.3 190058 9.61
XCHANGING 83 3.8 489809 4.07

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ABCAPITAL 117.2 -1.1 3237615 37.94
AGROPHOS 12.9 -4.5 136496 0.18
ASAHISONG 335.1 -2.2 32750 1.1
AVANTIFEED 531.5 -1.9 723744 38.47
ESTER 131.3 -2.4 442067 5.8
HAVELLS 978.8 -1.4 1438348 140.79
IDBIGOLD 4311.3 -1.1 139 0.06
IITL 64.7 -3.5 9967 0.06
IOLCP 612.4 -1 862990 52.85
ITC 203.3 -0.1 25124715 510.79
KOTAKBANK 1705.8 -1.6 3274927 558.64
MARINE 64.5 -3.2 815843 5.26
PALREDTEC 123.6 -8.8 26929 0.33
PETRONET 225.8 -0.9 4597281 103.81
SANGINITA 22.4 -1.3 37033 0.08
SHIVATEX 170.7 -4.2 31767 0.54
SILLYMONKS 21.1 -4.1 3930 0.01
SRTRANSFIN 1357.8 -1.1 2148348 291.7
TIINDIA 1152.8 -0.7 98646 11.37
VAKRANGEE 42.6 -2.3 4518333 19.25
VIVIMEDLAB 26.4 -4.9 1265737 3.34
WANBURY 90.2 -5 40475 0.37

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

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Stock Selection List from 28-Jun-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (200%), Prajind (100%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ADVANIHOTR 68.3 4.3 30942 0.21
CARBORUNIV 603 3.2 307434 18.54
EMKAY 82.9 7 124914 1.04
GALLISPAT 59.3 12.9 156966 0.93
GENESYS 128.3 9.8 32063 0.41
GOCLCORP 276.5 9.8 44328 1.23
INDBANK 23.9 18 541348 1.29
INFOBEAN 361.3 19.1 103576 3.74
KIOCL 281.3 1.8 210759 5.93
MBAPL 113.3 8 6755 0.08
NAHARPOLY 174.9 13.2 188424 3.3
NETF 195.1 0.7 350 0.01
OMAXAUTO 63.9 13.6 199630 1.28
ORIENTALTL 12.3 18.9 257402 0.32
PODDARMENT 269.4 11.7 36352 0.98
RAJTV 45.6 15.7 44182 0.2
REMSONSIND 241.4 9.7 27510 0.66
SAKSOFT 525.8 8.5 55082 2.9
SEQUENT 292.2 8.8 799225 23.35
TINPLATE 221.3 5.5 1262802 27.95
UCALFUEL 189.6 11.1 103814 1.97
VISAKAIND 692.4 4 122419 8.48
ZENTEC 90.9 9.5 580651 5.28

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
ACC 2050.9 0.5 705011 144.59
AMBER 2950.8 0.7 104503 30.84
ASALCBR 483.8 0.5 86374 4.18
ATLANTA 13.6 1.9 96850 0.13
ATUL 8936 0.7 35102 31.37
AVTNPL 67.5 1.3 434351 2.93
BALKRISIND 2258.2 0.5 575473 129.95
BANARISUG 1933.6 6.3 6803 1.32
BANKBARODA 87.8 5.1 62859359 551.91
BBTC 1370.3 2.9 154623 21.19
BSE 923.8 1.8 1063755 98.27
CCL 360.6 5.2 806563 29.08
CDSL 992.3 2.1 787101 78.1
CENTEXT 10 9.9 1407815 1.41
CERA 4412.6 1.4 18644 8.23
CPSEETF 26.4 0.9 4975044 13.13
CROMPTON 430 4.8 1466025 63.04
DALBHARAT 1865.6 1.8 170071 31.73
DHUNINV 558 10 16509 0.92
DRREDDY 5404.3 1.8 980177 529.72
DYNAMATECH 1470.8 4.3 17627 2.59
EMAMIREAL 60.8 1.3 109410 0.67
GEPIL 342.3 4.3 389493 13.33
GOODLUCK 112.6 1 641279 7.22
GREENLAM 1243.2 2.3 8973 1.12
GREENPOWER 3 3.4 3727706 1.12
GSCLCEMENT 46.5 2.3 695725 3.24
GTPL 173.8 1.7 196889 3.42
HARRMALAYA 213 1.7 396949 8.46
ICICINXT50 39.5 0.7 61671 0.24
IEX 384.3 2.3 2875207 110.49
INEOSSTYRO 1465.7 2 96311 14.12
INGERRAND 986.7 1.1 157808 15.57
IRCTC 2077.8 0.4 1318495 273.96
JAINSTUDIO 2.6 3.9 2592 0
JINDALSAW 113.2 5.8 4886799 55.32
JMCPROJECT 116.2 2.7 386120 4.49
KABRAEXTRU 195.8 1.8 192495 3.77
KCPSUGIND 26.5 5 1330843 3.53
KERNEX 73 3.5 30626 0.22
KIRLFER 251.6 2.6 263603 6.63
KOPRAN 210.3 5 1082085 22.76
KOTAKBKETF 356.4 0.2 159220 5.67
KPITTECH 245.1 1.6 1140311 27.95
MAHASTEEL 97.8 1.6 64898 0.63
MANGLMCEM 323.9 0.8 67112 2.17
MSTCLTD 276.1 2.4 472582 13.05
MUKANDLTD 123.8 5 167789 2.08
NATIONALUM 80 9 41161545 329.29
NETFNIF100 165.9 0.3 4210 0.07
NEXTMEDIA 6.3 4.2 26842 0.02
ORIENTABRA 33 6.8 424681 1.4
ORISSAMINE 3477.1 5.4 40847 14.2
PREMIERPOL 55 1.1 73335 0.4
REPL 254.2 3.8 47931 1.22
RITES 276.6 2.3 541131 14.97
SADBHAV 79.9 5.1 990843 7.92
SALASAR 695.8 5 118917 8.27
SHALBY 172.9 3.7 942029 16.29
SHIVAMILLS 80 5 48548 0.39
SSWL 784.2 1.8 52409 4.11
SUMICHEM 385.6 1.7 1034957 39.91
SUMIT 14 2.9 152311 0.21
SUNTECK 307.4 2.2 648232 19.93
SWSOLAR 263.6 3.9 1684444 44.4
TASTYBITE 16442.8 5 2061 3.39
TATACOFFEE 183.3 3.1 5662462 103.79
TATAELXSI 3826.2 1.5 234788 89.83
TATAPOWER 122.6 1.2 51523570 631.68
TEXMOPIPES 51.6 5 796398 4.11
TFCILTD 78.7 6.2 819598 6.45
TOKYOPLAST 103.3 3.9 75351 0.78
TORNTPHARM 2936.1 1.7 313083 91.92
TREJHARA 56 3.7 119603 0.67
TRENT 881.4 2.1 818715 72.16
TTKPRESTIG 9048.8 2.8 27785 25.14
UBL 1429.8 3.5 855403 122.31
UFLEX 475.1 1.3 210634 10.01
UGARSUGAR 32.6 3 1215229 3.96
URJA 8 4.6 2860882 2.29
VARDHACRLC 47.3 1.1 200537 0.95
VIKASWSP 7.1 4.4 1267997 0.9
ZEEMEDIA 10.9 4.8 4647420 5.07

