The first list is good for finding stocks that have just started rising and so there is room for more rise in the immediate future. They can also give second chance to exit if market is not in good shape. As proven time and again, these also help finding stocks early on before they take off. Some examples of that are Justdial (100%), Somanycera (100%), Adanigas (300%), CGCL (80%), Saregama (85%), Prajind (100%), etc.
The second list is good for finding stocks that you are already holding or familiar with to hold for some more time and exit partially after a big single day rise. A stock shows up repeatedly in second list to give you chances to prepare to partially sell the stocks.
The third list is to catch good stocks when they are falling. But it can be risky. So some fundamental screening is mandatorily required, otherwise they may not give second chance to exit, unlike the first list. If you already know some good stocks and they show up in the third list, it could be good opportunity to accumulate them.
This day's primary list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
AKSHARCHEM 260.9 5.2 26939
BANARISUG 1751.7 5.1 2636
BANCOINDIA 155.4 1.4 189183
BASF 2228.8 7.5 60929
CONCOR 589.9 5.8 3443141
EIDPARRY 346.6 7.1 375064
HARRMALAYA 156.4 3.9 359387
JAYAGROGN 162.5 12.2 29371
JKTYRE 121.5 4 1570491
NAHARPOLY 129.8 11.7 161718
NBVENTURES 78.3 7.8 1963597
POLYPLEX 958.4 10.4 142741
PRECOT 116.9 4.7 10155
PRINCEPIPE 528.5 7.1 385241
RAMCOIND 282.5 7.7 120882
SAKHTISUG 10.9 7.4 238221
SANGHIIND 45.6 6 2296796
STARCEMENT 102.9 5.3 405255
STEELXIND 64.4 2.9 173400
TATACOFFEE 131 2.5 3085639
The second list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
3PLAND 10.3 3 14564
ARCHIDPLY 33.4 4.9 21362
AURIONPRO 171.1 1.5 167735
BURNPUR 2.5 4.2 77148
CARERATING 500.8 0.7 231691
CCL 266.8 2.3 282925
CENTURYPLY 350 4 298124
CIPLA 910.4 0.4 5704871
DHANUKA 768.9 1.6 51658
DHARSUGAR 6.8 3.8 35274
FCL 71.8 0.8 465664
GENESYS 108.6 4.7 27365
GINNIFILA 21.8 5.6 99986
GULFPETRO 43 2.6 93858
INTENTECH 43.8 8.4 60781
KIOCL 163.8 4.9 141857
LPDC 2.1 5 14124
MAHSEAMLES 289.5 2.2 107209
MCLEODRUSS 22.6 2.5 557364
MIC 0.8 6.7 181515
MOIL 165.1 2.8 1014894
NAHARSPING 104.8 5 70607
NEULANDLAB 2521.2 3.6 68335
ORIENTABRA 24.7 5.1 97986
PRAENG 8.8 2.3 30734
RELINFRA 42.4 13.1 4569147
ROSSELLIND 119.8 6 24505
SHIVAMILLS 47.1 2.2 7952
TATACHEM 792.5 3.8 7889628
TREJHARA 35 5.9 52840
The third list:
company symbol today's close price % rise today avg volume
A2ZINFRA 3.6 -2.7 625781
ADANIGREEN 1019 -3.5 1167481
ARMANFIN 552.4 -3.8 19303
ASAL 31.9 -2.3 6800
AUBANK 1004.3 -10.7 1522482
BCP 3.1 -4.5 892528
BHAGYAPROP 26.2 -5.2 35922
BIOCON 379.6 -3.6 4038147
BOMDYEING 66.2 -1.5 2945181
COUNCODOS 2 -2.4 86999
EIHOTEL 86.7 -1.3 783437
ENDURANCE 1292.5 -0.4 135598
GFLLIMITED 70.1 -0.8 258248
GODFRYPHLP 861.9 -0.3 43729
GPPL 92.2 -2 754847
GRSE 175.5 -2.4 225246
GTLINFRA 0.7 -7.1 17015168
HAVELLS 990.3 -1.9 1811547
HEROMOTOCO 2819.2 -1.4 972230
IFBIND 983.9 -1.2 62942
IMFA 441.6 -3.4 56968
INDOSTAR 303.9 -2 37794
ITC 202.6 -0.8 30129299
L&TFH 87 -3.2 16395520
LUMAXIND 1521.6 -1.3 7054
M&M 752.5 -2.8 4883744
MANGTIMBER 10.3 -3.3 8346
MMFL 446.6 -3.7 14433
MOHOTAIND 6.3 -4.5 26609
MSTCLTD 253.4 -3.8 924003
NESTLEIND 16309.3 -1.2 126063
PILITA 13.4 -2.2 271689
RAYMOND 321.5 -1.4 1108571
RBLBANK 185.8 -2.4 15646451
RUBYMILLS 160.3 -0.8 5467
RUSHIL 178.2 -4.9 48564
SANDHAR 189.7 -1.4 73936
SORILINFRA 123.7 -1.7 190870
TCS 3035.7 -2.6 3471591
TFL 2.4 -4 2769
TOTAL 40.6 -4 39671
UCOBANK 11 -0.5 15185260
UNITECH 1.5 -3.3 1990956
V2RETAIL 106.5 -4.2 64577
VIPULLTD 26.9 -2 53830
ZENTEC 74.5 -1.4 228331
Note: Here today refers to the date of the list.
Further good stocks from the primary list will be posted in telegram channel. Join telegram channel to keep track of updates.
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