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume avg. turnover in cr.
3MINDIA 24756.8 -1.2 3712 9.19
ADFFOODS 924.8 -1.3 35571 3.29
BALAXI 576.8 -1.8 4649 0.27
CHOLAFIN 523.6 -1.6 4870979 255.04
DYNPRO 471.9 -1.4 81078 3.83
GREENPANEL 223.9 -1.4 489492 10.96
HMVL 79.8 -9.9 424611 3.39
HNDFDS 2009.2 -0.8 12627 2.54
IVZINGOLD 4248.4 -0.7 156 0.07
KELLTONTEC 68.2 -3.4 1696529 11.57
MODIRUBBER 73.2 -0.9 4822 0.04
NATHBIOGEN 381.6 -3.9 105881 4.04
NEULANDLAB 1985.3 -1.2 81974 16.27
PROZONINTU 30.8 -4.9 661866 2.04
STERTOOLS 186.1 -2.3 60568 1.13
TEXINFRA 65.7 -2.4 112385 0.74

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.


From today I have started adding average turnover (in Cr.) as a new last column. Although earlier average volume is given so far and one could calculate average turnover based on that, it takes little effort to do that. With this additional column one can quickly see and decide which stocks have enough average turnover that match the capital one is investing. If your capital is small any turnover is fine. If it is high, you can only invest in large turnover stocks. Also large turnover stocks can absorb low volume falls before rising again. If you were to buy 10cr worth of shares, you can easily buy any nifty stocks (need not be reliance or tatasteel). You can not easily buy stocks with <100cr turnover. Similarly if your capital is 1L you can easily buy a stock with 1cr turnover. Hence adding this column.

I have also stopped putting up further filtered lists in telegram channel. Because many stocks are doing well now, as economy is expanding compared to previous years since 2018. So even fundamentally bad stocks turn into good ones, excepting few companies that are good in terms of corporate governance. You can easily filter the worst ones by taking stocks with average turnover > 2cr or so. Not many investors would flock to companies with problems so it will reflect as poor turnover.

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Friday, June 25, 2021

Stock Selection List from 25-Jun-21

The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (200%), Prajind (100%), etc.

The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.

The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.

Important note: No stock goes up a lot without showing up in either of the first two lists here. Similarly no stock goes into downtrend without showing up in the third list here.

This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ALLCARGO 160.7 12 982597
AROGRANITE 59.5 9.1 157696
EBIXFOREX 668.3 8.6 11955
FORTIS 241 3.5 4563702
FOSECOIND 1709.8 20 5319
GALLANTT 68.8 6.7 172550
GANGESSECU 87.7 20 20131
GEEKAYWIRE 100.3 13.5 21150
GUJAPOLLO 254.9 10.4 37207
JAYAGROGN 222.7 5 131488
KOTAKPSUBK 247.6 3 38326
KRIDHANINF 6.6 2.3 280240
MOTOGENFIN 22.2 5 8661
NAVINFLUOR 3647.9 7 351035
NETFMID150 102.7 0.9 153274
PLASTIBLEN 264.1 5.8 62422
PREMEXPLN 152.3 10 24552
RAMANEWS 20.5 9.6 299845
SHOPERSTOP 261.6 15.9 226006
SUTLEJTEX 57.9 4.2 439638
TIIL 480.1 6.6 38267
TNPETRO 113.4 7.7 2169851
USHAMART 55.5 4.9 3899263
VISHAL 59.8 8.6 172449
WELINV 482.6 20 1519

The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ABBOTINDIA 16471.4 0.5 15632
ANUP 870.5 0.3 108836
APOLLOHOSP 3439 7.4 852004
AUTOIND 46.9 3.7 46968
AXISBANK 761.4 3 13535628
BAJFINANCE 6075.8 0.5 2595306
BOMDYEING 91.8 0.7 4971626
CNXAUTO 10706.8 0.8 74271
CNXMIDCAP 26895 1.1 74271
CNXPSUBANK 2507.3 2.6 74271
COMPUSOFT 14.4 4.7 271323
CTE 37.7 4.9 37227
CUB 174.2 0.8 2596902
CUMMINSIND 858 3.1 1310559
E2E 46.3 5 13680
EBBETF0423 1136.9 0 14320
EIDPARRY 450.7 4.9 1066831
FINPIPE 173.9 1.3 879876
GLENMARK 646.4 2.4 3948287
GODREJIND 570.6 1.7 430965
HDFCBANK 1515.1 0.6 7977696
HITECHGEAR 244 1.3 40039
HLVLTD 10.4 4.5 894702
HUBTOWN 27.9 2.6 101791
ICICIB22 39.9 1.5 731234
ICICIGI 1549.2 1.6 630825
ICICIM150 102.2 0.7 34244
ICICIMCAP 93.1 1 10834
IDEA 10.6 11 168838572
IGARASHI 484.8 2.7 276380
INDIAGLYCO 553.2 2.9 312637
INDIANB 148.5 0.8 4702168
INDSWFTLAB 111.8 2.5 642595
INNOVANA 198.8 3.9 8700
INSPIRISYS 53.6 5 52656
JINDRILL 126.3 1.3 135374
KANORICHEM 149.2 4.3 53625
KEI 708.1 5.7 472092
KENNAMET 1231.8 3.1 17314
KIRIINDUS 609.8 2.5 640886
KMSUGAR 31.1 4.9 2292162
KSL 408.4 2.7 197701
LIX15 4014.4 1.1 74271
LT 1523.8 1.3 2941033
MAHSEAMLES 319 2.1 200027
MAN50ETF 162.8 0.3 54725
MTNL 22.4 4.9 3691685
MUTHOOTFIN 1485 1.3 1619357
NAUKRI 4954.2 3.5 631445
NPBET 188.8 0.7 1324
OILCOUNTUB 7.5 4.9 19518
ORIENTPPR 30.1 0.8 2329611
OSWALAGRO 14.1 3.7 369300
PAR 87.3 5 19360
PFIZER 5545.4 0.6 134732
PIIND 2899.6 2.5 402885
PRIMESECU 56.8 5 29974
PSUBNKBEES 27.5 3 1230612
RAJSREESUG 27.3 3.4 62367
RSWM 267.1 4.8 106027
SALONA 148.3 4.3 20061
SALSTEEL 5.8 3.6 117505
SARDAEN 651.6 1.7 198126
SASTASUNDR 274.3 4.7 159584
SBILIFE 1007.2 0.5 2218013
SBIN 428.8 2.8 48476419
SEYAIND 67.7 2 62562
SHILPAMED 568 3.2 1133334
SHYAMCENT 10 3.1 448742
SOMICONVEY 58.1 3.9 28521
SOTL 1325.5 1.8 64828
SPIC 48.3 3.2 2256280
SRF 7046.6 1.6 213669
SRIPIPES 212.9 0.7 214282
SUMMITSEC 614.5 2.3 4904
SURYALAXMI 47 1.1 18558
TARMAT 64.5 4.5 104299
TATASTEEL 1165.3 4.7 21405768
THEJO 2453.3 2.2 2064
TRITURBINE 120.9 2.5 573439
UNIONBANK 39.5 2.9 24214774
UNIVCABLES 199.3 2.7 220082
VENUSREM 350.8 5 76431
WEBELSOLAR 55.9 5 311117
WIPL 69.7 3 2325
ZEELEARN 17.1 4.3 3475028

The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
ADANITRANS 1192.9 -5 1589455
AGROPHOS 13.2 -3.7 129044
BSLGOLDETF 4318.4 -0.1 490
CAPACITE 192.8 -1.4 226070
CUBEXTUB 25.1 -1.2 21019
GESHIP 382.4 -2.9 752863
IIFL 247.8 -1.4 179035
KAPSTON 86.3 -4.4 1175
SHREERAMA 13.4 -9.8 327324
SHRENIK 2.1 -4.4 2170816
WANBURY 92.2 -5 39575

Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.

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